Understanding Starknet Data with Dune Dashboards

LordGhostX - Aug 27 - - Dev Community

In my previous posts, Data to Queries: Exploring Starknet Data with Dune and Queries to Insights: Visualizing Starknet Data with Dune, I walked you through accessing Starknet's raw data on Dune, writing SQL queries to extract that data, and visualizing it through dashboards.

Now, let's dive deeper into understanding and interpreting the data in existing Starknet dashboards. This will help you gain meaningful insights from the visualizations, make informed decisions, and fully leverage the value of the data.

Exploring Starknet Dashboards

Here are a few dashboards on the Caravanserai page that you might find interesting:

  • Starknet Overview: Provides a comprehensive view of key metrics like transaction volumes, active addresses, and contract deployments.
  • Starknet DEXs: Provides detailed insights into liquidity flows, daily swap volumes, and market sentiment across various decentralized exchanges.
  • Starknet Arbitrage Tracker: Tracks real-time arbitrage opportunities by monitoring price discrepancies and potential profits within specific blocks.
  • Starknet DEX Analytics: Analyzes liquidity distribution, swap activities, and identifies market trends and whale movements.
  • Starknet MEV: Focuses on monitoring and analyzing Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) within Starknet.

Starknet Overview Dashboard

Let's start with the Starknet Overview dashboard and understand its key metrics.

Starknet Overview

The Strk Price section shows the price trends of Starknet's STRK token over time, comparing it with Ethereum (ETH). This comparison helps you assess STRK's performance in relation to ETH.

STRK Price Section

The Blocks section provides insight into network activity, including:

  • Average Daily Created Blocks: The average number of blocks created daily indicates the network's activity.
  • Average Daily Transactions per Block: Tracks the average number of transactions per block, showing how busy the network is and how much each block is used.
  • Average Block Creation Time: Shows how long it usually takes to make a block, helping you see if the network is running faster or slower.
  • Blocks, Average Block Creation Time, and Transactions per Block Over Time: A historical view of how many blocks were made, how long they took, and how many transactions were in each block so you can spot trends and changes over time.

Blocks Section

The Transactions section provides insights into network transaction activity:

  • Transaction Count and TPS Over Time: Tracks the total number of transactions and the transactions per second (TPS) over time, giving insight into the network's activity and performance.
  • Average Daily Transaction Count: The average number of daily transactions, reflecting the network's regular usage.
  • Average TPS: Displays the average transactions per second, highlighting the network's speed and efficiency.
  • Daily Share L1 vs L2 Accepted Transactions: Compares the daily distribution of transactions accepted on Layer 1 (L1) vs Layer 2 (L2), showing where most activity occurs.
  • Daily Share of Blob vs Call Data Transactions: This chart breaks down the daily transactions into blob data and call data types, providing insight into the nature of the transactions being processed.
  • Transaction Reversion Rate and Number of Successful and Reverted Transactions Over Time: Monitors the rate at which transactions are reverted and compares successful vs. reverted transactions over time.
  • Average Transactions per User: The average number of transactions each user makes indicates user engagement and activity levels.
  • Daily Number of Transactions by User Type: Categorizes and counts transactions by different users, providing insight into how various user groups interact with the network.
  • Daily Share of Reverted Transactions by User Type: Analyzes which types of users are most likely to have transactions reverted, offering a deeper understanding of transaction reliability by user category.

Transaction section

The Users section focuses on user engagement:

  • Number of Active and New Addresses Over Time: Tracks the number of active users and new addresses created over time, showing growth and engagement trends.
  • Total Users: Displays the total number of unique users on the network, giving a sense of the overall user base size.
  • Average Daily Active Users: The average number of users actively engaging with the network daily, reflecting consistent user activity and network usage.

Users section

The Fees section analyzes transaction costs on the network:

  • Total Paid Fees and Average Fee per Transaction Over Time: Tracks the total fees paid and the average fee per transaction over time, giving insights into cost trends and network demand.
  • Total Paid Fees: The cumulative fees paid on the network reflect how cheap or expensive it is to use Starknet.
  • Average Fee per Transaction: Displays the average fee users pay per transaction, helping you understand the cost efficiency of transactions over time.

Starknet DEXs Dashboard

Let's explore data on Starknet's decentralized exchanges using the Starknet DEXs dashboard.

