A little about me...
Hey! I'm Muna, an Economics graduate and self-taught Frontend Developer (and aspiring full-stack developer). I started learning to code a couple years ago or so and have been coding and building cool things ever since.
I started/continued to code in 2019 because...
Coding gave me the freedom to bring my ideas to life like nothing else. It has made me love learning, building on my knowledge and going big and outside the box with ideas. With the help of the amazing tech community here on dev.to and on Twitter, I've met wonderful people who have supported me, motivated me and inspired me.
I deserve credit for...
I have not had the chance to "announce" this but, I think this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. I've accepted a Software Engineer position at a digital media company in London!! I still can't quite believe it myself and have been in a bit of a daze since finding out. We did it, y'all!
I hope to see my school/work/developer/tech community...
Continue becoming a more inclusive, diverse and supportive for all developers. I want to see more people considering a career in tech as an option.
*P.s Forgive me if there are any spelling mistakes, I've typed this up on my phone 🙈