Conditionally render react components in cleaner way

Yogini Bende - Feb 23 '21 - - Dev Community

Hello folks,

Almost in every app, we encounter situations where we need to render components or elements conditionally. If a user is logged in, the show user her profile else ask her to login, if the user is admin, show him admin pages etc. are just a few scenarios out of them. The most common practice for such use cases is use of if-else, ternary operators, && operators or switch cases.

Though these are simple to use options, at times, they may make your code messier. Today let’s cover two ways which are very effective and cleaner in terms of handling situations like this.

Using Enum

Let’s consider a scenario, where you want to display a settings page of your app based on the user role. The conditions here are,

  • If the user is admin, show her admin settings page.
  • If the user is not admin, show user settings page.
  • If the user is a guest, ask her to login to get her role.

Simple enough! Apart from this, let's also print the username on their respective pages. (This is just to understand how we can pass props to the components). I have created two different components, AdminSettings and UserSettings with some list items to replicate the real world component.

Both the component are as below -

const AdminSettings = ({ username }) => {
    return (
            <p>Hello {username}</p>
                <li>Admin Settings Option 1</li>
                <li>Admin Settings Option 2</li>
                <li>Admin Settings Option 3</li>

const UserSettings = ({ username }) => {
    return (
            <p>Hello {username}</p>
                <li>User Settings Option 1</li>
                <li>User Settings Option 2</li>
                <li>User Settings Option 3</li>
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Now let’s understand the conditional rendering. We will have one outer settings component, which will get both username and userRole. Using these two options we can decide which setting component to render. This outer settings component will have all the logic of this conditional rendering. Let’s first see the settings component and then understand the enum and conditional rendering.

const Settings = (props) => {
    const { userRole, username } = props;

    const roleSettings = (username) => ({
        admin: <AdminSettings username={username} />,
        user: <UserSettings username={username} />,
        guest: <p>Hello, you will need to login first!!</p>,

    return (

export default Settings;
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In the above code, the roleSettings function is considered as enum. Basically, it is just returning an object with different components. Hence in the return statement, we are actually trying to render one key of that object which matches the userRole. As that key contains the component, our required component will get rendered correctly.

As roleSettings is a function, the whole conditional rendering becomes very clean and easy to implement. Also, you don't need to hardcode many values in your application. You can pass props down to the components using the same function.

Apart from enum, other effective way is using HOC (Higher Order Component).

Using HOC

Higher Order Components in React are the wrapper components which takes the component as an argument and returns a component. Higher order components are considered very effective when working on role based access control systems. Though that is out of scope for this article, I will surely try to cover it in some of my next articles.

For now, just to give you a small example of HOC used for conditional rendering, lets consider the same use-case and use a HOC to show logged-in user.

The HOC will look like this -

function withLogin(Component) {
  return function EnhancedComponent({ isLoggedIn, ...props }) {
    if (isLoggedIn) {
      return <Component {...props} />;

    return (
        <p>Hello, please login to see your profile!</p>

const ShowProfile = withLogin(Profile);

function App({ profile, isLoggedIn }) {
  return (
      <h1>Hello Conditional Rendering</h1>

      <ShowProfile isLoggedIn={isLoggedIn} profile={profile} />
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If you check the code, withLogin is a Higher Order Component, which will return detailed profile or settings page, if the user is logged in, else it will just return a message asking user to login.

We can use similar HOC for loaders or more complex permission based use-cases, which we will be covering in our next article.

If you are using more effective ways of conditional rendering or some different use-cases for HOCs, do share them with me in comments!

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Keep learning!

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