Himani Sharma - Oct 2 - - Dev Community

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS will remove the issue from its roots. Thereby, preventing recurrence of the problem. And the person doesn't have to consume ayurvedic medicine for PCOD for a longer period. Since the ayurvedic medicine for PCOS is herbal, it doesn't pose any threat to side effects.


  • Weight Gain
  • Menstrual Irregularities
  • Anovulation
  • Hirsutism
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Skin Discolouration
  • Acne and Baldness
  • Causes for Polycystic Ovarian Disease
  • Causes of PCOD
    Hormonal imbalance remains the major cause of PCOD. The inactive lifestyle followed due to busy work schedules, genetic conditions, obesity, sleep apnea, and cardiovascular diseases are the other major causes of PCOD. Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD will depend on the cause of the disease. Therefore, experienced ayurvedic doctors will examine the patient to confirm the reason for the condition.
    The hormonal imbalance includes the following:

  • High levels of testosterone (male hormone)

  • High levels of luteinizing hormone

  • High levels of prolactin

  • High level of insulin

  • Low level of sex hormones

  • Overweight

  • Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Disease

  • Symptoms of PCOS

Women with PCOS develop symptoms indicating the hormonal imbalance in the body. The symptoms will be according to the physical conditions of the person. The symptoms of PCOD will include the following:
Excess hair growth on face and body - The production of the male hormone will activate hair growth on the face and body.
Overweight/ obesity - Imbalanced hormonal conditions can lead to weight gain, turning the person to obese.
Acne - Acne indicates increased hormonal conditions. However, acne alone cannot be indicative of the underlying medical problem. An experienced doctor can diagnose the reason by following the medical procedures.
Irregular menstrual periods - The production of male hormones in the female body will adversely affect the production of the ovum. It will cause irregular menstrual periods.
Pain during periods - Abnormal pain during periods.
In addition to the above, the PCOD patient may exhibit the following symptoms too.

  • Pelvic pain
  • Anxiety
  • High blood glucose levels
  • Infertility
  • Thinning of hair

All these symptoms are produced due to the imbalance of hormone levels in the body. The discrepancy in hormone levels affects the release and maturation of eggs during the ovulation process resulting in infertility.
Diagnosing PCOD
The doctor conducts a physical examination, understands, and records the symptoms and previous menstrual patterns to understand the cause of PCOD. Various blood tests and thyroid hormone tests are performed to understand the hormone levels in the body. This is crucial to understand the underlying cause of PCOS and tailor the treatment plan accordingly. An ultrasound scan is performed to view the abdominal and vaginal cavity. This helps the doctor to understand the cyst formation and other abnormalities present in the reproductive system.
The diagnostic process of PCOD is appended below:
Examination of the Patient - The initial checking of the individual will include physical examination and discussion about the medical history, to rule out the possibility of hereditary problems.
Study of the Symptoms - The symptoms will be studied to identify the reason for the condition. A patient may exhibit more than one symptom of PCOD most of the time. The analysis of the symptoms and further tests will confirm the cause of the medical problem.
Menstrual History - The doctor will analyze menstrual history and present variations in the menstrual cycle before going ahead with further examinations. Thus, suggesting ayurvedic treatment for PCOD or ayurvedic medicine for PCOD.
Internal Tests and Lab Tests - The Ayurveda doctor will suggest blood tests, thyroid profile tests, and abdominal and vaginal ultrasonography pinpoint the exact problem. And confirm the level of hormonal imbalance to suggest the right kind of Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS.
Complications Caused by PCOD
PCOS can create complications if proper treatment is not commenced at the earliest. It can lead to severe life-threatening conditions. The other problems triggered by PCOD are as follows:

  • Diabetic Problems
  • Breast Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Complications
  • Depression
  • High BP (Hypertension)
  • Cholesterol Issues
  • Endometrial Cancer Ayurveda PCOS treatment: Is There Any Permanent Cure? The treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) requires a personalized approach due to the variations in symptoms among individuals. In Ayurveda, maintaining a balanced state of doshas is essential for good health. Any disturbance in this balance can lead to the manifestation of diseases. This derangement of doshas is directly linked to the appearance of symptoms, and this relationship between doshas and symptoms is consistent and permanent. The treatment approach involves both Shamana Chikitsa (conservative management) and Shodhana Chikitsa (purification treatment). Initially, the focus is on improving digestion and enhancing metabolism through Shamana Chikitsa. Subsequently, Shodhana Chikitsa, which includes Panchakarma (purification therapy), is administered. Shamana Chikitsa (Conservative Management) Internal medications ** With the proper assessment of physical condition of each individual patient by experienced doctors, authentic ayurvedic formulations are prescribed. Which includes, **Kashaya (Decoction)

Decoction obtained by boiling course powder or Dried Drugs .
Asava and Arishta (fermented preparations)
Drugs will be mixed with the required amount of water and kept for a fermentation process of 15 to 45 days with ( for Arishta) or without (for Asava)boiling)
**Gulika (Tablets)

Is a tablet form they are made by rolling medicinal pastes into balls and drying with use of drier
Choornam (Powder)

Take enough quantity of dried Drugs and are cleaned properly , and made into powder by grinding and filtering.
Ghrita (Medicated Ghee)

Ghee is processed by the drugs that are suitable for the treatment.
Shodhana Chikitsa (Purification treatment)
Authentic and well planned panchakarma treatments along with correct administration of internal medications can cure low back pain effectively.

  • Panchakarma treatments include,
  • Deepana,Pachana (Improving digestive power)
  • Snehana (Oil administration)
  • Swedana ( Perspiration )
  • Vamana (Emesis)
  • Virechana (Purgation)
  • Basti (Enema)
  • Nasya (Nasal medication)
  • Snehana
    Sneha means oily substances and the therapies or medications to give an unctuous or oily effect in the body is called Snehana.It is done in two ways ,internally by oral intake of medicated oily substances and externally by

  • abhyanga.

  • Swedana

  • Sweda means sweat.

  • therapies done using steam or heat for cleansing of the body through perspirations is called Swedana.

  • Swedana includes,

  • Pinda sweda (kizhi)

  • Kaya seka (pizhichil,dhara etc.)

  • Drava sweda (steam,n
    adi sweda)

  • Upanaha (bandaging)

Abhyanga (oil application) and different kinds of steaming methods can improve the circulation and strengthen the back muscles.
These are the main pre-procedures of Panchakarma.
One of the major procedures in panchakarma,best to treat Kapha Dosha involving diseases.
Vamana is defined as the process in which Doshas are eliminated by emesis.
Is one among the panchakarma. Ideal and best for elimination of pitta dosha.
Orally administered medicine acts on internal physiology and expels the toxins and wastes occurs as the bowel passes multiple times.
Basti (enema) treatment is considered to be a prime treatment among the Panchakarma.
In which the drugs are administered through the anal route.
Basti includes,

  • Kashaya basti
  • Sneha basti

Administration of medicine or medicated oil through the nose is known as Nasya

  • Marsha
  • Pratimarsha

Through this way we can treat PCOS. and By follow Proper Diet , Proper Exercise etc. we can restrict its recurrence upto an Extent.

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