Why CloudWatch Might Not Be the Best for Fixing Bugs

Rishi Kumar - Mar 6 - - Dev Community

When you're working on cloud projects, using Amazon CloudWatch to keep an eye on things sounds like a no-brainer. It's like having a security camera for your cloud setup. But when things go wrong, and you're trying to figure out why, CloudWatch might not always be your best friend. Here's why:

1. Avalanche of logs

When you store every log directly from instance to cloudwatch

Imagine you're troubleshooting a car. Logs are like following a trail of breadcrumbs to find the source of the problem. But in the CloudWatch world, it's like your entire garage floor is covered in crumbs from every snack you've ever eaten. Sorting through all the crumbs - the informational cookies, the warning crackers, the debugging popcorn, and the burnt error toast - is a huge hassle. Finding the specific crumb that caused the engine trouble (the error toast) takes forever, and you'd much rather spend that time fixing the car!

2. Your Code Turns into Spaghetti

When you try to store custom logs with cloudwatch

Imagine you're building a giant Lego castle. To keep track of where everything goes, you leave little notes on each piece - "red brick for tower," "blue window for main hall." But as the castle grows, these notes become overwhelming. They're stuck to every piece, making it hard to see the actual bricks and understand the overall structure. It's like the castle instructions got buried under a mountain of sticky notes! This is what happens with too many logging statements in code. They clutter things up, making it difficult to understand the core logic and troubleshoot problems later.

3. Alarms That Just Ring

Setting up an alarm is not as easy as you might think, nor as useful as you would want.

CloudWatch can beep at you when something's up, like if there are suddenly a bunch of errors. But it's kind of like someone yelling, "Something's wrong!" without telling you what or why. You're left with no choice but to manually log into AWS, navigate to the CloudWatch console, and dig through the logs yourself, which defeats the purpose of having an alarm in the first place.

4. Chasing Ghosts in the Machine

No Action, No Solution

When you finally know there's a bug, fixing it often means you need to see it happen again so you can understand it better. But CloudWatch doesn't make this easy. It's like knowing your car makes a weird noise but won't do it when you're at the mechanic. Without being able to see the problem in action, you're left guessing and testing blindly.

CloudWatch is great for many things, but when it comes to fixing bugs, it might give you more headaches than solutions. It can be like trying to find a lost earring in a messy room, fixing something with messy tools, getting an alarm without knowing why, or trying to fix something that won't break the same way twice. Sometimes, you might need to look beyond CloudWatch to keep your cloud projects running smoothly.

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