React Context API: A Comprehensive Guide

Kada Guetouache - Aug 18 - - Dev Community


React context API is a way to share state across multiple components without the need to pass data through each level of component tree. React context API essentially creates a data layer that allows components to subscribe and access data without been direct child of the component that's providing the data.

Why use React Context API

The context API creates a global state that is accessible through the whole application which results in simple and structured data flow through components and makes the hole code cleaner and organized.

Understanding the basics

Through this whole post we will be creating a global theme context just for the sake of simplicity.

Creating a context

we will create a file called themeContext.jsx and passed the following logic in it.

creating a context can be done in simple steps which is importing and calling createContext with default options

import {createContext} from 'react'

export const ThemeContext = createContext('light')
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we will also need to change the theme mode so we are going to add a function to default options.

import {createContext} from 'react'

export const ThemeContext = createContext({
      theme: 'light', 
      setTheme: () => {}
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Creating a Provider

For our context API be accessible through all components, we will need to create a provider and then wrap our application or parts of it with the context provider. In this case we will wrap the whole application.

most of context API logic will also be inside the provider for our case we will only need a useState to change the theme mode but more expensive logic can be placed in context provider.


  • import useState cause we will need it.
  • create a functionnal components and export it for better naming convention we will call it ThemeProvider.
  • the ThemeProvider must accept children because we are gonna wrapped it around our application in main.jsx file (I'm using React with Vite).
  • Create a Theme state in our case the logic is only needed. but more complex logic can be used in here.
  • return ThemeContext.Provider the ThemeContext created in first step, then pass to it theme, setTheme to value because we want to access those values in other components.
import {useStaet} from 'react'

export const ThemeProvider = ({children}) => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState('light')

  return (
    <ThemeContext.Provider value={{theme, setTheme}}>
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Next step is to go starting point of your application, this works for our case put you choose other location depending of your use case.
import the ThemeProvider and wrap <App /> with our context provider. This step make sure that the theme, setTheme state is accessible through the whole application.

      <App />
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Consuming the provider

Now in any other component we will need to call useContext from react and ThemeContext from themeContext.jsx file.

then destruct the theme,setTheme values and use them in you component.

import {useContext} from 'react'
import {ThemeContext} from './themeContext'

const App = () => {  
  const {theme, setTheme} = useContext(ThemeContext)
  // some logic to change background color here

     <button onClick={() => setTheme("light")}>Light</button>
     <button onClick={() => setTheme("dark")}>Dark</button>

export default App;
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Enhancing Context API with custom react hook

PS: I have already created a post about getting started with custom hooks in react if you have any issues please click here

we can avoid calling useContext from react and ThemeContext by defining a custom react hook.
In themeContext.jsx file create a custom hooks called useTheme

const useTheme = () => {
  const context = useContext(ThemeContext)

  if (!context) throw New Error('something went wrong!')

  return context
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and in other components just import this custom hook

import {useTheme} from 'themeContext'

const App = () => {
  const {theme, setTheme} = useTheme()

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In this guide we have dived into understanding the context API, and demonstrate it's efficacy in streaming data across the components of your application. We have created a context and it's provider and wrapped our app with context provider and learn how to consume the provider and even enhance the code by utilizing custom hooks.

Thank you for reading.

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