How to Delete Duplicate Data from a MySQL Database - Sep 26 - - Dev Community


When working with databases, particularly in environments where large datasets are constantly being modified or appended, it's common to encounter duplicate data. This can lead to inefficiencies in query performance, data inconsistency, and inaccurate reports. Fortunately, MySQL provides robust tools to identify and remove these duplicates.

In this blog, I will walk you through an efficient and comprehensive approach to detecting and removing duplicate records in a MySQL database. The methods here are applicable to most relational database systems, but we'll focus on MySQL for this tutorial.

What Constitutes a Duplicate?

Before diving into code, it's crucial to define what qualifies as a duplicate. In many cases, duplicates aren't just records where all columns have identical values. Often, duplicates may have the same values in a subset of key columns. For example, in a users table, two records may have the same email but differ in other fields like username or signup_date.

For simplicity, in this tutorial, we will assume duplicates are rows where all columns (or a subset of columns) match.

Consider the following example table employees:

id first_name last_name email salary
1 John Doe 60000
2 Jane Smith 65000
3 John Doe 60000
4 Alex Johnson 72000
5 John Doe 60000

Here, the rows with id = 1, id = 3, and id = 5 are duplicates. Our goal is to remove them while keeping only one copy.

Step-by-Step Guide to Remove Duplicates

1. Identify Duplicate Records

The first step is to identify which records are duplicated. To do this, we need to group the records by the columns that should be unique. In this case, let's assume the combination of first_name, last_name, and email should be unique.

You can use the following query to find duplicates:

SELECT first_name, last_name, email, COUNT(*)
FROM employees
GROUP BY first_name, last_name, email
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This query groups the records based on the columns first_name, last_name, and email, and shows only the groups with more than one occurrence, i.e., duplicates.

2. Select the Duplicate Rows to Keep or Delete

After identifying duplicates, we need a method to remove them. A common approach is to keep the record with the smallest or largest id and delete the others. We can do this using a self-join to match each duplicate record with the one we want to keep.

FROM employees e1
JOIN employees e2
ON e1.first_name = e2.first_name
AND e1.last_name = e2.last_name
AND >;
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This query works as follows:

  • It performs a self-join on the employees table where the records have the same first_name, last_name, and email.
  • It ensures that only rows with a higher id (meaning they were inserted later) will be deleted, while keeping the record with the smallest id.

3. Use Temporary Table for More Complex Scenarios

In some situations, you may have more complex conditions to determine which duplicate to keep, such as retaining the record with the latest signup_date or the highest salary.

In such cases, you can use a temporary table to store the rows you want to keep and then delete everything else.

SELECT * FROM employees e1
    SELECT MIN(id)
    FROM employees
    GROUP BY first_name, last_name, email

DELETE FROM employees
WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM temp_employees);
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Here’s what this query does:

  1. Creates a temporary table temp_employees containing only one unique record for each combination of first_name, last_name, and email (in this case, the record with the smallest id).
  2. Deletes all records from the original employees table that are not present in the temp_employees table.

This method is useful when the criteria for deciding which duplicate to keep is more sophisticated than simply using the id.

4. Add Unique Constraints to Prevent Future Duplicates

Once you've cleaned up the duplicates, it’s a good idea to prevent them from reoccurring. You can achieve this by adding a unique constraint to the relevant columns.

For example, to prevent any future rows with the same first_name, last_name, and email:

ALTER TABLE employees
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_employee
UNIQUE (first_name, last_name, email);
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This ensures that the database will throw an error if an attempt is made to insert a duplicate record, thus maintaining data integrity.

Performance Considerations

When working with large datasets, deleting duplicates can be slow and resource-intensive. Here are some tips to optimize performance:

  • Indexing: Make sure that the columns involved in filtering (like first_name, last_name, email) are indexed. This can significantly speed up the process.
  • Batch Deletion: If you are deleting a large number of rows, consider doing it in batches to avoid long locks and reduce the load on the server.

Example of batch deletion:

FROM employees e1
JOIN employees e2
ON e1.first_name = e2.first_name
AND e1.last_name = e2.last_name
LIMIT 1000;
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You can run this query multiple times until all duplicates are removed.


Dealing with duplicate records in a MySQL database is a common task that, if handled incorrectly, can lead to data loss or inconsistent results. Using the steps outlined in this blog, you can confidently and efficiently remove duplicates while preserving the integrity of your data. Moreover, by adding unique constraints, you can ensure that future duplicates are prevented, helping maintain clean, reliable datasets.

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