React Performance Optimization Tips

Jagroop Singh - Dec 30 '22 - - Dev Community

Here are the React Performance Optimization Tips that I personally used or learned from somewhere :

1)Use the React.memo() higher-order component or the useMemo() hook to avoid re-rendering components unnecessarily. These tools allow you to specify a comparison function that determines whether a component should be re-rendered based on its props.

2)Use the PureComponent base class or the React.memo() higher-order component for components that do not need to re-render when their props or state do not change. This can help reduce the number of unnecessary re-renders in your application.

3)Use the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method to control when a component should re-render. This can be useful for optimizing performance in cases where a component is re-rendering unnecessarily.

4)Use the React.lazy() function and the Suspense component to implement code-splitting and lazy-loading in your application. This can help improve the initial load time of your application by only loading the code that is needed on a particular route.

5)Use the React Developer Tools browser extension to profile your application and identify performance issues. This can help you understand where your application is spending the most time and make targeted improvements.

6)Use the React.Fragment component to avoid creating unnecessary DOM elements in your application. This can help reduce the number of DOM nodes that need to be managed by the browser and improve performance.

7)Consider using a virtualized list component for long lists of data. This can help improve performance by only rendering the items that are currently visible on the screen, rather than rendering the entire list at once.

8)Use the React.useCallback() hook to avoid re-creating callback functions unnecessarily. This can be particularly useful when passing callback functions as props to child components that do not need to re-render when their parents re-render.

9)Use the React.useReducer() hook instead of the React.useState() hook when you have complex state logic that involves multiple updates to state. The useReducer() hook can be more efficient because it allows you to batch state updates together and avoid unnecessary re-renders.

10)Avoid using the index of an array as a key when rendering a list of items. Using the index as a key can lead to performance issues because it does not provide a stable identity for each item in the list. Instead, use a unique identifier for each item in the list as the key.

11)Use the React.Profiler component to collect performance information about your application. The Profiler component can help you identify the components in your application that are taking the most time to render, which can help you target performance improvements.

12)Avoid using the forceUpdate() method to force a component to re-render. This method bypasses React's optimization for avoiding unnecessary re-renders and can lead to performance issues. Instead, use state or props to trigger a re-render when necessary.

13)Use the React.useEffect() hook with a clean-up function to avoid memory leaks in your application. This can be particularly important when using asynchronous APIs or subscriptions that need to be cleaned up when a component unmounts.

14)Use the React.useRef() hook to store mutable values that do not trigger a re-render when they change. This can be useful for storing values that are used in event handlers or other functions that do not require a re-render of the component.

15)Use the React.useContext() hook to avoid prop drilling. Prop drilling refers to the practice of passing props down through multiple levels of components in order to make them available to a child component. Using the useContext() hook can help reduce the number of props that need to be passed down the component tree and improve performance.

16)Avoid creating new objects or arrays in component render functions. Creating new objects or arrays in a render function can lead to unnecessary re-renders because the component will always receive new props. Instead, try to create these objects outside of the render function or use the React.useMemo() hook to memoize them.

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