Restoring GitLab Stacked Diffs: A Deep Dive

Idan - Sep 29 - - Dev Community

Before starting

If you’re reading this article, I assume you’re already familiar with GitLab stacked diff, if you don't care about how GitLab handles stacked diffs internally, jump to "Lets dive in with DiffRewind". However, if you're not well-versed in this topic, I highly recommend checking out this excellent article by Gergely Orosz: Stacked Diffs. It provides a comprehensive overview and is definitely worth your time.

The Challenge of Local Storage

While stacked diffs offer numerous benefits, they come with a unique challenge: they're stored locally in your repository. This means they aren't automatically shared when you clone a gitlab repo, making restoration and sharing across environments potentially tricky.

Why Restoration Matters

Understanding how to restore stacked diffs is crucial for:

  • Recovering work after switching machines
  • Collaborating on complex features
  • Ensuring continuity in your development process

In this guide, we'll dive into effective strategies for restoring GitLab stacked diffs, empowering you to manage your incremental changes with confidence.

Where are Stacked Diffs Saved?

Stacked diffs are stored locally in your Git repository, specifically in the following directory:

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Internal branch naming
While to the developer, it would seem like we are working with one branch, GitLab internally creates a branch for each MR, wiith the following naming structure:

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For example: idan-feature-update-52d754b9
this structure provides key information at a glance:

  • Who created the branch (idan)
  • The name of the stacked diff (feature-update)
  • A short SHA for unique identification (52d754b9)

Branch Storage Format
Each branch in a stacked diff is saved as a JSON file within the stacked diff folder. The naming convention for these files is:

  • Filename: {short_sha}.json
  • Example: For the branch idan-feature-update-52d754b9, the corresponding JSON file would be 52d754b9.json

JSON Structure

Each JSON file contains essential information about the stacked diff branch.

  "prev": "previous_stacked_diff_sha",
  "branch": "author-stackedDiff-name-short_sha",
  "sha": "current_stacked_diff_sha",
  "next": "next_stacked_diff_sha",
  "mr": "merge_request_url",
  "description": "merge_request_description"
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Stack Data Structure
It's important to note that these branches are organized in a stack data structure. Each branch (represented by a JSON file) points to the previous and next branches in the stack, allowing for efficient traversal and management of the stacked diffs.
Understanding this storage mechanism and naming convention is key to effectively restoring and managing your stacked diffs in GitLab.

Restoring Stacked Diffs

Restoring a stacked diff involves recreating the branch structure and updating Git's configuration.

1. Initiate Stacked Diff Restoration

glab stack create
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When prompted, enter the name of the stacked diff you want to restore.

2. Understanding Git's Branch Configuration
Git stores information about all branches (including remote and merge paths) in the git-project/.git/config file. Each branch entry in this file follows this format:

[branch "branch-name"]
remote = remote-name
merge = refs/heads/branch-name
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For each branch in your stacked diff, you need to add an entry to the git-project.git/config file. Here's how to do it:

[branch "author-stackedDiff-name-short-sha"]
remote = {remote-name}
merge = refs/heads/author-stackedDiff-name-short-sha
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3. Specifying the Current Stack
After adding all branch entries, you need to specify which stack you're currently working on. Add the following section to your git-project.git/config file:

currentstack = your-stack-name
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4. Recreating Branch References
For each branch in your stacked diff, you also need to create a file in the git-project.git/refs/heads/ directory:

Navigate to the git-project.git/refs/heads/ directory
Create a new file with the branch name, In this file, add the SHA of the branch.

Lets dive in with DiffRewind

While the manual process described above gives you a deep understanding of how stacked diffs are restored, it can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Fortunately, there's a tool designed to automate this entire process: DiffRewind DiffRewind is a CLI tool that I created specifically created to simplify the restoration of stacked diffs. It automates all the steps we've discussed, making the process of restoring your stacked diffs quick and error-free.

1) Clone the repository:

git clone
cd DiffRewind
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2) Install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
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To restore a stacked diff, use the following command:

python3 <path_to_repo>
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Replace with the path to your GitLab project.


(.venv) [idan@idank DiffRewind]$ python3 ~/testing/sheep-wars/

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Stacked diffs:
[ 1 ] > origin/idan-changes (idan)
    - origin/idan-changes-eb64d1ac (MR IID: 31, Created at: 2024-08-25T11:48:54.159Z)
    - origin/idan-changes-970baf2b (MR IID: 32, Created at: 2024-08-25T12:08:49.314Z)
    - origin/idan-changes-52d754b9 (MR IID: 34, Created at: 2024-08-26T13:42:34.119Z)
    - origin/idan-changes-dbcf3953 (MR IID: 35, Created at: 2024-08-26T16:41:58.492Z)
Select which stacked diff to restore (1,2,3...) > 1
New stack created with title "changes".
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