Building a Blog API with Golang using Gin and Gorm (Part 1)

Adetunji Adetayo - Aug 22 - - Dev Community

Project Overview

1. What You Will Build

You will construct a blog API with the following functionalities:

  • Registration with a username, email and password

  • Login with email and password

  • Create new post

  • Update post

  • Retrieve a particular post

  • Delete Post

2. Prerequisites

Before diving in, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

Basic understanding of Go and JWTs
PostgreSQL installed on your machine

Project Setup

To initiate the project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new folder named blog_api in your development directory and navigate into it.
mkdir blog_api
cd blog_api
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  1. Initialize a Go module with the following command.
go mod init blog_api
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This generates a go.mod file to track your project's dependencies.

  1. Install Dependencies

This project utilizes the gin framework. Run the following command to install gin and other dependencies we will be using

go get
go get
go get

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Now create the following directories:

  • internal

  • internal/auth

  • internal/handler

  • internal/storage

  • internal/router

  • internal/model

  • config

  • Database

  • main.go

Connecting to Postgres

I am assuming that you have postgres installed already, if you dont go ahead and install it
create a database named blog_db

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In your config folder Create a .env file in your root directory to store our database details


DB_DSN=host=localhost user=yourusername password= your_password dbname=blog_db port=5432 sslmode=disable
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Creating models

create models for User and Post

In your internal/model folder, create a user.go and a post.go file


package model

import ""

type User struct {
Username   string    `gorm:"unique; not null"`
Email      string    `gorm:"unique; not null"`
Password   string    `gorm:"not null"`
Posts      []Post    `gorm:"foreignKey:AuthorID"`

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package model

import ""

type Post struct {

    Title    string `gorm:"not null"`
    Content  string `gorm:"not null"`
    AuthorID uint
    Author   User `gorm:"foreignKey:AuthorID"`

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Initializing Database

We will setup the database connection using Gorm. In your internal/storage folder, create a new file named database.go.


package storage

import (

DB *gorm.DB

func InitDB()
dsn := os.Getenv("DB_DSN")
db, err :=, &gorm.Config{})

if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Failed to connect to database", err)


db.Automigrate(&model.User{}, &model.Post{})
DB = db
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In this code snippet:

  • DB is a global variable that holds the database connection.

  • InitDB initializes the database connection using the gorm.Open method and automatically migrates the User and Post models.

Now, set up main.go file to :

  • loads the .env file.

  • Initializes the database.

  • Sets up the router and starts the HTTP server.

package main

import (


func main() {
err := godotenv.Load("config/.env)

if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error loading .env file)


//initialize database 

//setup router
r := router.setupRouter()
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r))

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Note: The setupRouter is a function in our router.go that sets up our application router, feel free to comment it out, we will setup our router in the next part of the blog.

Run the Application

Run the application using the command

go run main.go
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