Google Summer of Code 2024: A Retrospective

- Aug 26 - - Dev Community

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Organization: Chromium
Projects Overview:


Web Audio Test and Live Suite

The Web Audio Test Suite is comprised of performance and benchmark tests for Web Audio. These tests can be run either through Playwright or the Live Suite. Playwright is a browser automation testing framework that runs via CLI or CI. This is useful for automated testing across different browsers or browser versions. Web Audio Test Live Suite is an interactive webpage for running tests locally in your browser and monitoring runtime.


My contribution to the Web Audio Test and Live Suite centered around its creation, design, and development with @terryzfeng. After researching between Puppeteer and Playwright, we decided to use Playwright due to its testing capabilities in addition to its browser automation, which we could use for CI.


The original draft PR for integrating the Web Audio Test Suite into web-audio-samples

[Working Draft] Introduce Playwright test framework #368

Preparing Playwright Test Framework for AudioWorklet Testing

Tests written here src/tests/playwright (.spec.ts) Test pages are in src/tests/playwrights/pages

More documentation is written here

The first PR to introduce the Web Audio Test and Live Suite

Playwright Test Suite: realtime-sine (MVP) #372

This PR Implements the "realtime-sine" test with basic infrastructure/framework.

Instruction for local testing

  • npm install
  • npx playwright install
  • Then npm run test or npm run test-live
    • npm run test for Playwright tests.
    • npm run test-live for live suite; after the comment, open up a browser and go to localhost:8080.

The test result looks like this for npm run test: Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 8 41 09 AM

The test result looks like this for npm run test-live: Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 8 44 37 AM

Adding documentation to the Test and Live Suites, allowing for more crowdsourced tests

Web Audio Test Suite Documentation #381


  • How to write tests for Playwright and Live Suite running
  • Sample template.html for test writing
  • Notes for Playwright Configuration and Browser setup
  • API documentation of audit.js and recorder object.

Overcoming cold start on the Test and Live Suites by porting performance tests from WPT

Playwright Port Performance Tests #384

Porting Performance Tests from to Web Audio Test Suite

  • [x] Gain Test
  • [x] Panner Test
  • [x] Timeline Insert Event
  • [x] Audio Buffer Source Node
  • [x] Audio Worklet Node
  • [x] Biquad FIlter Node
  • [x] Dynamics Compressor Node Knee
  • [x] Dynamics Compressor Node Post Knee
  • [x] Dynamics Compressor Node Pre Knee

Fix an issue where the build process did not include all relevant files

Linking the Live Suite to the index page of web-audio-samples


Rainfly is an Audio Worklet playground, useful for inspecting, developing, and rapid prototyping of Audio Worklet code.


Along with @terryzfeng, we created, designed, and developed an MVP of Rainfly using SvelteKit and TailwindCSS.


Figma med-fi prototype

Figma prototype

The original MVP hosted on a separate repository due to separate framework and development environment

GitHub logo Kizjkre / rainfly

Google Chrome Labs Web Audio Samples Audio Worklets Sandbox v1.0.0-beta


Rainfly logo

An AudioWorklet DSP Playground for Chromium Web Audio API Project (2024)


Install dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), and then start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


To create a production version of Rainfly:

npm run build
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

Introducing Rainfly into web-audio-samples

Rainfly - An AudioWorklet DSP Playground [MVP] #395

This PR is to introduce Rainfly: An AudioWorklet DSP Playground for Web Audio. This online AudioWorklet IDE streamlines writing custom JavaScript AudioWorklet code, building Web Audio DSP graphs, and recording output for easy visualization, analysis and validation.

Rainfly MVP Features:

  • Monaco Code Editor for writing AudioWorkletProcessor and AudioContext graph
  • Realtime DSP execution via AudioContext, can pause and play
  • Recording and visualization of DSP output a la Canopy
  • Example AudioWorklet code and boilerplate
  • Error console for JS execution error feedback
  • Exporting JS code or recorded output to a .wav
  • Vim support
  • Built with Svelte


GSoC 2024

Other Miscellaneous Work

Onboarding PR to familiarize myself with Google standards

Preparing resources documentation for Audio Worklets playground. #359

Added a comment to landing_data in anticipation of the Audio Worklets playground.

Fixing linter issues

Downgrade eslint to be compatible with eslintrc #373

Downgrade eslint from 9.5.0 to 8.57.0 to be compatible with eslintrc.

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Terabox Video Player