Guide: How to become front end developer in 2023?

Rahul - Nov 27 '22 - - Dev Community

To become a good frontend developer, you must be aware of the importance of frontend development and its role in creating websites and web applications.

The demand for front-end developers has been increasing rapidly because it is one of the most important aspects of web development. The demand for front end developer jobs will increase by 16% by 2023.

Who Is a Front End Developer?

A frontend developer is a person who builds the frontend of the website or application. They are responsible for ensuring that the user interface looks good, is easy to use and performs well on different devices.

The front end developer has two main responsibilities:

  • They need to make sure that all parts of the website look good and perform well across different browsers and devices (PCs, smartphones etc).
  • They need to create animations for clickable links or buttons when they are clicked or hovered over by users so that they can see where they're going next without having to guess which page will be shown next.

The front end developer is also responsible for making sure that the website is accessible to people with disabilities like screen readers.

They need to make sure that when a page loads, it is easy and quick for users to find what they're looking for without having to scroll through long lists of content or wait ages while pages load.

Front End Developer Skills in 2023

To excel at his or her job, a front end developer should be proficient in coding languages such as HTML and CSS, know how to use graphic design applications such as Adobe Illustrator, understand SEO principles and have excellent problem-solving skills.

To succeed in this high-stress profession, it is also helpful for front end developers to have good interpersonal skills and be able to communicate clearly with clients and team members.

  • Problem Solving skills
  • Mastering SEO
  • Must know Languages (HTML5, CSS3, JS)

Front End Developer Roles and Responsibilities

As a front end developer, you will be responsible for developing the user interface of an application. A front end developer typically works with a design team to come up with the look of the application. T

he designer will give you specifications for what they want their designs to look like, and you will develop those designs by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You can also work on web applications that don't have any visual elements but only run code behind them (like web servers).

User Interface Development: Front end developers are responsible for creating the user interface (UI) of an application so that users can interact with it easily.

They may use tools such as Bootstrap or Foundation Framework to build simple websites or complex web portals using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS or React JS

.They should also be able to use frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation Framework to build simple websites or complex web portals using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS or React JS.

They are also responsible for producing code that can be reused and write(coding) high-performance web pages.

Rely on a varied selection of markup languages to design web pages, and maintain brand consistency across the whole project, these are some stuff front end developers are focuses on.

How to Become a Front End Developer? Roadmap

To become a front end developer, you need to:

  • Learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you can understand how these languages work together, you’re much better off in the fields of design and marketing.
  • Learn to use frameworks. JavaScript frameworks provide pre-written code to support features and benefits beyond plain or vanilla JavaScript. But because these frameworks are built on top of normal JavaScript, it is possible to achieve all the same functionality using only standard syntax. However, these frameworks offer enhanced functionality without the need for a developer to write code from scratch. As such, Front End Developers prefer using a framework over plain JavaScript.
  • Learn to use command line tools. While working on Front End Development, you will come across Package Managers. These tools allow you to install, configure and update software packages as well as publish your own packages.
    Package Managers, such as NPM and Yarn, make the development process faster and easier by allowing you to reuse code libraries created by other developers. To get started with them, simply learn the basic commands—you don't have to memorize their entire syntax right away!

  • Learn to use a version control system - The important thing is not just learn how version control works but understand why we need it in the first place. The goal of every professional developer should be understanding and controlling their codebase instead of blindly following instructions.

How to create a front end developer portfolio?

1. Navigate to

2. Click "Login"

3. Click "Continue with Google"

*4. Select your preferred google account. Use google login for faster signups. *

5. Click "Publish your work"

*6. Paste link of your project. *

7. Click "Submit 🚀"

8. It will automatically fetch every details about your project

9. Click "Next"

10. You can also add collaborators.

11. Add some keyowrds so your project gets discovers fast on Fueler's discover page. And Click "Publish"

*12. Your work is published on your profile. *

Now as your work is published share your Fueler proof of work profile with your recruiter. And you're done with your portfolio.

How to find a job as a front end developer?

The first step to becoming a front-end developer is finding a job. This can be tricky, as there is competition at many job listing platforms for front-end developers and you may have no experience. One way to get your foot in the door is by contributing to open source projects.

Another option is to use social media platforms like Twitter and GitHub, which allow you to connect with other developers who will provide advice on how they landed their jobs in web development.

You should also check out job boards that specialize in hiring developers like The Muse or Stack Overflow Careers. If none of those options work out for you then try reaching out directly to some potential employers or hiring managers through LinkedIn; they might know of an opening or at least have some advice on how best to find one!

Front End Developer Salary

The average salary for a front end developer is around $50,000 to $80,000. However, this depends on experience and location.

In the U.S., an entry-level front end developer earns around $60K while someone with 8+ years of experience can earn up to $85K. If you’re looking at a more senior role in Europe or Asia, expect to make even more money: from €70k (~$77K) to €100k (~$108K).

A good way to improve your chances of getting a higher salary is by taking initiative and learning new skills that could benefit the company or yourself (e.g., React instead of jQuery).

How to become a front-end developer from simplified process?

Here are some steps you can take when pursuing a career as a front-end developer:

  • Learn the three basic web development languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • Build your own websites and other projects to showcase what you can do.

  • Keep up with your field by following programming trends on sites like GitHub and Twitter.

  • Diversify your skills, understand new technologies and sharpen existing ones.

  • Learn about the various front-end frameworks that are available.


So, here we have discussed in brief what a front end developer is and how you can become one. We have also talked about the various roles and responsibilities of a front end developer with examples.

It’s important for you to understand each role well before starting your career as a front end developer because this will help you understand where your skills are needed and what kind of work environment suits them best.

Finally, we have given some tips on finding jobs as well as building up a portfolio for yourself so that prospective employers can get an idea about who exactly they are looking at hiring

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