Event Storage in Postgres, Multi-tenant

Kasey Speakman - Jan 23 '19 - - Dev Community

I previously wrote about Event Storage in Postgres. One thing I did not address at that time was multi-tenant scenarios. Multiple tenants adds the potential for a lot of data. In particular, indexes can eventually get so large that they start affecting performance. (That's the hope, right? 🤑). The way we dealt with that in our previous product was by isolating the tenant's data within its own schema. However, this causes issues when we want to process events across tenants. For example, to provide rollup reports when multiple tenants belong to the same parent organization. Or to gauge activity on the system right now. When separating tenants by schemas, it is a pain to generate a query which grabs events across all tenants.


One way to have logically separated tenant data, but to have the convenience of a single Event table is to use Postgres's table partitioning. They have added a lot to this feature in recent releases. And in Postgres 11, this feature is especially strong. Here is a version of the Event table partitioned by Tenant ID. It looks almost the same!

Main Table

    SequenceNum bigserial NOT NULL,
    TenantId uuid NOT NULL,
    StreamId uuid NOT NULL,
    Version int NOT NULL,
    Type text NOT NULL,
    Meta jsonb NOT NULL,
    Data jsonb,
    LogDate timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
    CONSTRAINT pk_event_sequencenum PRIMARY KEY (TenantId, SequenceNum),
    CONSTRAINT uk_event_streamid_version UNIQUE (TenantId, StreamId, Version)

Constraints on the main table are required to include the partition key, which is TenantId here.

Tenant Partitions

Unfortunately Postgres does not yet have auto creation of partitions. So before you insert data for a tenant, you first have to create a partition for it. Typically there is a provisioning process when adding a new tenant, so creation of the partition can simply be part of that process. Here is an example of creating a tenant with TenantId = 847ED1889E8B4D238EB49126EBD77A4D.


Under the covers, each partition has its own index. So you don't end up with a single giant index. When you query the data across tenants, Postgres can run queries on the partitions in parallel, then aggregate them.

Inserting events

You insert data just like you would insert it to a single table, and Postgres automatically routes it to the appropriate partition.

  INTO Event
     ( TenantId
     , StreamId
     , Version
     , Type
     , Meta
     , Data
     ( '847ED1889E8B4D238EB49126EBD77A4D'
     , 'A88F94DB6E7A439E9861485F63CC8A13'
     , 1
     , 'EmptyEvent'
     , '{}'
     , NULL

Query by sequence

To support reading events across tenant in order of occurrence, you can run a query like this.

  FROM Event
 WHERE SequenceNum > 0
    BY SequenceNum
 LIMIT 1000

This query supports reading batches of up to 1000. I avoided using OFFSET since it is inefficient once the offset value gets large. And each listener usually keeps track of the last SequenceNum that it processed anyway.

I could have added another condition to the WHERE clause like AND SequenceNum <= 1000 instead of using LIMIT. But there could be skipped sequence numbers due to concurrency (see below). Although this is a minor point.

Query by stream

Query by stream is the same as before except we now also need to provide the TenantId.

  FROM Event
 WHERE TenantId = '847ED1889E8B4D238EB49126EBD77A4D'
   AND StreamId = 'A88F94DB6E7A439E9861485F63CC8A13'
    BY Version

Other Goodies

Notification of events

You can trigger Postgres notifications whenever an event is added to any partition of the Event table. Here is what I use for that currently.

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_EventRecorded ON Event;

CREATE FUNCTION NotifyEvent() RETURNS trigger AS $$

        payload text;

        -- { sequencenum }/{ tenant id }/{ stream id }/{ version }/{ event type }
        SELECT CONCAT_WS( '/'
                        , NEW.SequenceNum
                        , REPLACE(CAST(NEW.TenantId AS text), '-', '')
                        , REPLACE(CAST(NEW.StreamId AS text), '-', '')
                        , NEW.Version
                        , NEW.Type
          INTO payload

        PERFORM pg_notify('eventrecorded', payload);

        RETURN NULL;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER trg_EventRecorded

When an event is inserted, it will trigger a notification to the channel eventrecorded. Here is an example payload.

# sequence num
#  / tenant id
#                                   / stream id
#                                                                    / version
#                                                                      / type

This payload format is very much inspired by MQTT topic paths.

The event itself might be too large to fit in the notification payload. So instead, I give enough data about the event for the listener to know if they want to go to the trouble of loading it. Usually listeners only care about the type of event and the sequence number. Then they typically load batches of events starting from the last sequence number they processed. So the middle bits might be a YAGNI violation. But it felt right to include in case a listener wants to load specific events instead of batching.

To listen for event notifications, the SQL part is simple:

LISTEN eventrecorded;

But the code part will vary depending on your language. Personally, the coding pattern I need to use with the Npgsql library feels a bit painful. I think it has more to do with the database details leaking through the library's abstractions. I ended up with a very imperative producer/consumer queue. It was not a great look in F# after all the error handling was added. But it'll do.

Concurrent Events

The unique constraint we added to the Event table, called uk_event_streamid_version, will actually catch concurrency violations for us via Optimistic Concurrency.

For example, let's say a user tries to perform an operation on a stream. The logic loads the stream and it has 4 events. The last event's Version is 4. We run our code and decide, based on the current state of this stream, we should generate 2 new events. Since the last Version was 4, those events should have Version = 5 and Version = 6 respectively. Then we insert those events to Event table.

Simultaneously, another user tries to perform a different operation on the same stream. This request is being processed on another thread (or another computer) and is unaware of the first user's request. It reads the same 4 events, and decides to generate 1 new event with Version = 5. However, the other user's operation committed their DB transaction just before ours. So when our code tries to save the event with Version = 5, it will fail. Postgres will trigger a unique index violation.

As long as we appropriately calculate the expected Version for each new event before saving, the unique constraint will prevent concurrency conflicts.

Sequence Gap

When there is a concurrency violation, it will create a gap in SequenceNum. That's just the way auto increment sequences work in Postgres. Even if the transaction is aborted, the sequence is still incremented. Otherwise, managing rollbacks for sequences would complicate inserts and slow down performance. Don't obsess over sequence gaps -- it is only for ordering.

⚠️ Concurrent Writers

As pointed out in comments below (Thanks Alexander Langer!), this implementation is suitable for a "single writer". But due to the way Postgres sequences works, multiple concurrent writers can introduce a subtle bug: events can sometimes be committed in a different order from the SequenceNum order. Since listeners depend on loading events in SequenceNum order, this can cause listeners to miss events.

See below for an implementation which supports concurrent writers. Consequently, it will also generate gapless sequence numbers. It will likely have an impact on insert performance, but I haven't measured.

Data Management

Tenant data is now also pretty easy to individually remove or backup since it is actually in its own separate table. For example assuming that TenantId = 847ED1889E8B4D238EB49126EBD77A4D requested that we remove their data, it is pretty easy to get rid of it.

DROP TABLE Event_847ED1889E8B4D238EB49126EBD77A4D CASCADE;

Assuming you have some sort of rolling backup in place, eventually this will roll off of backups into oblivion too.


This method of partitioning the event streams by tenant can help performance as the dataset grows large. At some point we may have to go a step further and partition our data onto separate database nodes. This basic table structure also seems suited for node-based partitioning using something like Citus Data (recently acquired by Microsoft). But the above method should cover that awkward first scaling hurdle when one overarching index becomes a performance bottleneck. And it isn't much more effort than a single table!


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