What I'll be learning in 2024

Mukesh Kuiry - Dec 29 '23 - - Dev Community

Hey fellow tech explorers! Buckle up, because I'm about to blast off on a journey through my coding adventures in 2023 and the exciting roadmap I've charted for 2024.

2023: Building a Solid Foundation

In 2023, I dove headfirst into the vibrant world of frontend development, mastering the art of crafting dynamic and interactive interfaces with React JS ⚛️, the king of component-based architecture.

To turbocharge my workflow, I embraced Next.js ⚡️, its superpowered framework that brought server-side rendering and static site generation to the party.

And to add some pizazz to my interfaces, I sprinkled in the magic of Tailwind CSS ✨, a utility-first approach to styling that let me whip up beautiful and responsive UIs in a flash.

To ensure my code stayed sparkling clean, I adopted TypeScript ️, adding a layer of type safety and sanity to my projects.

But the frontend was just the launchpad.

I craved the power of the backend, so I plunged into the world of Golang ⚡️. This versatile language, with its lightning-fast performance and concurrency magic, quickly became my go-to weapon for tackling everything from web development to system programming.

I also explored the vast realm of cloud computing with AWS ☁️. From storage with S3 to serverless magic with Lambda, I learned to build scalable and cost-effective solutions that could handle anything the digital universe threw at them. ✨

To keep things spicy, I sprinkled in some Firebase goodness, a one-stop shop for backend development and user authentication that made my life a breeze.

Finally, I rounded out my 2023 skillset with the ever-reliable MongoDB, a NoSQL database that became my trusty sidekick for managing all sorts of data beasts.

2024: Diving Deeper and Exploring New Horizons

In 2024, I'm gearing up for a full-fledged tech feast! Here's a taste of what's cooking:

Going Deep in Familiar Waters

  • Golang (Deep Dive) : Time to unlock the hidden potential of Go! I'm diving deep into its concurrency model, memory management, and advanced features to unleash its full power on even the most complex projects.

  • AWS (Deep Dive) ☁️: The cloud is vast, and I'm not done exploring! I'm gearing up to master advanced AWS services for networking, security, and containerization, building an even more robust and adaptable cloud toolkit.

Venturing into New Horizons

  • Rust : The whispers of Rust's memory safety and performance have been irresistible. In 2024, I'm taking the plunge to learn to build robust and reliable systems with this promising language. ️

  • AI/ML Integration : The future is AI, and I'm ready to join the party! I'm excited to explore how I can integrate AI and machine learning into my projects, adding intelligence and personalization to user experiences. ✨

  • Monorepos ️: Managing multiple projects can be a tangled mess. I'm intrigued by the potential of monorepos to streamline my development workflow and foster collaboration.

  • Prompt Engineering 🪄: The world of large language models is fascinating, and I'm curious to unlock their full potential. I'm diving into the art of crafting effective prompts to guide these AI beasts towards creative text generation and task completion. ✨

So, there you have it!

My tech odyssey continues, and I'm more excited than ever to explore the uncharted territories that 2024 holds.

Stay tuned as I document my journey, share insights, and hopefully inspire you to join me on this incredible adventure!

Remember, the only limit is your imagination (and maybe a few lines of code ).

Let's keep coding, keep learning, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible!

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