Asynchronous Generators and Pipelines in JavaScript

Nested Software - Apr 23 '18 - - Dev Community

Introducing Asynchronous Generators

Both this article and the last one, The Iterators Are Coming, which deals with asynchronous iterators, were motivated by a question that occurred to me as I was programming with some async functions: Would it be possible to yield in an async function? In other words, can we combine an async function with a generator function?

To explore this question, let’s start with a normal synchronous generator function, numberGenerator:

const random = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min

const getValue = () => {
    return random(1,10)

const numberGenerator = function* () {
    for (let i=0; i<5; i++) {
        const value = getValue() 
        yield value**2

const main = () => {
    const numbers = numberGenerator()
    for (const v of numbers) {
        console.log('number = ' + v)

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This code produces the expected squares of 5 random numbers:

C:\dev>node gen.js
number = 1
number = 64
number = 36
number = 25
number = 49
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My idea was to change getValue to return a promise and to modify numberGenerator to await this promise, then yield a value. I tried something like the following:

const random = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min

const getValue = () => {
    //return promise instead of value
    return new Promise(resolve=>{
        setTimeout(()=>resolve(random(1,10)), 1000)

const numberGenerator = function* () {
    for (let i=0; i<5; i++) {
        const value = await getValue() //await promise
        yield value**2

const main = () => {
    const numbers = numberGenerator()
    for (const v of numbers) {
        console.log('number = ' + v)

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Let's see what happens:

                const value = await getValue() //await promise

SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function
    at new Script (vm.js:51:7)
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Okay, that makes sense: We need to make our numberGenerator function async. Let's try that!

const numberGenerator = async function* () { //added async
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Does it work?

const numberGenerator = async function* () { //added async

SyntaxError: Unexpected token *
    at new Script (vm.js:51:7)
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Ouch, it didn't work. This is what led me to do some online searching on the topic. It turns out this kind of functionality is going to be released in ES2018, and we can use it already in a recent version of node with the --harmony-async-iteration flag.

Let's see this in action:

const timer = () => setInterval(()=>console.log('tick'), 1000)

const random = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min

const getValue = () => {
    //return promise instead of value
    return new Promise(resolve=>{
        setTimeout(()=>resolve(random(1,10)), 1000)

const numberGenerator = async function* () { //added async
    for (let i=0; i<5; i++) {
        const value = await getValue() //await promise
        yield value**2

//main is 'async'
const main = async () => {
    const t = timer()
    const numbers = numberGenerator()

    //use 'for await...of' instead of 'for...of'
    for await (const v of numbers) {
        console.log('number = ' + v)


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There are a few small changes from the previous version of the code:

  • The main function's for...of loop becomes a for await...of loop.
  • Since we are using await, main has to be marked as async

A timer was also added so we can confirm that the generator is indeed asynchronous.

Let's take a look at the results:

C:\dev>node --harmony-async-iteration gen.js
number = 16
number = 1
number = 100
number = 100
number = 49
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It worked!

The yield in an async generator function is similar to the yield in a normal (synchronous) generator function. The difference is that in the regular version, yield produces a {value, done} tuple, whereas the asynchronous version produces a promise that resolves to a {value, done} tuple.

If you yield a promise, the JavaScript runtimes does something a bit sneaky: It still produces its own promise that resolves to a {value, done} tuple, but the value attribute in that tuple will be whatever your promise resolves to.

Pipelining Asynchronous Generators Together

Let's look at a neat little application of this technology: We will create an asynchronous generator function that drives another one to produce statistics on an asynchronous stream of numbers.

This kind of pipeline can be used to perform arbitrary transformations on asynchronous data streams.

First we'll write an asynchronous generator that produces an endless stream of values. Every second it generates a random value between 0 and 100:

const random = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min

const asyncNumberGenerator = async function* () {
    while (true) {
        const randomValue = random(0,100)

        const p = new Promise(resolve=>{
            setTimeout(()=>resolve(randomValue), 1000)

        yield p
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Now we'll write a function, createStatsReducer. This function returns a callback function, exponentialStatsReducer, that will be used to iteratively calculate the exponential moving average on this stream of data:

const createStatsReducer = alpha => { 
    const beta = 1 - alpha

    const exponentialStatsReducer = (newValue, accumulator) => {
        const redistributedMean = beta * accumulator.mean

        const meanIncrement = alpha * newValue

        const newMean = redistributedMean + meanIncrement

        const varianceIncrement = alpha * (newValue - accumulator.mean)**2

        const newVariance = beta * (accumulator.variance + varianceIncrement)

        return {
            lastValue: newValue,
            mean: newMean,
            variance: newVariance

    return exponentialStatsReducer
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Next up we have a second asynchronous generator function, asyncReduce. This one applies a reducer to an asynchronous iterable. It works like JavaScript's built-in Array.prototype.reduce. However, the standard version goes through an entire array to produce a final value, whereas our version applies the reduction lazily. This allows us to use an infinite sequence of values (our asynchronous number generator above) as the data source:

const asyncReduce = async function* (iterable, reducer, accumulator) {
    for await (const item of iterable) {
        const reductionResult = reducer(item, accumulator)

        accumulator = reductionResult

        yield reductionResult
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Let's tie this all together. The code below will pipe an endless sequence of asynchronously-generated numbers into our asynchronous reduce. We will loop through the resulting values (forever), obtaining the updated mean, variance, and standard deviation as new values arrive:

const timer = () => setInterval(()=>console.log('tick'), 1000)

const main = async () => {
    const t = timer()

    const numbers = asyncNumberGenerator()

    const firstValue = await

    //initialize the mean to the first value
    const initialValue = { mean: firstValue.value, variance: 0 }

    console.log('first value = ' + firstValue.value)

    const statsReducer = createStatsReducer(0.1)

    const reducedValues = asyncReduce(numbers, statsReducer, initialValue)

    for await (const v of reducedValues) {
        const lastValue = v.lastValue
        const mean = v.mean.toFixed(2)
        const variance = v.variance.toFixed(2)
        const stdev = Math.sqrt(v.variance).toFixed(2)

        console.log(`last value = ${lastValue}, stats = { mean: ${mean}`
            + `, variance: ${variance}, stdev: ${stdev} }`)


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Let's take a look at some sample output:

C:\dev>node --harmony-async-iteration async_stats.js
first value = 51
last value = 97, stats = { mean: 55.60, variance: 190.44, stdev: 13.80 }
last value = 73, stats = { mean: 57.34, variance: 198.64, stdev: 14.09 }
last value = 11, stats = { mean: 52.71, variance: 372.05, stdev: 19.29 }
last value = 42, stats = { mean: 51.64, variance: 345.16, stdev: 18.58 }
last value = 42, stats = { mean: 50.67, variance: 319.00, stdev: 17.86 }
last value = 60, stats = { mean: 51.60, variance: 294.93, stdev: 17.17 }
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We now get continually updating statistics on our asynchronous stream of values. Neat!

I think that asynchronous generator functions will be especially useful to do processing on sources of asynchronous data along these lines.

Let me know what you think, or if you have ideas for other ways asynchronous generators and iterators can be used!



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