Proxy Types: A Complete Guide for Beginners and Experts

MarsProxies - Oct 10 - - Dev Community

A proxy is like a postal service for the internet. It receives your traffic and changes the address depending on the configuration before forwarding it to the target. Because of that, a proxy can help you in all manner of ways, whether it's improving connection quality, bypassing geo-blocks, privacy, and more.

However, the exact benefits and use cases depend on the different types of proxies available. Keep reading to find out more.

What Is a Proxy?

A proxy server reroutes your connection to the web. Here's how the process typically unfolds when you connect to the internet using a proxy:

- Send a request
Once you have your proxy server set up, you'll probably fire up your browser and try sending a connection request to a website of your choosing, say Instagram.

- Request goes to the proxy server
Instead of the connection request going directly to the website, it will first go through the proxy server.

- Proxy evaluates or modifies your request
The exact changes made to your request will depend on the type of proxy server you're using—it may evaluate or modify your request, either hiding or replacing your IP address completely.

- Proxy server forwards the request
After making the necessary changes, the proxy will send the request to the target web server, i.e., the website that you want to access.

- Target processes the request
The target web server receives your request, with the impression it is coming from the proxy-provided IP address, and processes it.

- Response sent back to the proxy
The host sends the response to the proxy server IP address.

- Proxy relays the response
Once the proxy receives the response, it sends it to your IP address.

- You receive the content
You'll now see Instagram web content as if you had connected to the website directly.

Types of Proxies Explained

If you did a quick Google search for "proxy server," you'd probably find many different types like residential, sneaker, SOCKS5, and datacenter proxies. Knowing their subtle differences can help you make the best choice when shopping for new IPs.

That said, a proxy can fall into one of many categories, depending on the type of IPs it offers, the traffic it processes, and how it is used, among other factors.

Proxies are categorized based on:

  1. Source of IP address
  2. Method of rerouting traffic
  3. Level of anonymity offered
  4. Access control
  5. IP rotation
  6. Communication protocol
  7. Use cases

We've explained the different categories in detail below.

Source of IP Addresses

An IP address has to come from somewhere. And this origin can affect how and when you should use the proxy server. Here are the different types of proxy servers categorized based on the source of IPs:

Residential Proxies

They're called "residential" because they have IP addresses assigned to real physical locations. As such, a residential proxy server is much harder to detect than, say, a datacenter proxy, which we will discuss below. You should opt for residential proxies if you want to:

- Scrape data from the internet
Most platforms will ban your IP if it sends too many requests in a short period. To stay undetected, opt for rotating residential IPs to distribute your web scraping requests.

- Access geo-restricted content
If, for whatever reason, some content is restricted in your location or network, use a residential IP assigned to a physical location with access rights to get around this restriction.

- Perform ad verification
Residential proxy servers can help you see how your ads perform across different physical locations, streamlining your marketing campaigns.

Datacenter Proxies

Datacenter proxies offer IP addresses that are assigned to high-speed data centers around the world. The key difference between datacenter and residential servers is that the former is generated by the datacenter itself, which means it's not tied to a physical location, unlike the latter. Because of this, datacenter proxy servers are generally not as efficient for situations that require anonymity. You can use them for:

- Botting and automation
Datacenter IP addresses offer fast speeds and stable connections essential for distributing botting requests, as well as app and website testing.

- Testing and monitoring network performance
You can route your web traffic through different datacenter proxy servers to test the performance of your infrastructure.

- Social media management
Datacenter proxies are a low-cost solution for managing multiple social media accounts and automating tasks like posting, liking, commenting, and managing followers.

Mobile Proxies

Mobile proxies have IP addresses sourced from mobile network providers to mimic real mobile internet users on the web. In other words, a mobile proxy's IP can be traced back to a real mobile device. Here's how you can use these proxies:

- Ad verification
Mobile proxies can help you analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns in mobile networks across different regions.

- Web scraping
If you're collecting data from mobile-specific web apps, mobile proxies can help you mimic genuine mobile user traffic.

- Market research
You can use mobile proxies to access localized content from mobile app stores and similar platforms to research competitor offerings and gather market intelligence.

ISP Proxies

ISP proxies present the benefits of both residential and data center proxies—they provide IP addresses assigned to real internet users but are hosted on high-speed data centers. In other words, you get faster speeds and stable connections at a great price. Here are their popular use cases:

- Bypassing CAPTCHAs and anti-bot detection
Because they appear as real users, ISP proxies can help you bypass CAPTCHAs and anti-bot mechanisms with the speed of a datacenter proxy.

- Managing multiple social media accounts
ISP proxies can help you manage multiple social media accounts without risking detection because they appear as genuine IPs.

- Ad verification
These proxies can also help you verify the performance of your ads in different locations.

Method of Rerouting Traffic

Proxy servers are also categorized based on how they handle the flow of traffic between user devices and servers. A proxy can process outbound traffic from the user to the server or inbound traffic from the server to the user. More on that below:

Forward Proxies

A forward proxy is a standard server whose main role is to act on behalf of your device. It receives your requests and forwards them to the target web server, hence the name "forward proxy." These proxies are mostly used to manage outbound traffic. Here's what you can use them for:

- Content control
A forward proxy can monitor outgoing traffic from your network to enforce content restrictions.

