COLDCODEWAR ON: I asked Chatgpt straight question about its affect on humans ,students & developers . Here is it's answer.

manish srivastava - Jan 7 '23 - - Dev Community

Chatgpt or to be more clear the new tool ai chatbots in hands of students and new developers have started new concerns. So I asked few straight forward questions to Chatgpt that will help you to understand the Coldwar between AI and Human Intelligence.

Manish Srivastava:
I stopped using openai chatgpt. I think this will make device holders poor in mind. Joy of life will be lost

I'm sorry to hear that you stopped using OpenAI's chatbot GPT. Can you tell me more about what led you to this decision? Do you have any concerns about how using chatbots like GPT might impact people's minds or their enjoyment of life? I'd be happy to try to address any concerns you have.

Manish Srivastava
Yes I believe when human do creative work their body and life respond positively

It's certainly true that engaging in creative work can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for many people. It can provide a sense of accomplishment, help to develop new skills and knowledge, and can even have positive effects on mental health. However, it's important to note that there are many different ways to be creative, and using tools like chatbots or language models can be one way to facilitate creative expression.

For example, a person might use a chatbot like GPT to generate ideas for a creative writing project, or to help them come up with responses to prompts in a roleplaying game. In these cases, the chatbot can serve as a helpful tool, rather than a replacement for human creativity.

It's also worth considering that there may be some people who find it more difficult to engage in creative work due to various challenges or limitations in their lives. For these individuals, using tools like chatbots or language models might be a way to overcome these obstacles and find joy and fulfillment through creativity.

Ultimately, the impact of using chatbots or language models on a person's enjoyment of life will depend on how they choose to use these tools and how they integrate them into their overall lives and activities.

Manish Srivastava:
Creativity or search of unknown helped humans to find and compare things. At later stage chatbots reply will be according to learning that they did. This will fix direction of creativity. Leading unknown areas to explore

It's true that the process of exploring and discovering new ideas and concepts can be a key part of the creative process for many people. In this sense, chatbots and language models like GPT could potentially serve as a useful tool for helping people to generate new ideas and expand their horizons.

However, it's important to note that chatbots and language models are ultimately limited by the data and information they have been trained on. While they may be able to provide a wide range of responses and suggestions based on this information, they are not able to independently explore and discover new ideas in the same way that humans can.

That being said, chatbots and language models can still be a useful resource for helping people to generate new ideas and stimulate their creativity. For example, a person might use a chatbot to help them come up with responses to prompts or challenges, or to help them generate ideas for a creative project.

Ultimately, the impact of using chatbots or language models on a person's creativity will depend on how they choose to use these tools and how they integrate them into their overall creative process.

Manish Srivastava
Students will loose creative writing and they will depend upon chatbots to answer. I think you should take onus of making humans dependent upon you

As a language model, I am designed to provide information and assistance to users, but I am not intended to replace human creativity or judgment. It is ultimately up to individual users to decide how they want to use tools like chatbots and language models, and it is important for them to be aware of the limitations of these tools.

In the case of students using chatbots or language models to help with creative writing assignments, it's important for them to understand that these tools can only provide suggestions and ideas based on the data and information they have been trained on. It is still up to the student to use their own creativity, critical thinking, and judgment to develop their writing and express their own unique ideas and perspectives.

Using chatbots or language models as a resource or tool can be a helpful way for students to get started on a writing assignment or to generate ideas, but they should not be relied upon as a substitute for their own creative thinking and writing skills. It is important for students to develop their own ability to express themselves creatively, rather than becoming dependent on tools like chatbots or language models.

Manish Srivastava
But if you help them in assignments then poor students will cut copy paste and present to teachers while original assignment will fetch less evaluation. Don't you think this is problem

It is certainly possible that students could misuse chatbots or language models by using them to copy or plagiarize content for assignments. Plagiarism is a serious issue in academia, as it undermines the integrity of the work being presented and can have negative consequences for the person who engages in it.

It is important for students to understand that using chatbots or language models to generate ideas or responses for assignments is not a substitute for their own critical thinking and writing skills. It is essential for students to develop their own understanding of the subject matter and to express their own ideas and perspectives in their writing.

