Git Cheat Sheet: A Beginner's Guide to Git Commands and Best Practices

Harish Kumar - Oct 1 - - Dev Community

Git is one of the most widely-used version control systems in the world, trusted by individual developers and large teams alike to manage source code, track changes, and collaborate on projects. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an experienced developer, knowing the most useful Git commands is essential. In this guide, we will introduce you to the fundamental Git commands and best practices to help you master version control and streamline your development workflow.

Why Git is Essential for Developers

Git enables developers to:

  • Track changes in their code over time.
  • Collaborate with others on the same project without overwriting each other’s work.
  • Revert to previous versions of code in case something goes wrong.
  • Create different branches to work on new features without affecting the main codebase.

These features make Git an indispensable tool for anyone working on software projects, from solo developers to large teams.

Setting Up Git

Before you start using Git, you need to set up your environment by configuring your username and email address, which will be associated with all your commits.

# Set your Git username
git config --global "Your Name"

# Set your Git email address
git config --global ""
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Once configured, you can check your setup with:

# Display your Git configuration
git config --list
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Setting up your Git profile helps to ensure that your commits are properly attributed to you, especially when working in teams or open-source projects.

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Creating or Cloning a Repository

You can start a new Git repository or clone an existing one to work on an established project.

Initializing a New Repository

To start from scratch, initialize a new Git repository in your project directory:

git init
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This will create a .git directory in your project folder, which will start tracking changes.

Cloning an Existing Repository

If you're contributing to an existing project, you can clone a remote repository onto your local machine:

git clone <repository_url>
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Cloning will download the entire project, including its history, and allow you to work on it locally.

Tracking and Committing Changes

Once you've initialized or cloned a repository, you can begin making changes. Git helps you keep track of these changes through the staging area, which allows you to select what gets committed.

Checking the Status of Your Repository

Always start by checking the status of your repository:

git status
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This will show you which files have been modified and whether they’ve been added to the staging area.

Staging Changes

To track changes, you need to stage them first:

# Stage a single file
git add <file>

# Stage all modified files
git add .
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Committing Changes

Once your changes are staged, commit them with a message:

git commit -m "Describe what you changed"
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Commit messages are essential for documenting the changes, so it’s a good practice to write meaningful and concise messages.

Working with Branches

Git’s branching model allows developers to work on new features or bug fixes in isolation without affecting the main codebase. Branching makes development more efficient and organized, especially in collaborative projects.

Creating and Switching Branches

To create a new branch for a feature or bug fix, use:

git branch <branch_name>
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Switch to the new branch:

git checkout <branch_name>
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Or create and switch to a new branch in a single step:

git checkout -b <branch_name>
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Branches are essential for parallel development and safe experimentation.

Merging Branches

Once your work on a branch is complete, you can merge it back into the main branch:

git merge <branch_name>
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Merging integrates your changes into the target branch. However, if there are conflicts between the changes, Git will notify you, and you’ll need to resolve them manually.

Collaborating with Remote Repositories

Git’s remote repository capabilities enable teams to collaborate on projects by sharing code and tracking contributions.

Adding a Remote Repository

If you're setting up a remote repository, use the following command to add it:

git remote add origin <remote_url>
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This allows you to link your local repository to a remote one, enabling push and pull operations.

Pulling Changes from Remote

To fetch updates from the remote repository, use:

git pull
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This will download and merge changes from the remote repository into your local branch.

Pushing Changes to Remote

After committing your changes, you can push them to the remote repository for others to access:

git push origin <branch_name>
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This is crucial when collaborating with teammates, as it ensures everyone has access to the latest changes.

Undoing Changes

Git provides various commands to undo changes and recover from mistakes.

Discarding Local Changes

If you’ve made changes to a file but want to discard them:

git checkout -- <file>
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This resets the file back to its previous state.

Resetting Commits

If you've made a commit and need to undo it, you can reset to a previous commit:

# Soft reset: Keep changes in the working directory
git reset <commit_hash>

# Hard reset: Discard all changes
git reset --hard <commit_hash>
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Use these commands carefully, especially when working in a shared repository, as they can modify commit history.

Stashing Work for Later

If you're working on something but need to switch tasks before committing your changes, you can stash your work. This temporarily saves your changes, allowing you to come back to them later.

Stashing Changes

git stash
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Applying Stashed Changes

Once you’re ready to resume, apply the stashed changes:

git stash apply
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Stashing is perfect for temporarily pausing your work without needing to commit unfinished changes.

Viewing History and Logs

Git’s log commands allow you to review the project’s history and track progress.

Viewing Commit Logs

To view a detailed log of all commits:

git log
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For a more condensed view:

git log --oneline
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This shows a history of all changes made to the repository, helping you track changes and revert to previous states if necessary.

Comparing Changes

You can view the differences between two commits or between the working directory and the last commit:

# Show changes in the working directory
git diff

# Show differences between two commits
git diff <commit1> <commit2>
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This allows you to identify what has been modified between different states of your project.

Using Tags

Tags are used to mark specific points in a project's history, such as releases or major updates.

Creating a Tag

To create a tag for a specific commit:

git tag <tag_name>
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Tags help you keep track of milestones and can be shared with others.

Pushing Tags to Remote

To push your tags to the remote repository:

git push origin --tags
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This ensures that everyone on the team is aware of these significant points in the project’s history.

Advanced Git Tips and Aliases

To speed up your workflow, Git allows you to create shortcuts for commonly used commands, known as aliases.

Creating Aliases

# Create an alias for git checkout
git config --global checkout

# Alias for git commit
git config --global commit

# Alias for git status
git config --global status
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Using aliases helps save time, especially if you frequently run the same commands.

More Cheatsheets for Other Languages

If you're looking for more detailed Git commands or cheatsheets for other programming languages like JavaScript, PHP, C++, React, and more, try out our VSCode extension: Ctrl+Alt+Cheat. This extension provides quick and easy access to cheatsheets for multiple languages directly in your editor.

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Mastering Git is an essential skill for any developer, whether you’re just starting out or working on large-scale collaborative projects. This cheat sheet covers the basics and will help you manage your codebase efficiently, from committing and branching to undoing mistakes and collaborating with others. Keep practicing, and soon Git will become a natural part of your development workflow.

And don’t forget—if you need more help, check out Ctrl+Alt+Cheat for more in-depth cheatsheets on Git and other programming languages! Happy coding!

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