16 Best Source Code Gems [Collection]

Lorenzo Pasqualis - Sep 15 '17 - - Dev Community

This post was first published on CoderHood as 16 Best Source Code Gems [Collection]. CoderHood is a blog dedicated to the human dimension of software engineering.

Developer's personalities shine in odd ways. One them is in a (sometimes) subtle sense of humor, choice of words and attitude that you can find in code, code comments, and error messages. It often feels like a stream of consciousness that reflects the human reality of a moment in time.

I collect those gems and here I am sharing with you some of my favorites. Some I found myself in the code I worked with. Others, I collected from various sources. All have been stripped of anything that could be considered IP.

1 -- Wild Compiler.

   * I don't know why the compiler hates me.
   * I changed this comment many times, and every
   * time it generated the same executable.
   * You should try. It's wild.

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2 -- If You Get Here.

   * If you get here, I screwed up.
   * If I screwed up, I clearly don't know what I am doing.
   * If I don't know what I am doing, and you are looking at my code...
   *   ...we are both in trouble.
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3 -- Classic, Useless Documentation.

  int  i  =  0;  // Set i to zero.
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4 -- Whatever You Do, I Can Do Better.

  int  getRandomNumber()  {
      return(rand()+1);  // You have been one-upped
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5 -- Don't Even Try.

   * Don't even try to understand this.
   * I wrote it, and I have no idea why it works.
   * But it does. My subconscious is that good.
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6 -- Feeling Sick.

 Exception up  =  new  Exception("Something is really wrong.");
 throw  up;Â Â // ha ha
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7 -- CUI (Coding Under the Influence).

 // drunk, fix later
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8 -- No Comment

    * Sorry, I have removed all comments from this code.
    * If you can't understand it, you shoudn't touch it anyway.
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9 -- Sincerely

 public  boolean  thisCodeSucks()  {
      return  true;  // sincerely
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10 -- Random Number

    int  getRandomNumber()  {
      return  4;  // Guaranteed to be random. I used a dice.
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11 -- So Long

Not code, but still really funny.

12 -- Human Needs

This is taken from the Apple Chess Engine code.

  // Paradoxically enough, moving as quickly as possible is
  // not necessarily desirable. Users tend to get frustrated
  // once they realize how little time their Mac really spends
  // to crush them at low levels. In the interest of promoting
  // harmonious Human - Machine relations, we enforce minimum
  // response times.

  const  NSTimeInterval kInteractiveDelay    =  2.0;
  const  NSTimeInterval kAutomaticDelay  =  4.0;

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13 -- Textbook Comment

   * Explanation omitted as an exercise for the reader.
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14 -- Expiring Code

 // If you are reading this after 1/1/2010
 // there's something wrong.
 // This should have been ripped out by then.
 if  (DateTime.Now  >  new  DateTime(2010,  1,  1))  {
     throw  new  Exception("This code is now obsolete");
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15 -- "Temporary" Code

 // somedev1 -Â Â 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen
 // somedev2 -Â Â 5/22/07 Temporary my ass
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16 -- Family Issues

 * The game of life
 if  (status==SINGLE)  {
      money  =  1;
 }  elsif  (status==DIVORCING)  {
      money  =  money  /  2;
 }  elsif  (status==DIVORCED)  {
      money  =  money *  2;
 }  else  {  // status==MARRIED
      money  =  rand()  *  monthly_salary  +  0;  // Savings is represented by zero.
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