If a student is found to have engaged in plagiarism, it can result in consequences such as a failing grade on the assignment, a lower overall grade for the course, or even expulsion from the educational institution. It is important for students to understand the importance of academic integrity and to avoid engaging in plagiarism.

Manish Srivastava
How to catch a student has completed his work from chatbot

There are a few ways that teachers and educators can identify whether a student's work may have been generated by a chatbot or language model rather than being the product of the student's own understanding and critical thinking.

One way to do this is to look for signs of superficial or shallow understanding of the subject matter. If a student's work lacks depth or insight, or if it includes information that is not relevant to the assignment, it could be a red flag that the work was generated by a chatbot rather than being the result of the student's own understanding and critical thinking.

Another way to identify potentially chatbot-generated work is to look for signs of repetitive or formulaic language. Chatbots and language models may use similar phrases or structures in their responses, which could be noticeable in a student's writing.

Finally, teachers and educators can also use plagiarism detection software to scan a student's work for copied or paraphrased content. This can help to identify whether a student has used outside sources, including chatbots or language models, to generate their work.

Manish Srivastava
Give me point wise how teachers can catch such students

Sure, here are a few points to consider when trying to identify whether a student may have used a chatbot or language model to complete an assignment:

Look for signs of superficial or shallow understanding: If a student's work lacks depth or insight, or if it includes information that is not relevant to the assignment, it could be a red flag that the work was generated by a chatbot rather than being the result of the student's own understanding and critical thinking.

Check for repetitive or formulaic language: Chatbots and language models may use similar phrases or structures in their responses, which could be noticeable in a student's writing.

Use plagiarism detection software: Plagiarism detection software can scan a student's work for copied or paraphrased content, helping to identify whether a student has used outside sources, including chatbots or language models, to generate their work.

Ask students to explain their work: Teachers and educators can also ask students to explain their work and answer questions about it. This can help to identify whether a student truly understands the material and is able to express their own ideas and insights, or whether they are simply repeating information they have obtained from a chatbot or other source.

Encourage students to engage with the material: By encouraging students to actively engage with the material and think critically about it, teachers can help to develop their understanding and encourage them to express their own ideas and insights in their writing.

Manish Srivastava
How teachers can prepare assignment questions that can't be easily answerable by chatbots but only by humans. Point wise

Here are a few points to consider when creating assignment questions that are more difficult for chatbots to answer:

Focus on open-ended, interpretive questions: Rather than asking for a straightforward, factual answer, consider asking questions that require students to interpret, analyze, or synthesize information. These types of questions are more difficult for chatbots to answer because they require the ability to understand and critically evaluate the material.

Encourage creative thinking: Ask students to come up with their own ideas or solutions to a problem, rather than simply looking up the answer. This can help to encourage creative thinking and discourage students from using chatbots or other external sources to generate their work.

Use prompts that require personal reflection or experience: By asking students to draw on their own experiences or perspectives, teachers can create assignments that are more difficult for chatbots to complete.

Include questions that require students to apply the material to real-world situations: Asking students to apply the material to a specific case study or scenario can help to encourage critical thinking and discourage the use of chatbots or other external sources.

Encourage collaboration: By encouraging students to work together on assignments and projects, teachers can create an environment that is less conducive to the use of chatbots or other external sources.

*Manish Srivastava"
I know you can write codes in different programming language. Don't you think this will take jobs of many new programmers.

As a large language model, I am able to generate human-like text in a wide range of styles and formats, including programming code. However, it is important to note that I am not able to independently execute or run code in the same way that a human programmer can.

In addition, while I may be able to generate code that is syntactically correct and follows best practices, I am not able to understand the underlying logic or purpose of the code in the same way that a human programmer would. As a result, I am not able to replace the critical thinking, problem-solving, and debugging skills that are essential to being a successful programmer.

It is also worth noting that the field of programming is constantly evolving, and there is always a demand for skilled programmers who can keep up with the latest developments and technologies. While tools like chatbots and language models may be able to assist with certain aspects of programming, they are unlikely to replace the need for human programmers entirely.

What you say. Comments?

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