How to convert 2x2 contingency tables into a format the infer package can use

Jaye Ross - Sep 27 - - Dev Community

Suppose you have this data (from

data = c(43, 39, 19, 25)
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Suppose you want to perform a Chi-squared test of association. In base R, you can do this:

data |>
matrix(nrow=2) |>
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However, suppose you want to use the infer package. Unlike chisq.test, you cannot provide the contingency table directly. In order to use the package, you can convert the table into the appropriate format like this. The idea is to first create the combinations of the factors and then use uncount to produce the correct format:

  stroke = factor(c(1,0)),
  blockage = factor(c(1,0))
) |>
bind_cols(value = data) |>
uncount(value) |>
chisq_test(stroke ~ blockage)
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