30 Machine Learning, AI, & Data Science Project Ideas

Henry Boisdequin - Dec 21 '20 - - Dev Community

The best way to learn machine learning, AI, and data science is by creating projects. This way you learn all the concepts you need to know in a real-life situation. What project should I make? I will give you 30 machine learning, AI, and data science project ideas with a description, tutorial if you get stuck, and some further details.

1. Titanic Survival Project

Description: Use machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic/notebooks

2. Chatbot

Description: Create a chatbot which responds to your messages appropriately.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=019a30EnNGk&list=PLlH6o4fAIji5JmlmEs-MYe1tYBwuwW5ah

3. Sentiment Analysis Project

Description: Create a sentiment analysis model which finds the sentiment of the given text.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqvYSY7deeA&list=PLlH6o4fAIji5JmlmEs-MYe1tYBwuwW5ah&index=6

4. Image Captioning Project

Description: Create a machine learning model to create a caption for a given image.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtlnGkqk1VU&list=PLlH6o4fAIji5JmlmEs-MYe1tYBwuwW5ah&index=16

5. Convert Image to Pencil Sketch Project

Description: Create a machine learning model to convert a given image to a pencil sketch.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI94fv_1ow0&list=PLlH6o4fAIji5JmlmEs-MYe1tYBwuwW5ah&index=25

6. Customer Segmentation

Description: Create a machine learning model to find out who your loyal customers are.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdUofaT8gUw&list=PLlH6o4fAIji5JmlmEs-MYe1tYBwuwW5ah&index=30

7. MNIST Project

Description: Create an AI model to detect numbers using the MNIST digit dataset.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-develop-a-convolutional-neural-network-from-scratch-for-mnist-handwritten-digit-classification/

8. Facial Recognition System

Description: Create an AI model to detect who is the person in a given image.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://youtu.be/QSTnwsZj2yc

9. AI Plays Flappy Bird

Description: Create an AI to play a classic game: Flappy Bird.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://youtu.be/MMxFDaIOHsE?list=PLzMcBGfZo4-lwGZWXz5Qgta_YNX3_vLS2

10. AI Draw Numbers

Description: Create a GAN to draw numbers based on the MNIST digit dataset.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-develop-a-generative-adversarial-network-for-an-mnist-handwritten-digits-from-scratch-in-keras/

11. Fake News Detector

Description: Create a machine learning model that can detect if a piece of news is fake or real.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://data-flair.training/blogs/advanced-python-project-detecting-fake-news/

12. Colour Detector

Description: Create a machine learning model that can detect what colour is featured in a given image.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://data-flair.training/blogs/project-in-python-colour-detection/

13. Traffic Signs Recognition Project

Description: Create an AI model that can classify different traffic lights.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://data-flair.training/blogs/python-project-traffic-signs-recognition/

14. FIFA 19 Player Analysis

Description: Analyze FIFA 19 players using linear regression.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.kaggle.com/nitindatta/fifa-in-depth-analysis-with-linear-regression

15. Airplane Crashes Data Visualization Project

Description: Visualize aeroplane crash data.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.kaggle.com/ruslankl/airplane-crashes-data-visualization

16. COVID-19 Visualization & Prediction Project

Description: Visualize and predict COVID-19 cases.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.kaggle.com/therealcyberlord/coronavirus-covid-19-visualization-prediction/

17. Real-time Vehicle Detection Project

Description: Detect cars in real-time using computer vision.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://dev.to/kalebu/how-to-perform-real-time-vehicle-detection-in-python-4i9h

18. AI Plays Football/Soccer

Description: Create an AI to play football/soccer in the Google Football Environment.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://youtu.be/SWllbdcrKLI?list=PL3YDJVV_1t7sKR_ZrO1Ursa_c41I0ErzC

19. Predict Student Test Scores

Description: Use student data to predict their end of year test scores with linear regression.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://youtu.be/45ryDIPHdGg?list=PLzMcBGfZo4-mP7qA9cagf68V06sko5otr

20. Cartoonify an Image

Description: Use machine learning to make the given image a cartoon.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://data-flair.training/blogs/cartoonify-image-opencv-python/

21. Create Fake Faces

Description: Use a GAN model to create fake human faces.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.kaggle.com/sayakdasgupta/fake-faces-with-dcgans

22. Mask Detector Project

Description: Create a real-time mask detector project with Python.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://data-flair.training/blogs/face-mask-detection-with-python/

23. Social Distancing Detector

Description: Use computer vision to detect whether a group of people are social distancing.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2020/06/01/opencv-social-distancing-detector/

24. Handwriting Recognition

Description: Create a machine learning model to detect handwriting.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2020/08/24/ocr-handwriting-recognition-with-opencv-keras-and-tensorflow/

25. Email Spam Detection

Description: Create a machine learning model to detect whether an email is spam or not.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://youtu.be/cNLPt02RwF0

26. Bee or Wasp

Description: Create a machine learning model to detect whether the given image is a bee or a wasp.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.kaggle.com/koshirosato/bee-or-wasp-base-line-using-resnet50

27. Christmas Gift Matching

Description: Create an AI algorithm that maximizes happiness by pairing kids with toys they want.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.kaggle.com/zfturbo/happiness-vs-gift-popularity-v2-0-89

28. Text Generation

Description: Create an RNN model that generates Shakespeare like text.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/text/text_generation

29. AI Plays Connect-4

Description: Create an AI which can play the Connect-4 game.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://youtu.be/8392NJjj8s0

30. Checkers AI

Description: Create an AI which can play the Checkers game.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck): https://youtu.be/RjdrFHEgV2o?list=PLzMcBGfZo4-myY28wdQuJDBi8pCt-GIj6


Let me know if you have started any of these projects and how it went in the comments! Thanks for reading!


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