Best Practices To Optimize Flutter App Performance

Johnson Gray - Apr 24 - - Dev Community

Flutter, the open source software development tool developed by Google, can be used to develop applications across multiple platforms. It has transformed mobile application development because of its single codebase system. But, it can deliver better results and for this it is necessary for developers to follow best practices that can help in boosting application performance.

In this article, we will see how using various best practices can help optimize Flutter app performance.

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Proven Techniques That Can Optimize Flutter App Performance

  • Using widgets efficiently and avoid rebuilding them: The widgets in Flutter can be essentially seen as the building blocks for the app UI. These widgets are made by utilizing libraries that resemble React Native. It is crucial for developers to make efficient use of these widgets to optimize performance. This can be achieved by avoiding any unnecessary nesting of widgets, which can lead to creation of complex widget trees and slow rendering of apps. Developers can prevent unnecessary rebuilds by using const constructors for widgets that don't change. Similarly, using ListView.builder for long lists can help in optimizing the app speed and responsiveness. The efficient use of widgets can help developers optimize Flutter app performance.
  • Using async/await: The use of async/await in Flutter is an effective way to handle asynchronous operations that can optimize app performance for enhanced user experience. The async/await keyword is used for non-blocking I/O operations that prevent GUI freezing when the data is fetched or there are long computations. The async feature is used to declare an asynchronous function which can contain the await expressions, The await keyword is used to pause the execution that improves the readability and maintainability by making the asynchronous code look synchronous.These are used for tasks like network requests, database operations or heavy computations to ensure that the UI thread is not blocked.
  • App size reduction: Reducing the size enables faster downloads, takes up less storage space and offers a better user experience. This is one of key best practices that can be used for optimizing Flutter app performance. There are many ways to for app size reduction, such as removing the unused code and resources, reducing or minimizing the resource import by using –tree-share-icons option, and obfuscation and minification options while building the release. Another method is to split the app into different APKs that are based on ABI or screen density which can help reduce the individual app size.
  • Image optimization: Image optimization can be achieved by using compressing images without losing the quality of images, using suitable image resolutions and cache process to load images faster. Low resolution images can reduce memory usage and can be used for low memory or smaller devices. The image compression tools such as flutter_image_compress, can be used to reduce file size, without any perceptible loss in image quality. Vector graphics can also be used to produce high quality visuals using less space. This best practice can help in increasing the app performance and responsiveness.
  • Terminating utilized resources: Properly closing and discarding resources such as files, databases or streams when they are not required reduces or even stops memory leaks and helps in optimizing app performance. In Flutter, streams can be closed using streamController.close() method. This best practice contributes to efficient resource management which enables an app to be more responsive and work more smoothly, helping enhance user experience.
  • Avoid using Global Keys: One of the better ways to optimize Flutter app performance is to avoid using Global Keys. Global keys can increase the complexity in the widget tree and are expensive to use. Global keys maintain the state globally that can cause the whole widget subtree to keep rebuilding, which affects the performance of the app. Developers can consider using other keys like ValueKey, ObjectKey or UniqueKey. They can also use state management solutions like Provider or Riverpod. The use of this best practice for efficient key usage can help develop a more maintainable codebase that leads to a more smoother and responsive app.
  • Lazy loading: This best practice is recommended for optimizing Flutter app performance. Lazy loading defers loading of non-essential content until it's required, which is very useful when there are large lists of data. By using Lazy loading, the app will only load the data that is immediately necessary and delay loading the rest of the data until it is required. This can be done using the ListView.builder constructor that builds widgets that are visible on the screen.
  • App profiling: Developers can analyze the app performance characteristics by using the built-in profiling tools available in Flutter. These tools can help identify the bottlenecks in the code that may be slowing down the app. It also lets developers measure CPU and memory usage, including frame rendering time and other metrics. Regular use of profiling tools ensures that apps run smoothly and efficiently, which leads to a better user experience.
  • Using Flutter’s latest version: Using the latest version of Flutter can help optimize Flutter app development and performance. Flutter routinely releases updates that include new features, software performance improvements, bug fixes and security patches. Developers can stay updated by using the latest tools and optimizations provided that help maintain the compatibility with the latest versions of dependencies and Dart language. Using the latest version can also prevent any issues from cropping up from using old, unoptimized features. Using the latest version is the key to more effective and efficient app development practice.

A company providing Flutter mobile app development services can help in development and optimization of apps by using the best practices. Besides optimizing app performance, the best practices listed above can also contribute to a more responsive and smoother user experience. Flutter continues to evolve and progress, and developers can utilize the full potential of Flutter’s framework to develop quality applications to the users.

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