MongoDB with Laravel - Simple CRUD app

Jeevachaithanyan Sivanandan - Nov 17 '23 - - Dev Community

As per the Laravel news, MongoDB support is official for Laravel.
This article provides a simplified and practical guide on building a REST API backend application with Laravel using MongoDB as the backend database. It is based on the original MongoDB article here. This guide assumes you have PHP version 8.2 and a MongoDB Atlas cluster account. If you do not have a MongoDB Atlas cluster account, please follow the steps here:


  • PHP version 8.2
  • MongoDB Atlas cluster

Setting up MongoDB support for Laravel Sail:

The original article is not based on Laravel Sail, so if you are using Laravel Sail, follow these steps to install and configure MongoDB support for Laravel:

Update Dockerfile and composer.json files:

In the file /vendor/laravel/sail/runtimes/8.2/Dockerfile, add the package php8.2-MongoDB to the line RUN apt-get update.

In the composer.json file, add the line _"MongoDB/laravel-MongoDB": "4.0.0" _to the require section.

Run the command_ sail up _to install the necessary packages.

Once it is successful, create a new route to check PHPinfo

Route::get('/info', function () {

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and access localhost/info. You should see the MongoDB section.

Configure the config/database.php file to use MongoDB:


'connections' => [
        'mongodb' => [
            'driver' => 'mongodb',
            'dsn' => env('MONGODB_URI'),
            'database' => 'sample_airbnb',

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Ensure the .env file has the following line:


Replace username, password, and with your MongoDB Atlas cluster information.

Create models and controllers:
Create a model named AirBnBs and a controller named AirBnBController.

The model file has the code as below


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
//use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use MongoDB\Laravel\Eloquent\Model;

class AirBnBs extends Model
    use HasFactory;

    protected $connection = 'mongodb';

    // equivalent to mySQL table    
    protected $collection = 'listingsAndReviews';


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listingsAndReviews is the name of the collection comes with demo database in Atlas Cluster.

Check MongoDB connection:
Create a route for ping and access http://localhost/ping. You should see a message if the connection is successful. If there is any error, check your MongoDB Atlas cluster and ensure your IP address is added for access.

Implement CRUD operations:
After establishing the connection, implement CRUD operations for the demo listings.

we have below routs

Route::get('/ping',[AirBnBController::class, 'ping']);
Route::get('/list',[AirBnBController::class, 'getListing']);
Route::get('/update',[AirBnBController::class, 'updateListing']);
Route::get('/delete',[AirBnBController::class, 'deleteListing']);

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Get listings:
Create a route for getting listings with a condition to return fewer data. The condition selects listings with bedroom greater than or equal to 10. The corresponding MongoDB query is {bedrooms: {$gte: 10}}. The Eloquent query is AirBnBs::where('bedrooms', '>=', 10)->get().

So the code for get listing is


public function getListing(Request $request)
        $listing = AirBnBs::where('bedrooms', '>=', 10)->get();

        return  response()->json($listing);

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Update listing:
Create a route for updating a listing. Use the _id field as a unique identifier to update the name field.

  public function updateListing(Request $request)
        //important make sure it is a string, not an integer
        $item = '20958766';
        $name = 'Updated with Laravel Again and Again';

        try {
            $updateListing = AirBnBs::where('_id', $item)->update([
                'name' => $name

            return ($updateListing == 1) ? "Successfully updated name $name" : "Failed to update";
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();

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Delete listing:

Create a route for deleting a listing. Use the _id field to delete the record.

  public function deleteListing(Request $request)
        //important make sure it is a string, not an integer
        $item = '20701559';
        try {
            $result = AirBnBs::where('_id', '20701559')->delete();
            return ($result == 1)  ? "Successfully deleted the item $item " : "Failed to delete";

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();


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This guide provides a basic example of implementing CRUD operations using Laravel and MongoDB. For more advanced features, please refer to the official MongoDB documentation.

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