Consistency vs. Eventual Consistency in Microservices

Isaac Tonyloi - SWE - Sep 14 - - Dev Community

In modern microservice architectures, ensuring data consistency is a significant challenge due to the distributed nature of microservices. When using Spring Boot to build microservices, developers must decide between two key consistency models: strong consistency and eventual consistency. Each model comes with trade-offs in terms of performance, availability, and complexity, particularly when managing distributed transactions or shared data across multiple services.

This article will explore how strong consistency and eventual consistency apply to microservices architectures, their implementation in Spring Boot, common patterns used for consistency, and best practices for choosing the right approach for your system.

1. Consistency in Microservices

Microservices architectures distribute functionality into small, loosely coupled services, each with its own database or persistent storage. This design provides scalability and autonomy but also creates challenges in managing data consistency across services.

When multiple services need to interact and update data, consistency becomes essential to ensure that all services reflect the same state. The two main consistency models applied in microservices are:

  • Strong Consistency: Guarantees that all operations reflect the most recent data and that all services see the same data at the same time.
  • Eventual Consistency: Allows services to operate independently, with the guarantee that, over time, they will converge to the same data state, but there may be temporary inconsistencies.

The CAP theorem (Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance) plays a crucial role in determining which model to choose, especially since network partitioning is inevitable in a distributed system. In microservices, this translates into balancing the need for immediate consistency (which can lead to reduced availability) against eventual consistency (which can lead to temporary data divergence).

2. Strong Consistency in Microservices

In a microservices architecture, strong consistency ensures that all services involved in a transaction see the same data immediately after an update. This often requires coordination between services to ensure that either all of them succeed or fail together, commonly known as distributed transactions.

Common Techniques for Strong Consistency in Microservices:

2.1 Two-Phase Commit (2PC)

Two-Phase Commit (2PC) is a protocol used to ensure consistency across multiple services or databases. It works in two stages:

  • Phase 1: Prepare – The coordinator asks all participants (microservices or databases) if they are ready to commit the transaction.
  • Phase 2: Commit – If all participants agree, the coordinator instructs them to commit the transaction.


  • Guarantees atomicity: Either all services commit their changes, or none do, ensuring consistency.


  • Performance overhead: 2PC can introduce significant delays because services must coordinate and wait for all participants to respond.
  • Blocking: A participant failure can block the entire system, reducing availability.
2.2 Synchronous Communication

In a strong consistency model, services often use synchronous communication (e.g., via REST APIs) to ensure that all services are immediately aware of updates.


  • Service A makes an HTTP request to Service B and Service C to perform updates on their respective data stores.
  • All services need to complete the update and return a success response to Service A before the operation is considered successful.

Spring Boot Implementation:
Using Spring’s RestTemplate or WebClient, you can implement synchronous inter-service communication.

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.postForEntity("http://serviceB/api/update", requestObject, String.class);
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  • Latency: Each service call increases the overall latency.
  • Tight coupling: Synchronous calls create tighter coupling between services, reducing the autonomy of microservices.

When to Use Strong Consistency:

  • Financial transactions: Banking or payment services that must ensure consistency to avoid incorrect transactions.
  • Inventory management: When you need to prevent overselling by ensuring all services see the same stock levels immediately.

3. Eventual Consistency in Microservices

In many microservices architectures, eventual consistency is preferred due to its scalability and resilience. Eventual consistency allows services to operate independently and asynchronously, with the guarantee that all services will eventually converge to the same data state, though temporary inconsistencies may exist.

Common Techniques for Eventual Consistency in Microservices:

3.1 Event-Driven Architecture

An event-driven architecture is commonly used to achieve eventual consistency in microservices. In this model, services communicate asynchronously by emitting events when their internal state changes, and other services react to these events by updating their state.


  • Service A updates its internal state and emits an event (e.g., "OrderCreatedEvent").
  • Service B and Service C listen for this event and update their own state accordingly.

