randexp will generate a random string that matches a given RegExp Javascript object.
const RandExp = require('randexp');
// supports grouping and piping
new RandExp(/hello+ (world|to you)/).gen();
// => hellooooooooooooooooooo world
// sets and ranges and references
new RandExp(/<([a-z]\w{0,20})>foo<\1>/).gen();
// => <m5xhdg>foo<m5xhdg>
// wildcard
new RandExp(/random stuff: .+/).gen();
// => random stuff: l3m;Hf9XYbI [YPaxV>U*4-_F!WXQh9>;rH3i l!8.zoh?[utt1OWFQrE ^~8zEQm]~tK
// ignore case
new RandExp(/xxx xtreme dragon warrior xxx/i).gen();
// => xxx xtReME dRAGON warRiOR xXX
// dynamic regexp shortcut
new RandExp('(sun|mon|tue|wednes|thurs|fri|satur)day', 'i');
// is the same as
new RandExp(new RegExp('(sun|mon|tue|wednes|thurs|fri|satur)day', 'i'));
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