Resolving Styled-Components Warning: Unknown Prop 'category' on DOM Element

Geoffrey Kim - Jul 23 - - Dev Community


As a React developer working with styled-components, you might have encountered a warning that looks something like this:

Warning: React does not recognize the `category` prop on a DOM element. 
If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, 
spell it as lowercase `category` instead. 
If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element.
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This warning is telling us that we're passing a prop to a DOM element that it doesn't recognize. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into why this happens and how to fix it, using a real-world example from a Todo application.

Understanding the Problem

The Source of the Warning

In our Todo application, we have a Button component defined using styled-components:

const Button = styled.button<{ category: Categories }>`
  // ... styles ...
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We're using this button throughout our ToDo.tsx file like this:

  aria-label="Mark as Doing"
  <FaPlay /> Doing
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Why This Causes a Warning

The issue arises because styled-components, by default, passes all props to the underlying DOM element. In this case, it's passing the category prop to a <button> element, which is not a valid HTML attribute for buttons.

This behavior is intentional in styled-components. It allows you to use custom props for styling while still being able to pass standard props (like onClick) to the DOM element. However, it can lead to warnings when you use props that aren't meant for the DOM.

The Solution: Transient Props

Introducing Transient Props

Styled-components provides a feature called "transient props" to solve this exact problem. A transient prop is a prop that's used for styling but not passed to the DOM. You can create a transient prop by prefixing it with a dollar sign ($).

Implementing the Fix

Let's modify our Button component to use a transient prop:

const Button = styled.button<{ $category: Categories }>`
  // ... styles ...
  background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.categoryColors[props.$category]};
  // ... more styles ...
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Now, we need to update all instances where we use this Button component:

  aria-label="Mark as Doing"
  <FaPlay /> Doing
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Why This Works

By prefixing category with $, we're telling styled-components that this prop is only for styling purposes. Styled-components will use it for applying styles but won't pass it down to the DOM, thus avoiding the warning.

Detailed Explanation of the Fix

  1. Modifying the styled component:
    We changed { category: Categories } to { $category: Categories } in the type definition of our Button component. This tells TypeScript (and styled-components) that $category is a prop that the component expects.

  2. Updating the styles:
    We updated our style interpolations to use props.$category instead of props.category. This ensures our styles still work as expected with the new prop name.

  3. Updating component usage:
    Everywhere we use the Button component, we changed category={...} to $category={...}. This ensures we're passing the prop correctly to our styled component.

The Role of TypeScript

TypeScript plays a crucial role in preventing such issues and improving our development experience:

  1. Type Checking: TypeScript can catch potential prop misuse at compile-time. If we accidentally use category instead of $category after our fix, TypeScript will raise an error.

  2. Autocompletion: With proper types, our IDE can provide autocompletion for component props, reducing the chance of typos or using the wrong prop name.

  3. Refactoring Support: When we change the prop name from category to $category, TypeScript can help us find all places where this prop is used, ensuring we don't miss any occurrences.

Benefits of This Approach

  1. Clean DOM: The DOM no longer receives props it doesn't understand, leading to cleaner HTML output.
  2. No warnings: We've eliminated the React warnings, making our console cleaner and easier to debug.
  3. Type safety: By updating our TypeScript types, we maintain type safety throughout our application.
  4. Explicit intentions: Using $ makes it clear which props are for styling only, improving code readability.
  5. Potential for minor performance improvements: While typically minimal, eliminating unnecessary attributes can lead to slight improvements in rendering time and memory usage, especially in large applications with many components.

Performance Considerations

It's important to note that the performance improvements from this fix are generally minimal and may not be noticeable in most applications. However, in theory, there could be some minor benefits, especially in larger, more complex applications:

  1. Slightly reduced memory usage: Each DOM element stores its attributes. By not passing unnecessary props, we're reducing the memory footprint of our rendered elements. However, the impact is usually negligible for most applications.

  2. Marginally faster diffing: React's reconciliation process (virtual DOM diffing) becomes slightly more efficient when there are fewer props to compare. Again, the difference is often imperceptible in typical use cases.

  3. Potentially faster initial render: With fewer attributes to set on DOM nodes, the initial render of components can be marginally faster. This might only become noticeable in applications with a very large number of components.

  4. Smaller serialized DOM: If you're server-side rendering, the serialized HTML sent to the client will be smaller, potentially improving load times. However, the difference is usually minimal unless you have a vast number of components with many props.

It's crucial to understand that these performance improvements are often theoretical and may not translate to measurable gains in real-world applications. The primary benefits of this fix are improved code clarity, easier debugging, and adherence to React best practices.

In most cases, developers should prioritize this fix for its benefits in code quality, type safety, and elimination of warnings, rather than for performance reasons. Always profile your application before and after such changes if performance is a concern, as the impact can vary depending on your specific use case.


Dealing with warnings like these is a common part of working with styled-components and React. By understanding the cause of the warning and using features like transient props, we can write cleaner, more maintainable code.

Remember, while it might be tempting to ignore such warnings, addressing them leads to better code quality, easier debugging, and a smoother developer experience in the long run. The combination of styled-components' transient props and TypeScript's type checking provides a powerful toolkit for creating robust, type-safe styled components.

While the performance benefits of this fix are typically minimal, the improvements in code clarity and maintainability are significant. Always focus on writing clear, correct code first, and optimize for performance when profiling indicates a need.

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