Spring Boot Implementation:
In Spring Boot, you can use Spring Cloud Stream to implement an event-driven architecture with messaging systems like Kafka or RabbitMQ.

public class OrderService {

    private final MessageChannel output;

    public OrderService(Source source) {
        this.output = source.output();

    public void createOrder(Order order) {
        // Create order and publish an event
        output.send(MessageBuilder.withPayload(new OrderCreatedEvent(order)).build());
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  • Stale Data: Services may temporarily have outdated data until they receive and process the event.
  • Complexity: Managing distributed events, message queues, and compensating transactions can increase system complexity.
3.2 Saga Pattern

The Saga Pattern is a design pattern used to manage distributed transactions in an eventually consistent manner. In a saga, each microservice performs its part of the transaction and publishes an event or calls the next service. If one service fails, the previous services trigger compensating actions to undo the changes.

Two Types of Sagas:

  • Choreography-based Saga: Services publish and listen to events without a central coordinator.
  • Orchestration-based Saga: A central orchestrator manages the saga by instructing each service to perform its action and compensating if needed.

Spring Boot Implementation:
Spring Boot integrates well with Saga orchestration tools like Axon Framework and Camunda.

public class OrderSaga {

    @SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "orderId")
    public void handle(OrderCreatedEvent event) {
        // Handle the event and proceed with next service action
        commandGateway.send(new ProcessPaymentCommand(event.getOrderId()));

    @SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "orderId")
    public void handle(PaymentFailedEvent event) {
        // Handle compensation logic
        commandGateway.send(new CancelOrderCommand(event.getOrderId()));
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  • Complexity: Sagas require careful design, especially when it comes to handling failures and compensations.
  • Inconsistent States: During the execution of a saga, services may be in an inconsistent state until the entire saga completes.

When to Use Eventual Consistency:

  • E-commerce platforms: Cart management, order processing, and other non-critical operations where temporary inconsistencies are acceptable.
  • Social media platforms: Posting, liking, or commenting where slight delays in data propagation are tolerable.

4. Comparison: Strong Consistency vs. Eventual Consistency in Microservices

Aspect Strong Consistency Eventual Consistency
Consistency Level Guarantees immediate consistency across all services. Ensures eventual convergence, but allows for temporary inconsistencies.
Communication Synchronous communication between services (REST). Asynchronous communication using events or message brokers.
Latency Higher latency due to coordination across services. Lower latency, as services do not wait for immediate updates.
Availability Lower availability during failures or network partitions. High availability, as services can operate independently.
Transaction Management Distributed transactions (2PC) or synchronous calls. Saga pattern, event-driven systems with compensation mechanisms.
Use Cases Financial systems, inventory management, booking systems. Social media, e-commerce, user activity tracking.

5. Best Practices for Handling Consistency in Microservices

  1. Choose Consistency Based on Use Case: Use strong consistency when correctness is critical, and choose eventual consistency when availability and performance are more important than immediate consistency.

  2. Idempotency: Ensure that all microservices can handle repeated events or commands without unintended side effects. This is critical in eventual consistency scenarios to avoid data corruption.

  3. Error Handling and Compensation: When using the Saga pattern, define clear compensating actions for failures to roll back the state and maintain system integrity.

  4. Monitor and Track Events: In event-driven architectures, use monitoring and alerting systems to track events and detect failures early.

  5. Avoid Synchronous Calls When Possible: Relying too much on synchronous inter-service communication can create tight coupling between services, reducing fault tolerance and scalability.


Choosing between strong consistency and eventual consistency in microservices largely depends on the specific needs of your system. Strong consistency offers predictability and correctness at the cost of performance and availability, while eventual consistency provides higher availability and resilience but at the cost of temporary data inconsistencies.

In Spring Boot microservices, you can implement strong consistency with distributed transactions or synchronous calls, and eventual consistency through event-driven architectures and patterns like Saga. By understanding these concepts and applying the appropriate consistency model, you can design scalable, fault-tolerant microservices that meet your application's business needs.

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