For some reason, maybe php/javascript i though that
Map.get(opts, :key, "default")
Keyword.get(opts, :key, "default")
The default value will only get evaluated if you there is no default value provided in the map/keyword list.
Considering it now it seems silly, but it's a little lesson i had to learn the hard way.
Here's what i did:
Keyword.get(opts, :key, SomeRepo.total_products(
Which obviously calls the repo every time you are trying to access the :key, what i wanted is to only call the repo when the value is nil
And here's the fix to only evaluate the repo call if the keyword is set to nil
show_intro? =
|> Keyword.get(:show_intro?)
|> show_intro?(
defp show_intro?(nil, id), do: Products.total_by_user(id) == 0
defp show_intro?(show, _), do: show