How to Train LLMs for Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Learning?

Hakeem Abbas - Sep 27 - - Dev Community

Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing (NLP) by demonstrating the ability to generalize knowledge across various tasks, even with minimal training examples. This capability, referred to as few-shot and zero-shot learning, allows these models to perform tasks they were never explicitly trained on or have seen only a few examples of.
In this article, we'll explore the key concepts behind few-shot and zero-shot learning, the mechanisms that enable LLMs to exhibit these capabilities, and the strategies used to train these models effectively for such purposes.

Understanding Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Learning

Before discussing the training methodologies, it's important to define few-shot and zero-shot learning in the context of LLMs.

  • Few-shot learning: Involves training a model to perform tasks after being exposed to a few examples (e.g., 5 or 10). For instance, if a model is asked to classify movie reviews as positive or negative, it might be given a few labeled examples and then expected to generalize its understanding to unseen reviews.
  • Zero-shot learning: Refers to a model's ability to perform a task without seeing any examples of that specific task during training. The model leverages its broad general knowledge, typically learned from vast amounts of text, to infer the required behavior for novel tasks.

Key Challenges in Training LLMs for Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Learning

Training LLMs for these types of learning presents several challenges:

  • Generalization: The model needs to develop flexible and transferable representations across tasks.
  • Data Efficiency: The model must learn from limited data, especially for few-shot learning, which contrasts with traditional models that typically require large amounts of labeled data for each task.
  • Task Alignment: Especially in zero-shot learning, the model must understand the nature of the task through natural language descriptions (prompts) and then map its knowledge to the task requirements.

Training Strategies for Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Learning

The success of few-shot and zero-shot learning in LLMs is largely due to their training approach, which leverages vast amounts of unstructured text and clever architectural designs. Here’s how it’s typically done:

1. Pre-training on Massive Text Corpora

Most LLMs, such as OpenAI’s GPT models or Google’s BERT, start with a general pretraining phase where the model learns patterns, relationships, and language structures from massive datasets (e.g., the Common Crawl dataset, Wikipedia, books, etc.). These datasets cover a wide range of topics, providing the model with an extensive foundation of knowledge.

  • Masked Language Modeling (MLM): This is the primary objective used in models like BERT, where the model learns to predict missing words in a sentence. This teaches the model to understand sentence context and relationships.
  • Causal Language Modeling (CLM): Models like GPT are trained to predict the next word in a sequence, which helps them generate coherent and contextually appropriate text.

During pre-training, the model is not directly trained for specific tasks but instead implicitly learns a broad understanding of language, concepts, and tasks. This pre-training phase is crucial for enabling zero-shot and few-shot capabilities.

2. Fine-tuning for Task Generalization

Once the model has been pre-trained, it can be fine-tuned to adapt to more specific tasks. In few-shot learning scenarios, fine-tuning is done using a small dataset for a particular task.

  • Multi-task Fine-Tuning: One way to enhance the model’s ability to generalize across tasks is to fine-tune it simultaneously on various related tasks. This prevents the model from overfitting to a single task and encourages cross-task knowledge transfer.

For example, by fine-tuning an LLM on tasks such as text classification, machine translation, summarization, and question-answering, the model can identify common patterns across functions, which can later be applied in few-shot scenarios.

3. Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is a powerful mechanism for LLMs for few-shot and zero-shot learning. Prompts are carefully designed inputs that provide context or instructions to the model on what task it should perform.

  • Few-shot Prompts: In few-shot learning, the model is given examples of the input-output relationship in the prompt. For example, if the task is translation, the prompt might include a few translated sentences before asking the model to translate a new one.

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  • Zero-shot Prompts: In zero-shot learning, the model is not given any examples but instructions. The model must rely on its general knowledge to generate the correct output.

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The quality of the prompts directly affects the model's performance. Clear and specific prompts often lead to better results.

4. In-Context Learning

In-context learning is a form of meta-learning in which the model is given task examples directly within the input rather than requiring retraining on a dataset. The model effectively "learns" how to perform the task based on the context provided in the prompt. GPT models, for example, have demonstrated strong in-context learning abilities.

  • The model uses few-shot examples in the prompt to learn the pattern on the fly without updating its internal parameters.

This capability makes LLMs flexible and reduces the need for explicit retraining when tasked with new problems, as they can adapt quickly based on the context provided.

5. Scaling Model Size

Scaling up the size of the model—both in terms of the number of parameters and the size of the training data—has been shown to improve few-shot and zero-shot learning capabilities.

  • Larger models: With more parameters, models like GPT-3 (with 175 billion parameters) can store more nuanced representations of language and knowledge. This enhances their ability to generalize across tasks and perform well with minimal data.
  • Data diversity: Training on a diverse range of texts allows the model to encounter various linguistic phenomena and tasks during pretraining, improving its adaptability.

While larger models tend to perform better, this comes at the cost of increased computational resources for training and inference.

6. Instruction Tuning

Instruction tuning is a recent approach to improving LLMs' zero-shot capabilities. In this method, models are fine-tuned on datasets that contain instructions paired with tasks. The idea is to teach the model to follow explicit task instructions, improving its understanding and generalization of unseen tasks.
For example, GPT-4 and InstructGPT models have been trained to respond to natural language instructions like “Summarize the following article” or “Translate this paragraph to Spanish.” This tuning improves their zero-shot performance on a wide array of tasks.

7. Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF)

Reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) is another key training method to improve model alignment and task performance in few and zero-shot settings. Human evaluators rank model outputs and these rankings are used as feedback to fine-tune the model using reinforcement learning techniques.

  • This approach helps the model better understand how to align its responses with human expectations, particularly when tasked with new or ambiguous prompts.


Training LLMs for few-shot and zero-shot learning involves a combination of large-scale pretraining, prompt engineering, and strategic fine-tuning. By leveraging diverse data, scaling model size, and incorporating task-specific instructions, these models can perform tasks with little or no direct supervision. As advancements in model architectures and training techniques continue, we can expect even more impressive generalization capabilities from future generations of language models.

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