Getting Started with GraphQL

Kartik Mehta - Feb 27 - - Dev Community


GraphQL is an open-source query language for APIs that was developed by Facebook in 2012 and released to the public in 2015. It's a powerful and flexible alternative to traditional REST APIs, with its ability to provide a more efficient way of querying and retrieving data from a server. In this article, we will explore the advantages, disadvantages, and key features of using GraphQL, as well as how to get started with it.

Advantages of Using GraphQL

One of the main advantages of using GraphQL is its ability to allow clients to specify exactly what data they need, eliminating the problem of over or under-fetching data that is common with REST APIs. It also provides a unified interface for multiple data sources, making it easier to maintain and scale as your project grows.

Disadvantages of Using GraphQL

One disadvantage of GraphQL is its lack of support for caching and limited support for HTTP caching, making it less performant for data that is frequently accessed and does not change often. Additionally, the learning curve for GraphQL can be steep, especially for those who are familiar with traditional REST APIs.

Key Features of GraphQL

GraphQL offers a range of features, including:

  • Built-in Documentation: Automatically generated documentation based on the defined schema.
  • Real-time Data Updates: Subscription support enabling real-time data updates to the client.
  • Batched Requests: Allows multiple queries to be sent in a single request to reduce network latency.

Getting Started with GraphQL

To get started with GraphQL:

  1. Set Up a GraphQL Server: Configure a server that can process GraphQL queries. Popular choices include Apollo Server and Express-GraphQL.

    const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server');
    // Type definitions define the "shape" of your data and specify
    // which ways the data can be fetched from the GraphQL server.
    const typeDefs = gql`
      type Book {
        title: String
        author: String
      type Query {
        books: [Book]
    // Resolvers define the technique for fetching the types in the schema.
    const resolvers = {
      Query: {
        books: () => booksArray,
    // The ApolloServer constructor requires two parameters: your schema
    // definition and your set of resolvers.
    const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers });
    // The `listen` method launches a web server.
    server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
      console.log(`🚀  Server ready at ${url}`);
  2. Define a Schema: Create a schema that outlines the structure and types of data available.

  3. Use GraphQL Client Libraries: Implement client-side libraries, such as Apollo Client or Relay, to make requests to your server and retrieve data.


Overall, GraphQL is a powerful tool that provides a more efficient and flexible approach to working with data in APIs. While it may have its limitations, its advantages far outweigh them, making it an increasingly popular choice amongst developers. With its growing community and continuous improvements, it's definitely worth considering for your next project.

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