Overfitting and Underfitting in Machine Learning: Finding the Right Balance for Your Models

Zima_Blue🤖 - Oct 9 - - Dev Community


In the ever growing world of machine learning, building effective models is an art that involves careful consideration of data, algorithms, and the goal at hand. As a machine learning enthusiast, you may have encountered the terms "overfitting" and "underfitting," which can spell the difference between success and failure. This article will break down these concepts, explain why they matter, and show you how to prevent them keeping it simple and relatable.

What is Overfitting?

Imagine you're studying for an exam. Instead of learning the general concepts, you memorize every question from last year's exam paper. When the exam changes slightly, you’re left confused and unable to adapt. This is what happens when a machine learning model overfits.

A model is said to be overfitted when the model does not make accurate predictions on testing data. When a model gets trained with so much data, it starts learning from the noise and inaccurate data entries in our data set and when testing with test data results in high variance. The model tends to not categorize the data correctly, because of too many details, features and noise in the data. The causes of overfitting are the non-parametric and non-linear methods because these types of machine learning algorithms have more freedom in building the model based on the dataset and therefore they can build unrealistic models. A solution to avoid overfitting is using a linear algorithm if we have linear data or using parameters like the maximal depth if we are using decision trees.

For example, let’s say you have a model trying to predict house prices. If it’s overfitted, it might fixate on specific outliers like an unusually cheap mansion due to damage and learning patterns that are irrelevant for future predictions.

What is Underfitting?

Now, think of underfitting like being too lazy in your exam prep. Instead of diving into the details, you skim through the notes and hope for the best. When the exam day arrives, you’re unprepared for even the basic questions. That’s how an underfitted model behaves.

A statistical model experiences underfitting when it lacks the complexity needed to capture the underlying patterns in the data. This means the model struggles to learn from the training set, resulting in subpar performance on both the training and test datasets. An underfitted model produces inaccurate predictions, especially when applied to new, unseen data. Underfitting usually occurs when we rely on overly simple models with unrealistic assumptions. To fix this issue, we should use more sophisticated models, improve feature representation, and reduce the use of regularization.
Imagine using a linear regression model to predict house prices in a market where prices don’t follow a straight-line pattern your predictions would be way off.

Causes of Overfitting

Overfitting is caused by several factors. The most common factors include:

  1. Model Complexity: Complex models, such as those with too many features or layers in a neural network, can fit the noise in your data, mistaking it for useful information.

  2. Small Datasets: Lack of enough data leads the model to try too hard in extracting every detail from the few examples, leading to overfitting.

  3. Noisy Data: Data with too much noise, outliers, inconsistencies, or irrelevant details can easily confuse the model into learning patterns that don’t matter.

A tip to keep in mind during model building is that when your model becomes a perfectionist and tries to be too clever, it stops being useful for the real world.

Causes of Underfitting

On the flip side, underfitting happens when your model is too simplistic to capture the complexities of the data. Some common reasons are:

  1. Oversimplified Models: Using models that don’t have enough parameters to grasp the data’s intricacies. For instance, using a linear model to predict non-linear data.

  2. Insufficient Training: Your model might not be trained long enough or effectively, resulting in poor learning.

  3. Wrong Algorithm Choice: Certain algorithms aren’t suited for specific types of data and hence using an outdated or wrong algorithm for a cutting-edge problem is a recipe for underfitting.

So basically, when your model is too basic, it lacks the depth to understand what’s happening in the data.

How to Detect Overfitting and Underfitting

Now that we know what overfitting and underfitting are, the next question is: How do we spot them?

  • Cross-validation: This can be likened to giving your model a pop quiz before the final exam. By splitting your data into multiple parts and testing the model on unseen portions, you can check whether the model performs consistently well on new data. If the model aces the training set but fails miserably on the test set, you’re likely dealing with overfitting.

  • Training vs. Validation Performance: A huge red flag for overfitting is when your model performs excellently on the training data but poorly on the validation or test set. This disparity shows that the model learned too well from the training data.

  • Learning Curves: These curves visually represent how the model’s performance changes periodically. For overfitting, you’ll see the training error decrease significantly, while the validation error increases. In underfitting, both the training and validation errors will be high.

Solutions to Overfitting

If you realize your model is overfitting, there are several ways to deal with it:

  1. Regularization: This technique adds a penalty to the complexity of the model hence discouraging the model from becoming overly complex by penalizing large weights. L1 and L2 regularization are common methods that help in controlling overfitting.

  2. Pruning: For decision trees, you can prune or cut back unnecessary branches that contribute to overfitting, simplifying the model and focusing on meaningful patterns.

  3. Dropout: In neural networks, dropout randomly turns off some neurons during training, preventing the network from becoming too specialized on specific features.

  4. Cross-validation and Early Stopping: Stop training your model before it starts memorizing the training data too well. Cross-validation helps identify the point at which the model starts to overfit, allowing you to stop training early.

  5. More Data: If possible, feed your model with as much data as possible since the more examples your model has, the less likely it is to overfit the training set.

Solutions to Underfitting

On the other hand, if your model is underfitting, here are some ways to improve it:

  1. Increase Model Complexity: Adding more features, layers, or parameters to your model helps it learn the more complicated patterns in the data.

  2. Use a Better Algorithm: At times the solution is as simple as switching to a more powerful algorithm that better suits your data.

  3. Train Longer: If your model hasn’t had enough time to learn, give it more training epochs or iterations.

Balancing Model Complexity

Finding the sweet spot between overfitting and underfitting is all about balance and your model's ability to generalize on new data. This balance is called the bias-variance tradeoff. High bias tends to lead your model to underfitting whereas high variance leads to overfitting of the model. Tuning your hyperparameters, such as the depth of a decision tree or the number of layers in a neural network, helps you find the middle ground.

The goal is to build a model that generalizes well on unseen data. It’s not about being perfect on the training set, it’s about being good enough on new, real-world data.

Examples of Real-World Applications

Overfitting and underfitting are not just theoretical problems they do happen in real world scenarios. Examples of such kind of problems include:

  • Healthcare: Imagine an AI system trained to diagnose diseases based on patient data. If it overfits, it might perform perfectly on the hospital’s data but fail when tested on patients from different regions.

  • Finance: Predicting stock prices or fraud detection requires careful model tuning. Overfit models might perform well on historical data but fail in dynamic, real-time market conditions.


Overfitting and underfitting are two sides of the same coin, both of which can lead to poor model performance if not handled correctly. The key is to strike a good balance ensuring your model is complex enough to capture important patterns but not so overly complex that it becomes sensitive to noise. With regularization, better algorithms, and careful cross-validation, you can avoid these common pitfalls and create models that generalize well to new data.

In the end, remember that machine learning is a continuous learning process not only just for your models but also for you as a data enthusiast. So keep testing, iterating, and finding that sweet spot where your model shines!

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