Finding the Perfect Fit: Evaluating Low Code and Custom App Development

Jigar Shah - Mar 11 - - Dev Community

The frontier of the modern era entirely depends on how the usage of mobile applications is evolving regularly. According to stats by Statista, the number of mobile users worldwide stood at 7.1 billion, with forecasts suggesting a projection of 7.49 billion by 2025. As a business, paying close attention to creating applications is paramount. But now, the million-dollar question that grabs any business's attention is how they guarantee high-quality and profitable solutions, right?

This is where the argument starts: Should they go with custom app development or low-code development solutions for their next project? Low code is the only option for businesses that desire prompt delivery and an intuitive interface. Regarding the latter, developing bespoke apps leads to more diverse design options and personalized fixes.

Thorough research is necessary to select one strategy from the two so that, as a developing company, you can quickly determine which one to use based on the demands of your project. This article will walk you through the critical distinctions between the two strategies so that, as a company, you may choose wisely and more effectively for your next project.

What is Low Code App Development?

Low-code app development is one method of designing and developing apps with little to no coding. Platforms for low-code application development enable companies to create unique solutions with cutting-edge features tailored to their unique business models. Low code development services can help you by providing pre-built components and templates, drag-and-drop interfaces, and visual programming tools.

Most of you must be intrigued and wondering how this even functions. The method employs visual interfaces with drop-and-drag functionality and simple logic instead of sophisticated programming languages.

The global low code market is predicted to generate a revenue of $187.0 billion by 2023, rising from $10 billion in 2019. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 31% during the forecast period. That is a lot, right? So, the approach is gaining popularity.

Low code app development platform examples:
1) Mendix: It is a low-code platform that allows users to create apps with visual interface and drag-and-drop components. It also provides features like collaboration and integration with other systems.

2) Microsoft Power Apps: It is a low-code platform offered by Microsoft. It provides a range of tools and templates to create web and mobile applications, leveraging the power of Microsoft Azure.

What is Custom App Development?

Custom app development is designing, developing, and deploying software apps for specific users or use cases. A custom app development company can help you by providing tailored solutions to your needs. The experts can understand your requirements design, and develop a unique app that aligns with your business goals.

For example, several businesses and organizations customize their HR portals for employees, freelancers, etc. Building these apps simply helps companies to deploy applications that best fit their business needs.

Low Code vs Custom App Development: A Comparison

Now that you understand and know what low-code app development and custom app development are, we will take you through the comparison between both so that you can make an informed decision for your next business project.

Comparison 1 – Business Value
Due to the ability to quickly prototype and develop apps utilizing visual interfaces and pre-built components, low-code app development might result in a quicker time to market. Businesses can gain from this feature by swiftly modifying and refining their apps in response to shifting needs.

On the other hand, custom app development has the benefit of providing solutions specifically designed to match a company's particular requirements. These applications offer a more customized user experience by being made to fit specific workflows, procedures, and branding specifications. This degree of personalization can boost effectiveness, output, and user happiness, ultimately raising the company's value.

Comparison 2 – Coding Skills
Low-code app development typically requires fewer coding abilities than custom app creation. With drag-and-drop capabilities and visual interfaces, low-code platforms enable users to create apps without requiring a deep understanding of programming. This makes it easier for people who don't know how to code or who want to quickly develop apps without learning a lot of coding.

However, developing custom apps usually calls for more sophisticated coding abilities. For developers to create apps from scratch, they require knowledge of programming languages, frameworks, and technologies. Because developers have total control over the functioning and design of the application, this degree of coding expertise permits greater flexibility and customization.

The application's complexity and customization requirements determine the coding proficiency level needed. Low-code development can be an excellent option for someone with little experience with coding. On the other hand, custom app development can be more appropriate for companies with specific requirements and demanding highly tailored solutions.

Comparison 3 – Development Time
Compared to custom app creation, low-code app development typically offers faster development times. Developers can easily design apps using pre-built components, templates, and visual interfaces with low-code platforms. It can drastically reduce the time needed for testing and development, enabling companies to release their products faster.

