Hi community, I need help and I believe that it can also help tones of people so i'll go straight to the point with the Use case:
A friend of mine wants to enter the project development world and he wants to be a JS full stack dev.
The end requirements would be:
- Javascript (^ES6)
- Services and Microservices
- React
- Redux
- Hooks
- Node.js
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Sequelize
- Mongo DB
- Mongoose
- Apollo (after GraphQL)
- GraphQL
I'm always hands on tones of things and I would like to specialise myself on JS too because i'm coding since 10+ years ago but worked with java, php, asp, html, css, Sass, bootstrap, js, C++, react, preact, angular and other languages and libs, so I also need that (I feel kinda frustrated and I want to keep a main language and the overall environment), plus I love JS.
So here I am asking for your experience on this questions:
- Should I add (or remove) other stuff in the requirements? Which ones and Why?
- The learning roadmap I set (in order) would be fine and suffice or it lacks something?
- Do you think the roadmap would be the same for me (10+ years of coding experience) than for my friend (a complete begginer that knows something about HTML and CSS only)?
- Feel free to comment whatever you feel like about the topic