5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Implement in 2021

Natasha Lane - Jan 26 '21 - - Dev Community

The year ahead is likely going to adopt many of the digital marketing strategies that we’ve seen flourishing in 2020. 

But what we want to do in this post is save you some time and spare you from reading some of those 5000+ word essays on digital marketing strategies you must try. Instead, we’ll give you a short but sweet list of the five best strategies – and leave you to do further research for the ones you find may yield the best ROI for your website. 

Here they are:

1. Organic Strategies 

If you haven’t yet invested in SEO, now is the time to start. It’s one of the best avenues to improving your organic traffic numbers and attracting some new audiences. 

However, you should also consider the current state of your website before you embark on any strategy that aims to bring in more traffic. Consider a landing page builder that will help you design pages that are both visually appealing and provide the right verbal incentives for your audience.

2. Paid Strategies 

You should also consider promoting some of your pages, offers, and products through paid channels. This can be Google’s Display or Search ads, Facebook advertising, Instagram ads, LinkedIn ads – whatever you find will work for your budget and attract the right kind of audience. 

Alongside the more traditional kind of sales-driven campaign, you might also want to do some content-based promotion to help you gain some extra traffic for your blog posts or video material.

3. Influencer Marketing 

Working with influencers is no longer reserved for industry leaders – quite the opposite. Even smaller brands can now work with those who have a large and loyal audience online, whatever the channel they use. 

Micro-influencers may be the place to start. Consider engagement and the loyalty factor more than sheer reach numbers, as this is often much more important than how many people see a story or a feed post. The likelier audiences are to trust a recommendation, the better your influencer campaign will fare. 

4. Email Marketing 

Email marketing remains one of the best ways to promote your brand, product, or service. It’s the easiest and most direct way to grab your audience’s attention. And that’s no surprise, considering how much time we all spend checking our emails. 

The trick is to start building your list as early as possible and to provide true value to your leads. Personalization will play a huge role here, so make sure you segment your lists and that your emails are crafted well. 

You also don’t want to come off as spammy, so don’t go overboard with the number of emails you send out. 

5. Social Media Marketing 

Finally, you need to consider your social media presence as well. Depending on your brand, you will want to use just one or two social platforms. There’s no point in being present across all of them – the key is to be where your audience is most engaged, rather than to spread yourself (and your budget) thin across networks that simply can’t yield results. 

Remember: when it comes to social media marketing, it’s always better to be very active and engaged on one platform than to be semi-MIA on several. 

Be genuine and honest with your posts, talk to your followers, and don’t just use your profiles to promote your brand. You can do so much more, from offering advice to lending a helping hand where needed.

How to Choose a Strategy 

Consider two things: your budget and your target audience. Take a look at what your competition is doing and how. Consider which tactic you feel would bring in the most ROI, and start small. You don’t have to have more than one strategy in place. As long as it works, it’s the right one.

You can also take a digital marketing course that will help you make this crucial decision and teach you how best to implement the different strategies. 

Final Thoughts 

The world of digital marketing can be exciting. It can help you communicate your marketing message with a whole range of audiences easily and seamlessly. Consider the strategies we’ve outlined in this post, and try to implement one of them, for starters. As you grow, you can take on the next one and the next one – and watch as your digital marketing strategy evolves and spreads.

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