Appwork School - Week 1

Ivy Chen - Jul 26 - - Dev Community

Top learnings 🔄 recap sessions

  • From design file, pay close attention to which containers are dynamic and which ones are fixed with viewport changes
  • An HTML structure is considered good if it can allow adding/changing elements in the future
  • Git merge vs rebase
    • Merge shows all commit history of both branches and is ideal for collaboration
    • Rebase integrate changes from the main branch into feature branch
    • Don’t use rebase if you’re collaborating with other people, because you’ll accidentally change other people’s work

Git commands ⌨️

  • git checkout feature-branch -> git fetch origin? -> git rebase main
  • git checkout main -> git merge feature-branch (to see feature-branch work in main)

How this past week went 🗓️

✅ What was working? Why?

  • Taking the time to visualize how you want to tackle the task and break into smaller to-do’s before actually diving into code.
  • Console logging a lot! Especially in and outside of code blocks to see what’s actually being run. Indicate what you’re logging out too, not just the item itself.
  • Giving ChatGPT very specific git branching scenarios to know with confidence which git commands to give and in what order to keep things up-to-date.

🙅🏻‍♀️ What didn’t work? Why?

  • Just throwing your blocks of code at ChatGPT to debug without thinking about what exactly you want it to check before
  • Being too fixated on a bug for more than 2 hours. Stand up and go take a breath of air. It’ll help reframe your perspective once you come back.
  • Don’t code when you’re too tired because you’ll make stupid mistakes.

Top learnings 🔄 project

  • Try to think ahead early on and plan for future implementations so you won’t have to refactor your logic drastically later to make it work
  • Edge cases like error messages matter for a smooth user experience
  • Make there aren’t redundant (don’t repeat yourself) or unnecessary code
  • Your commits should be concise and descriptive as to what you changed/added/refactored/deleted
  • Learned that PR’s should have test cases for what you want the reviewer to test out on their end manually!

Reminders to self 💅🏼

Habits lead to consistency. Consistency leads to growth.

  • If you want to grow, then develop good habits 💪🏼
  • You’re here at the bootcamp for only 4 more months. Prioritize what’s important and what you want to get out of it

What’s my viewport
GitLens Chrome Extension

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Terabox Video Player