The Overview section provides a snapshot of DEX activity:

  • Average Daily Volume: This shows the average daily trading volume on Starknet DEXs, indicating overall market activity.
  • Average Daily Swaps: Tracks the average number of swaps executed daily, reflecting the frequency of trades on the platform.
  • Average Daily Swappers: Displays the average number of unique users making swaps daily, highlighting user engagement.
  • Daily Volume of Swaps, Number of Swaps, and Number of Swappers: Offers a detailed view of daily trading volume, swap counts, and the number of active users, helping you track trends over time.

Overview Section

The DEXs section details activity across different DEXs:

  • Daily Swapped Volume by DEX: Displays the total trading volume on each DEX per day, showing where most trading activity is occurring.
  • Daily Share of Volume by DEX: Breaks down the percentage of the total daily volume attributed to each DEX, highlighting the market share of each platform.
  • Daily Number of Swaps by DEX: Tracks the daily number of swaps executed on each DEX, indicating how frequently trades happen across different exchanges.
  • Daily Share of Swaps by DEX: Shows the proportion of total daily swaps that occur on each DEX, providing insight into which platforms are most active.

DEXs section

The Tokens section offers insights into token trading:

  • Daily Volume of Swaps by Token: Shows the total trading volume for each token per day, indicating which tokens are being traded the most.
  • Daily Share of Volume by Token: This breaks down the percentage of the total daily trading volume attributed to each token, highlighting different tokens popularity and trading activity.

Tokens section

Starknet MEV Dashboard

Next, let's explore MEV activity on Starknet using the Starknet MEV dashboard.

The Liquidation Overview section offers a comprehensive view of liquidation activities:

  • Total Repaid Debts: Shows the cumulative amount of debts repaid through liquidations, reflecting the scale of debt resolution on the network.
  • Total Liquidated Collaterals: Displays the total value of collaterals liquidated, giving insight into the assets seized during liquidation events.
  • Total Paid Fees: Indicates the total fees paid in the process of liquidations, highlighting the cost associated with these transactions.
  • Daily Number of Liquidations, Liquidators, and Users: Tracks the daily count of liquidation events, the participants involved in liquidating assets, and the users affected.
  • Daily Volume of Liquidated Debts, Collaterals, and TX Fees: A daily breakdown of the volume of debts liquidated, collaterals seized, and transaction fees incurred, offering a detailed view of the liquidation process over time.

Liquidation Overview Section

The Liquidators section provides detailed information about those executing liquidations:

Liquidators Section

The Platforms & Tokens section breaks down liquidation data by platform and token:

  • Daily Net Profit and Loss of Liquidators by Platform: Tracks the daily net profit and loss of liquidators, categorized by platform, showing which platforms are most profitable or costly for liquidators.
  • Share of Debts by Token: Displays the proportion of total debts associated with each token, highlighting which tokens are most commonly involved in liquidation events.
  • Share of Collaterals by Token: This chart shows the distribution of collateral types by token, providing insight into the assets most frequently used as collateral in liquidations.

Platforms & Tokens Section

The Liquidation Transactions section provides detailed information on liquidation transactions on Starknet:

Liquidation Transactions

Advanced Analysis with Materialized Tables

Materialized tables on Dune store query results for faster analysis or reusing query results in other queries. You can explore these through Caravanserai's public queries.

For example, you can use the dune.caravanserai.result_starknet_dex_pairs table to identify the most actively traded pairs:

  SUM(volume) AS total_volume,
  AVG(price) AS average_price,
  MAX(price) AS max_price,
  MIN(price) AS min_price
  timestamp >= NOW() - INTERVAL '1 hour'
  total_volume DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Or retrieve recent liquidation events using the dune.caravanserai.result_starknet_liquidations table:

  timestamp >= NOW() - INTERVAL '24 hours'
  timestamp DESC;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If you're new to writing and running queries on Dune, I recommend starting with my article Data to Queries: Exploring Starknet Data with Dune.


In this article, we explored Starknet dashboards and materialized tables on Dune and learned how to interpret them for valuable insights. These dashboards can help you better understand Starknet's operations, optimize strategies, and stay ahead of market trends.

If you're interested in analyzing Starknet data, finding opportunities in the ecosystem, or sharing valuable insights, join our MEV discussion group to connect with like-minded individuals.

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