Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks

Naresh Nishad - Sep 26 - - Dev Community


Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture designed to handle the vanishing gradient problem, which often hampers traditional RNNs when learning long-term dependencies in sequential data. In this guide, we’ll explore the architecture, functioning, and applications of LSTM networks in detail.

Introduction to LSTMs

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks were introduced by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber in 1997 as an improvement over traditional recurrent neural networks (RNNs). LSTMs are specifically designed to overcome the limitations of RNNs in learning long-term dependencies by incorporating a memory mechanism to selectively remember and forget information.

LSTMs have become foundational for various sequential data processing tasks, such as natural language processing (NLP), time-series forecasting, and speech recognition.

The Problem with Traditional RNNs

Traditional RNNs are excellent for processing sequential data due to their recurrent connections, which allow information from previous time steps to be used in the current step. However, they face a critical issue when dealing with long sequences — the vanishing gradient problem.

In long sequences, gradients of the loss function with respect to earlier time steps become extremely small during backpropagation, leading the network to "forget" long-term dependencies. This limitation severely hampers RNN performance in tasks requiring memory of earlier events.

LSTM Architecture

The LSTM architecture is more sophisticated than a traditional RNN. It incorporates a memory cell, which is capable of maintaining information over long periods of time. This memory cell is controlled through three distinct gates:

  • Forget Gate
  • Input Gate
  • Output Gate

Each of these gates plays a crucial role in deciding what information should be remembered or forgotten during each time step.

Cell State

The cell state is the key to LSTM’s ability to retain long-term dependencies. It acts as a conveyor belt, passing relevant information down the chain of LSTM cells, while the gates regulate what information gets added or removed from this cell state.

Gates in LSTM

The gates in an LSTM cell are designed to control the flow of information. They use a sigmoid function (values between 0 and 1) to decide how much information to let through.

Forget Gate

The forget gate determines which parts of the cell state should be forgotten. It takes in the previous hidden state (h_{t-1}) and the current input (x_t) and produces a value between 0 and 1 for each piece of data in the cell state (C_{t-1}). A value close to 1 means “keep,” while a value close to 0 means “forget.”

Input Gate

The input gate decides which new information will be added to the cell state. The input is a combination of the previous hidden state and the current input, which passes through a sigmoid function. Additionally, a tanh layer generates candidate values that can be added to the cell state.

Output Gate

The output gate controls what the next hidden state should be. This hidden state is also used for the LSTM’s output. The output gate takes in the previous hidden state and the current input, applies a sigmoid function, and then multiplies it with the tanh of the updated cell state.

LSTM Forward Pass

The forward pass in an LSTM involves the following steps:

  1. Forget step: The forget gate decides what information from the previous cell state should be discarded.
  2. Input step: The input gate determines what new information should be stored in the cell state.
  3. Cell state update: The new candidate values are added to the retained cell state information.
  4. Output step: The output gate produces the new hidden state and the output for the current time step.

This process repeats for each time step in the input sequence, allowing the LSTM to update and maintain its internal state across time.

Key Advantages of LSTM

LSTM networks offer several advantages over traditional RNNs:

  • Ability to learn long-term dependencies: The gates in LSTMs allow the network to selectively retain or forget information, overcoming the vanishing gradient problem.
  • Robustness to time delays: LSTMs can handle long delays between relevant inputs in sequential data.
  • Effective in capturing sequential patterns: LSTMs have proven to be powerful for tasks such as language modeling, machine translation, and speech recognition.

Applications of LSTM Networks

LSTMs are widely used in various domains where sequential data is critical:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): LSTMs are employed in tasks such as language modeling, sentiment analysis, and machine translation.
  • Time-series Forecasting: LSTMs can predict future values in time-series data by learning from historical patterns.
  • Speech Recognition: LSTMs can recognize and predict patterns in speech data, making them essential in systems like voice assistants.
  • Anomaly Detection: In industries like finance and cybersecurity, LSTMs are used to detect unusual patterns or anomalies in data streams.

Variants of LSTMs

Several variants of LSTM have been developed to suit different types of tasks:

  • Bi-directional LSTM: This variant processes data in both forward and backward directions, making it more effective for tasks like machine translation.
  • Peephole LSTM: In this variant, the gate layers are allowed to look at the cell state before deciding to forget or update information.
  • Stacked LSTM: Stacking multiple LSTM layers allows the model to learn more complex patterns from the data.


Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are a powerful tool for handling sequential data and overcoming the limitations of traditional RNNs. By incorporating gates to control the flow of information, LSTMs can learn long-term dependencies, making them highly effective for tasks like language modeling, time-series prediction, and speech recognition.

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