- Privacy and anonymity
The forward proxy server completely changes your IP address, facilitating better privacy and anonymity while browsing the web.

- Bypassing geo-restrictions
If you need to access resources that are unavailable for IPs in your region, a forward proxy in another country can grant you indirect access to them.

Reverse Proxies

A reverse proxy is a specialized proxy that acts on behalf of a backend server. It sits between a server or group of servers, receiving requests and sending them to the appropriate clients. As such, reverse proxies mostly handle inbound traffic from servers to users. They are used for:

- Load balancing
A reverse proxy distributes network traffic across multiple servers to optimize performance and reduce bottlenecks.

- Caching
These proxies can also store frequently accessed content to reduce server load and increase response times.

- Security
Reverse proxies can enhance security by hiding the identity of backend servers.

Level of Anonymity Offered

A proxy may partially or fully hide your IP address. This is where categorization based on the level of anonymity comes in. Different types of proxies treat your IP differently - some proxies hide it, while others inform the target that a proxy server is being used for the connection. Below are the different types of proxy servers based on level of anonymity:

Transparent Proxies

While they follow the same basic principle of intercepting requests, transparent proxies send traffic to target web servers without hiding the fact that a proxy server is being used. In other words, these proxies don't change your IP address. What's more, you, the user, are mostly unaware that a transparent proxy is being used for your connection because you don't need to configure any settings to use them. Here's how they are used:

- Content filtering
Organizations like schools and libraries use transparent proxies to filter incoming and outgoing internet traffic.

- Caching
A transparent proxy server can also cache frequently requested web content, which can improve load times and bandwidth usage.

- Monitoring and logging
In shared network settings, especially in organizations, transparent proxies can help network admins monitor and log users' web activity.

Anonymous Proxies

Unlike a transparent proxy, an anonymous proxy server will hide your IP address, but it will still inform the target web server that a proxy is being used for the connection. This means target servers can still identify that a proxy server facilitated the connection. Here's how you can use these proxies:

- Browsing anonymously
These proxy servers can help you stay anonymous and prevent website tracking.

- Bypassing geo-blocks
An anonymous proxy can also help you access website content blocked in your location.

- Bypassing simple IP blocks
If your IP address is restricted from accessing a specific website for whatever reason, an anonymous proxy can help you regain access.

Elite (High Anonymity) Proxies

High anonymity proxies, also known as elite proxies, hide your IP address and the fact that a proxy server is being used for the connection. They are designed to mimic a regular connection without raising any flags. Use them for:

- Account creation and management
Use elite proxies to create and manage multiple social media accounts on social media platforms, e-commerce websites, and forums without risking detection and bans.

- Preventing IP bans
If you're sending many requests to a single server, such as when implementing automated bots, testing, or purchasing products in bulk, a high anonymity proxy can help you avoid IP bans.

- Web scraping and data mining
Elite proxies can help you avoid detection while scraping large amounts of data from a single website.

Access Control

Proxies are also categorized depending on how they manage access to their resources. S*ome may dedicate IPs to one user at a time, while others may share their resources with many users.* Here are the different types:

Public Proxies

A public proxy is exactly what it sounds like: public. Anyone with an internet connection can access and use these proxies. They don't usually require any authentication or payment.

But don't start looking for one just yet. First, you should know public proxy servers typically don't offer encryption, which means the information that you share using them is vulnerable to interception. At the same time, some public proxies are operated by malicious actors that may attempt to infect your device with malware.

Given the many risks, how and when should you use public proxies?

- Basic browsing
Use these IPs to hide your IP address for basic non-sensitive browsing activities.

- Accessing restricted websites
If your school, employer, or institution restricts internet access, a public proxy can be a quick and easy way to circumvent these blocks.

- Temporary use
Public proxies can also come in handy for situations where you only need a proxy IP for a temporary non-sensitive use case, such as checking a restricted website real quick.

Shared Proxies

Likewise, a shared proxy is, well, shared. While it follows the same working principle that we described, multiple users are assigned the same IP address at the same time, which can affect performance. The risk of blacklisting is also high. On the plus side, these proxies tend to be affordable. Here's when you can use them for:

- Light browsing
Use a shared IP address to browse the web anonymously without high-level privacy and performance requirements.

- SEO Monitoring
For SEO professionals running basic keyword research and Search Engine Results Page (SERP) tracking, shared IPs can be helpful.

- Light web scraping
You can use shared proxy servers to scrape data from the web in situations where speed and reliability are not of importance.

Private Proxies

A private proxy is the complete opposite of a shared IP, at least as far as functionality and performance are concerned. When you use a private or dedicated proxy server, the assigned IP address is yours alone, guaranteeing better speeds and performance compared to shared servers. Here are the situations where using a private proxy is ideal:

- High-speed web scraping
Use a private IP for high-speed web scraping tasks where speed and reliability are paramount.

