Basic information API interface of national universities and colleges

GuGuData - Mar 14 '23 - - Dev Community

Basic information API interface of national universities and colleges

Provide basic information on universities and colleges across the country.


1. Product Features

  • Provide the latest national college basic information and enrollment data;
  • A total of nearly 3,000 accurate data of national colleges and universities;
  • Update correction data once a month;
  • Full interface supports HTTPS (TLS v1.0 / v1.1 / v1.2 / v1.3);
  • Fully compatible with Apple ATS;
  • National multi-node CDN deployment;
  • The interface responds extremely quickly, and multiple servers build API interface load balancing;
  • Interface call status and status monitoring

2. API documentation

API details address:

Interface request address:

Return format: application/json; charset=utf-8

Request method: GET

Request Protocol: HTTPS

Request Example:

Interface test:

3. Request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Default value Remarks
appkey string yes YOUR_APPKEY APPKEY obtained after payment
keywords string Yes YOUR_VALUE Search keywords, fuzzy matching of university name, province, city, old name of university, address field, if the parameter value is empty, all data will be returned
pagesize int No 10 The amount of data per page, the maximum value of the parameter is 100
pageindex int No 1 Page number, which page data
keywordstrict string No false Control whether the keyword parameter is used for fuzzy query when querying, true is to match the name of the university exactly, and the default value is false for fuzzy query
collegecategory string No College category, the parameter default value is empty, no filtering. The optional parameters are: science and engineering\

4. Return parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Remarks
DataStatus.StatusCode int Interface return status code
DataStatus.StatusDescription string Interface return status description
DataStatus.ResponseDateTime string Interface data return time
DataStatus.DataTotalCount int The total amount of data under this condition, generally used for pagination calculation
Data.SchoolUUID string The unique ID of the college on the Gugu Data Platform, which can be used with the College Entrance Examination Score Line, CEE College Entrance Admission ceemajorline interface for unique matching of SchoolUUID
Data.CollegeName string College name
Data.Province string Province where the college is located
Data.City string The city where the college is located
Data.District string District and county where the college is located
Data.Coordinate string The longitude and latitude of the geographic coordinates of the college, the format is [longitude,latitude], and the geographic coordinate system is GCJ-02. If you need to convert the coordinate system, please call the Geographic Coordinate System Conversion interface
Data.CollegeType string The nature of the college, the enumeration of values is: general undergraduate\
Data.Is985 bool Whether it is a 985 school or not
Data.Is211 bool Whether it is a 211 institution
Data.IsDualClass bool Whether it is a dual first-class institution
Data.CollegeCategory string College category, the enumeration of values is: comprehensive \
Data.CollegeTags string[] college tags
Data.EduLevel string School system, the enumeration of values is: general undergraduate\
Data.CollegeProperty string College qualification, the enumeration of values is: public\
Data.CollegeCode string College Code
Data.Ranking int National ranking, the data results returned by the interface are sorted in ascending order according to this value by default
Data.RankingInCategory string Ranking under the category of the college
Data.WebSite string College official website
Data.CallNumber string College Admissions Phone
Data.Email string College Admissions Email
Data.Address string College address
Data.CoverImage string College logo
Data.Intro string College Profile
Data.Expenses string College fees (for reference only)

5. Interface HTTP response standard status code

Status Code Status Code Explanation Remarks
200 The interface responds normally See the business status code below Interface custom status code
403 Request Frequency Exceeded The CDN layer intelligently judges the request frequency through IP, and general high-frequency requests will not trigger this status code

6. Interface response status code

Status Code Status Code Explanation Remarks
100 Normal return By judging this status code, it can be asserted that the interface returns normally
-1 Request failed Request processing request failed
501 Parameter error Please check whether the number of parameters you passed and the parameter types match
502 Request frequency limited It is generally recommended to request no more than 100 times per second
503 APPKEY authority exceeded/order expired Please go to the Developer Center to check whether your APPKEY has expired or whether the authority has exceeded
504 APPKEY error Please check whether the passed APPKEY is the value obtained from the developer center
505 The number of requests exceeds the interface limit Please check whether the corresponding interface has a request limit and your current remaining number of interface requests
900 Interface internal response error The availability of the interface is 99.999%, if you get this status code, please email us

7. Develop language request sample code

The development languages included in the sample code: C#, Go, Java, jQuery, Node.js, Objective-C, PHP, Python, Ruby, Swift, etc. Other languages can be implemented by corresponding RESTful API requests.

code demo

8. Frequently Asked Questions Q&A

  • Q: Is there a cache for data requests?

A: All data is returned directly, and some periodic data is cached during the update cycle.

  • Q: How to ensure the security of the key when requesting?

A: It is generally recommended to place the request to our API in the back-end service of your application. All front-end requests of your application should point to your own back-end service. This architecture is also more pure and easy to maintain.

  • Q: What development languages can the interface be used for?

A: It can be used in all development languages that can make network requests, and is used for rapid data construction of your project.

  • Q: Can the performance of the interface be guaranteed?

A: The interface background architecture is consistent with the commercial project architecture we provide to enterprises. You can view the performance and information returned by the interface by visiting the test interface.

Cuckoo Data, a professional data provider, provides professional and comprehensive data interfaces and commercial data analysis, making data your raw material for production.


Based on the 100-billion-level data storage and performance optimization and related massive basic data support that we have provided to enterprise customers in the past seven years, Cuckoo Data abstracts some compliant general data and general functions into product-level data APIs, which greatly satisfies the needs of users in products. The demand for basic data in the development process also reduces the storage and operation and maintenance costs of massive data, as well as the technical threshold and human development costs of complex functions.

In addition to the classified data and functional interfaces that we have opened, there are still massive amounts of data that are being sorted, cleaned, integrated, and constructed. Later, more data and cloud functional interface APIs will be opened for users to use.

Currently open data interface API

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