The Trouble With Blog Post Views and Vanity Metrics

Helen Anderson - Jun 20 '21 - - Dev Community

Even if you've never heard of vanity metrics, you know what they are. They're the thumbs up, hearts, and likes you see across every social media and blogging site. They're the counters that keep going up as users land on your site. They're easy to get, and since they usually increase over time, we tend to think of them as a measure of success.

The problem is, that we can get so engrossed in chasing numbers that we lose sight of why we are writing in the first place.

What are vanity metrics?
Vanity metrics are misleading
Vanity metrics are just the beginning
Vanity metrics and mental health
Where to from here?
Further reading

What are vanity metrics?

There has been a lot of scrutiny surrounding vanity metrics as these numbers don't generate any meaningful results. They often leave us thinking, "Well, that's great, but so what?" At worst, they cause us to focus on writing for the numbers rather than the reader. These are some of the most common vanity metrics generated by analytics platforms:

  • Users – the total number of unique visitors to your page
  • Pageviews – the total number of times a page on your site has been viewed
  • Open rates of an email newsletter - the total number of subscribers who opened an email campaign

Humans are hardwired to measure success by a number, the larger the better. We love to visit the busy restaurant, follow popular social media accounts, and watch the numbers increase. It isn't surprising these metrics are used to evaluate success, but we should also be aware that they can be misleading.

Vanity metrics are misleading

The number of views is the most common metric used to measure the success of a blog or website. They're easy to misunderstand and easy to game.

No impact on the bottom line

A page view doesn't mean much without a sale on an e-commerce site. A blog post view doesn't mean much unless you use it to improve your content or achieve another goal.

They set unrealistic expectations

You may be disappointed and disheartened if one post gets thousands of views and the next does not.

Views don’t mean the post has been read

Someone who clicks on a link to your post may not read it, they may ‘bounce’ right off the page, or skim it and decide it isn't useful at all. This isn't a way to measure the success of your post.

Spam and bots

A spike in page views isn't always good news as not all traffic is created equal. Spam accounts and bots can cause numbers to skew significantly.

Screenshot of google analytics report showing bot traffic skewing number of visitors

*Referrals report showing bot traffic that skewed my post views recently*

Vanity metrics are just the beginning

Before you disregard these metrics altogether, we should consider how to use them in conjunction with other metrics and tools.

Find out what’s being shared

The best compliment you can receive as a content creator or blogger is having your post shared. Your page views may have increased due to this. Knowing who's sharing your writing and where they are, means you can have more meaningful conversations with them.

  • Use a backlink checker like ahrefs to find out which newsletters, pages, and even GitHub repos your post has been shared on.
  • Find out more about the demographics of the people visiting your page using demographics reports.

Find out how the page is performing

When combined with other metrics on your analytics platform, page views can give you a better picture of your post's performance. If you do this, you can tweak your content and identify issues with your site.

  • Use the bounce rate to find out if people are ‘bouncing’ off the page or staying to explore more.
  • Use the new/returning visitors report to discover if people are returning to your site.

Vanity metrics and mental health

In recent years we’ve seen businesses and content creators lean into vanity metrics so much they focus on nothing else. Increasing our page views or follower count is not why we write. Knowing your message is getting out there can be a great feeling, but it shouldn't be the only focus.
Page views are not meant to make you feel bad about yourself. They're also not there so you can get obsessed with earning Internet Points. doesn't show follower counts on your profile for a reason. Use them as guides for your content, not as a measure of your worth.

Where to from here?

Vanity metrics often involve big numbers and out of context can imply success. Alone these can be misleading and sometimes even harmful. These metrics can confuse the purpose of blog posts and why we are writing in the first place.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on page views in the blogging world. Should we make these metrics more visible or do away with them altogether?

Further reading

Why Microsoft doesn't share Xbox sales numbers

Vanity versus actionable metrics

Stop measuring these vanity metrics

Read more

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