- Social media management
For social media managers in charge of multiple accounts, private proxy servers can help you evade detection.

- Secure online transactions
To enhance privacy, use an anonymous proxy to hide your IP address when conducting online transactions.

IP Rotation

Next up, some proxies offer a fixed IP address that doesn't change. If you use such servers for tasks like large-scale web scraping, the proxy's IP is still likely to get banned. Other proxies allow you to change IP addresses as needed. Here's what you need to know:

Rotating Proxies

A rotating proxy offers a pool of IP addresses that changes according to set specifications. The IP address may change after each request or after a specified timeframe, like 5, 10, or 20 minutes. These proxies are ideal for situations where staying anonymous is paramount because the IP address the target interacts with is never the same for long. Here's what you can use a rotating proxy for:

- High-volume web scraping
Many websites monitor the number of requests coming from a single IP address. Flouting the thresholds is almost always guaranteed when using scraping bots, so it's a good idea to distribute your requests across a pool of rotating proxies.

- SERP tracking
Search engines like Google limit the number of requests that a single IP address can send. A rotating proxy can help you perform large-scale keyword research or track SERP rankings.

- Social media automation
A rotating pool of IP addresses can help you automate tasks on social media to evade detection mechanisms.

Static Proxies

Static proxies offer a fixed IP address that doesn't change at any point. They are ideal for long-term tasks where you need the same IP for a certain period. Use them for:

- Web scraping
Static proxies are ideal when you want to scrape websites consistently to avoid triggering anti-bot mechanisms. Still, it's important to monitor the frequency of requests by pairing these proxies with techniques like rate-limiting and request throttling.

- Accessing geo-restricted content
Static proxy servers offer consistent access to restricted content from a select location.

- Account management
Static proxies are useful for managing social media accounts where IP consistency is important to avoid getting flagged.

Communication Protocol

You can also select a proxy server based on the kind of protocol that it processes, whether HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS, or even SMTP. As you'll find out below, these protocols have their unique use cases:

SOCKS Proxies

SOCKS proxies include SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 IPs. The latter is protocol-agnostic, meaning these proxies can process any protocol, including HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and FTP. You can use them for:

- Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing
Because they can handle any type of traffic, SOCKS5 proxies are especially useful for P2P file sharing, otherwise known as torrenting, and all non-web traffic. Using these servers, users can share files anonymously.

- Email security and anonymity
SOCKS proxies work with email protocols like SMTP and IMAP. You can use them to send and receive emails securely while hiding your IP address.

- Gaming
You can also use SOCKS proxies to reduce lag and bypass geographic restrictions while gaming.

HTTPS (SSL) Proxies

An SSL proxy server works with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. These internet protocols are used to encrypt information. But because they encrypt HTTP traffic end-to-end, there's no way for monitoring tools to inspect the contents. SSL proxies decrypt this information for inspection, after which they apply security filters, and then re-encrypt the data before forwarding. You can use them for:

- Secure web browsing
These proxies can ensure your web traffic remains encrypted when browsing the internet.

- Scraping secure traffic
Because many websites use secure HTTPS traffic for communication, an HTTPs proxy can mask your IP address while collecting information from these platforms.

- Enhancing privacy and security
SSL proxies can route sensitive information securely, protecting it from unauthorized access.

Specialized Proxies

Up to this point, you have a clear picture of the different types of proxy servers. Other than the list above, you can also opt for proxies that are specialized for select use cases. These often come with special features ideal for their unique applications:

Sneaker Proxies

Sneaker proxies are optimized for sneaker copping using scripts and automation software. They are compatible with most stores and shopping bots, making them ideal for snatching limited edition kicks during releases and any other automated online shopping.

Web Proxies

**Web proxies act as middlemen between your browser and the internet. **Their role is to facilitate access to the internet while monitoring and controlling traffic. Their greatest advantage is that they don’t require any configuration. You visit a website, enter the requested URL, and the website uses a web proxy to access it.

How to Choose the Right Proxy for Your Needs

Below are the different factors to consider when choosing a proxy type for your needs:

- Speed
The performance of the proxy will depend on the type. Datacenter and ISP proxies offer better performance than residential proxies because they run on high-speed infrastructure in data centers.

- Cost
Datacenter, ISP, and any type of shared proxies tend to be cheaper, while mobile and residential IPs are more expensive.

- Anonymity
The level of anonymity offered depends on the specific type of proxy server. Some proxies change your IP address but still signal to the target that a proxy server is being used for the connection.

- Security
Public proxies are the least secure because data is not encrypted and anyone can access the IP. Dedicated proxies from a reputable source offer the highest security.

If you’re looking for the ideal proxy for a specific task, the table below offers a quick overview of the most popular proxies and their common usage.

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We have come to the conclusion of our article. It's our hope that you're now familiar with the different types of proxy servers available, including datacenter, residential, reverse proxy, ISP, mobile, and others. You have seen that each has its pros and cons, as well as recommended use cases. With this information at hand, finding the right type of proxy for your needs should be easy!

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