However, custom app creation usually entails creating apps from the ground up, which can take longer. To ensure the functioning and dependability of the program, developers must write code, design the architecture, and conduct extensive testing. The development process may take longer with this customization and attention to detail.

Comparison 4 – IP Rights
Regarding low-code app development, there may be differences in ownership and control of the underlying platform and its elements. To understand how the low-code platform manages intellectual property rights, it is imperative that you carefully read through its terms and conditions. While some low-code platforms grant users complete ownership, others may reserve specific requests to the code or applications developed on their platform.

Conversely, developing custom apps usually gives you greater control over intellectual property rights. Since the program is created from the ground up, the client or the company that commissioned the development usually has ownership and control over the code and intellectual property.

Comparison 5 – Security
Security features in low-code app development are usually included in the platform. These platforms frequently come with security features that assist in safeguarding the applications developed on them, like data encryption, user authentication, and access controls. Again, to ensure the low-code platform satisfies the security requirements required for your application, you must assess its security features and protocols.

You can have more control over security measures with custom app development. Developers can put best practices and particular security policies into place based on the application's needs. By ensuring that the application satisfies the highest security standards, this degree of flexibility can help solve unique security concerns.

It is imperative to adhere to security best practices throughout the development process, regardless of the development methodology. It entails routine security audits, establishing suitable authorization and authentication procedures, encrypting confidential information, and keeping up with security patches and upgrades.

Comparison 6 – Maintenance
When developing low-code apps, the maintenance procedure is frequently streamlined. Low-code platforms facilitate the efficient application of updates and bug fixes by offering pre-built components and modules. The venue usually takes care of upgrades and the underlying infrastructure, which relieves the developer of some of the work. It is crucial to remember that minimal code development may offer less customization and flexibility, making it more challenging to meet specific maintenance requirements.

However, developing custom apps necessitates more manual upkeep. Because the application is entirely customizable, developers can control the coding and make necessary changes. This gives you more freedom to handle maintenance problems and roll out upgrades. It also implies that the development team or company that owns the application keeps it updated and maintained.

Which One to opt for: Low Code or Custom App Development?

Now that you’ve looked at low-code app development custom app development closely and analyzed the comparison between both. But now, it all boils down to which one you should opt for your next business project, right? Let us help you by breaking it down for you in more straightforward ways.

When Should You Choose a Low Code App Development?
When a firm needs to develop an application rapidly, has no technical know-how or resources, and is focused on meeting deadlines, it should consider low-code app development.

Users may create apps with little coding experience using low-code platforms' visual, drag-and-drop interface. This makes it perfect for companies looking to construct simple applications without requiring a lot of coding, quickly prototype concepts, or produce minimal viable products (MVPs).

Businesses with a backlog of projects or limited development resources can also profit from low code development, which makes it possible for non-technical team members or citizen developers to contribute to application development. Low-code app development might benefit companies looking for quicker time to market, more affordable solutions, and the capacity to iterate and adapt swiftly.

When Should You Choose Custom App Development?
Custom application development is the only option available to businesses with sophisticated, one-of-a-kind requirements, distinct functionalities, or particular design requirements that off-the-shelf alternatives cannot satisfy. Companies may construct a custom application that fits their business goals and procedures since it allows them total control over the development process.

Custom app development is the best solution when organizations need high security, scalability, customization choices, and seamless connection with existing systems. It also has the benefit of future-proofing the application, making it simple to update and grow as the company changes.

Custom app creation offers the flexibility and opportunity for a highly personalized solution that fits the specific demands of the business, even though it may take more time and money than off-the-shelf options.


Both the development approaches, i.e., low code and custom app development, have their benefits. The key to deciding which one to opt for your next business project entirely depends on your business requirements.

For instance, if you’re looking for short delivery time and less bespoke building processes, then in such cases, low code app development would be appropriate. On the other hand, customized solutions are the best when you’re looking for customized solutions for your business projects.

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