Advanced React Concepts | React 2024

Pranav Bakare - Oct 9 - - Dev Community

Here’s a summary of advanced React concepts:

  1. React Hooks (Advanced): Use useReducer for complex state, useCallback/useMemo for performance optimization, useRef for DOM access, and create custom hooks for reusable logic.

  2. Context API with useContext: Manage global state and avoid prop drilling.

  3. Suspense & Lazy Loading: Use Suspense for async rendering and React.lazy for dynamic component loading.

  4. Higher-Order Components (HOCs): Reuse component logic by wrapping components in functions.

  5. Render Props Pattern: Share component logic by passing functions as props.

  6. React Portals: Render components outside the parent DOM (e.g., modals).

  7. Error Boundaries: Catch and handle component errors to prevent crashes.

  8. React Server Components: (Experimental) Offload rendering to the server for better performance.

  9. State Management (Redux/MobX): Manage complex application state using Redux or MobX.

  10. Code Splitting: Break large bundles into smaller, on-demand chunks using dynamic imports.

  11. Immutable Data: Ensure immutability in state management using the spread operator or libraries like Immutable.js.

  12. Performance Optimization: Use memoization, virtualization, and avoid inline functions for better performance.

  13. Infinite Scrolling: Load more data dynamically as users scroll for large datasets, ensuring smooth UX with performance optimizations.

These advanced concepts enhance React apps by improving performance, maintainability, and scalability.

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