Recently I have started playing with Azure/Powershell scripts. Here is a collection of tools ready to use:
All the scripts are distributed through Sparrow - script management platform written on Perl.
You can use these scripts on both Windows/Linux platform.
Every script has a unified way to install and run, just $ sparrow plg install $plugin-name
to install, and $ sparrow plg run $plugin-name --param key=value --param key2=value2
to run.
You can memorize scripts configurations by creating tasks:
$ sparrow project create azure-scripts
$ sparrow task add azure-scripts $task-name $plugin-name
$ sparrow task ini azure-scripts $task-name $plugin-name
$ sparrow task run azure-scripts $task-name $plugin-name
I am going to add more scripts soon.
Thank you for reading and let me know if the scripts are useful.