【Interview Essentials】Common JavaScript Interview Questions

Jessie Chen - Oct 12 - - Dev Community


1. What are the data types in JavaScript?

There are 7 basic data types (primitive types) and 1 reference type:

  • Primitive Types:
    1. string
    2. number
    3. boolean
    4. null
    5. undefined
    6. symbol
    7. bigint
  • Reference Type:
    1. object (includes arrays, functions, etc.)

2. What is the difference between null and undefined?

  • null: A special object representing "no value." It is often explicitly assigned to a variable to indicate that it currently does not reference any object.
  • undefined: Indicates a variable has not been assigned a value, or is uninitialized. It's the default value of a declared but unassigned variable.


  • Different types: typeof null is "object", while typeof undefined is "undefined".
  • Semantic difference: null is used as an intentional placeholder for "no value," while undefined means the variable hasn't been initialized.

3. What is the difference between call, apply, and bind?

The this Keyword

In JavaScript, the value of this depends on its execution context (i.e., how it is called). call, apply, and bind are methods that allow you to explicitly set the value of this when invoking a function.

call Method

  • Usage: function.call(thisArg, arg1, arg2, ...)
  • Functionality: Invokes a function, explicitly setting this and passing arguments individually.
  • Features:
    • Invokes the function immediately.
    • The first argument is the this value, followed by individual arguments.
function greet(greeting, punctuation) {
  console.log(greeting + ', ' + this.name + punctuation);

const person = { name: 'Alice' };

greet.call(person, 'Hello', '!');  // Output: Hello, Alice!

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apply Method

  • Usage: function.apply(thisArg, [argsArray])
  • Functionality: Invokes a function, explicitly setting this and passing arguments as an array.
  • Features:
    • Invokes the function immediately.
    • The second argument is an array of arguments for the function.
greet.apply(person, ['Hi', '?']);  // Output: Hi, Alice?
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bind Method

  • Usage: function.bind(thisArg, arg1, arg2, ...)
  • Functionality: Returns a new function with this bound to the specified value, and allows pre-setting some arguments.
  • Features:
    • Does not invoke the function immediately.
    • Returns a new function that can be called later.
const greetAlice = greet.bind(person, 'Hey');
greetAlice('!');  // Output: Hey, Alice!
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Method Immediate Invocation Argument Format Return Value Use Case
call Yes Individually Function result Used when calling a function and explicitly setting this.
apply Yes Array Function result Used when calling a function with this, passing arguments as an array.
bind No Individually New function Used when creating a function with this permanently bound, ideal for callbacks.

4. Differences between let, var, and const

Scope Hoisting Mutability
var Function-scoped; available globally if declared outside functions. Hoisted, but only the declaration is hoisted (initialized to undefined). Variables can be reassigned and redeclared within the same scope.
let Block-scoped, limited to the enclosing block. Hoisted but not initialized. Throws a ReferenceError if accessed before declaration. Variables can be reassigned, but cannot be redeclared within the same scope.
const Block-scoped, like let. Hoisted but not initialized, like let. Must be initialized at declaration, and cannot be reassigned (though object contents can be modified).

5. Closures

A closure is when a function "remembers" and continues to access variables from its outer environment, even after that environment has ceased execution.

Key concepts:

  • Lexical Scope: A function's scope is determined when it is defined, not when it is executed.
  • Function Nesting: Inner functions have access to the outer function's variables.
  • Variable Lifetime: Normally, variables inside a function are destroyed after the function completes. However, closures allow these variables to persist.

Example of a closure:

function outerFunction() {
  let outerVariable = 'I am outside!';

  function innerFunction() {

  return innerFunction;

const closure = outerFunction();
closure();  // Output: I am outside!

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6. Prototype Chain

In JavaScript, objects inherit properties and methods from other objects via prototypes. Every object has a hidden [[Prototype]] reference to another object or null. This is the basis of inheritance in JavaScript.

function Person(name) {
  this.name = name;

Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {
  console.log('Hello, ' + this.name);

const john = new Person('John');
john.sayHello();  // Output: Hello, John

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If a property is not found on the object, JavaScript will look up the prototype chain to find it.

7. Event Loop

The event loop is the mechanism in JavaScript that handles asynchronous operations by allowing code execution to be split between synchronous and asynchronous tasks.

  • Call Stack: Executes synchronous code.
  • Task Queue: Holds asynchronous tasks to be executed after the stack is empty.
  • Microtasks: Higher priority tasks like Promise callbacks.
  • Macrotasks: Lower priority tasks like setTimeout.

8. JavaScript Performance Optimization

  • Reduce HTTP Requests: Combine files (CSS, JavaScript) to lower the number of HTTP requests.
  • Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Serve static assets from multiple server nodes to reduce load times.
  • Compress and Minify: Use Gzip, Brotli for compression, and minify code to remove unnecessary characters.
  • Image Optimization: Use modern formats like WebP for smaller file sizes.
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