Overview of My Submission
Speed Log
(Speedest Logistics) is a mobile application that allows user to send parcels within a City in a few click only. Principal features are:
User registration and authentification
Sending parcel
Make an offer to carry a parcel
Track a parcel by Scanning the QrCode or by Entering the code manually.
The components of Appwrite We used to develop this application are:
- AppWrite Authentification: User can create an account and register with email in our application.
Appwrite Database: Once the user is registered, We need more informations about the user, so we used this to save users informations, parcels, cities and quarters.
Appwrite Functions: We created a custom function to send a push notification to users when a new parcel is created, when a new offer for carrying parcel is made and when an offer has been accepted by the sender.
- Appwrite Realtime: Once the user starts delivering a parcel, a background task launch to update the deliverer location continuously so the sender can track the realtime location using the map.
Submission Category:
Mobile Moguls
Link to Code
Additional Resources / Info
We used firebase to send and receive push notifications in our application, ressources used are:
- Firebase: https://github.com/firebase/flutterfire
- NodeJs firebase admin: https://www.npmjs.com/package/firebase-admin
Custom domain:
We used our contabo VPS to install appwrite on server.
Additional screenshots