How to Role-play in Large Language Models

Novita AI - May 20 - - Dev Community

Key Highlights

  • Versatility of Role-Play Scenarios: The blog explores various role-play scenarios where LLMs can embody historical figures, fictional characters, professionals like doctors or lawyers, NPCs in video games, and even cultural ambassadors.
  • Mechanisms Behind Role-Play with LLMs: It delves into the technical framework of role-playing with LLMs, including prompt engineering, character schema creation, dialogue management systems, and ethical compliance filters.
  • Practical Guide for Role-Playing with LLM APIs: The blog provides a step-by-step guide on how to effectively role-play with LLM APIs, using platforms like Novita AI. It covers creating an account, generating API keys, selecting appropriate LLMs, crafting prompts, making API calls, and refining interactions.


Role-playing is an innovative technique and critical tool used in the dynamic landscape of AI systems. This method involves instructing the LLM to "assume" a specific profession, role or function, such as a data scientist, cartoon character, language agent or financial advisor, enabling artificial intelligence to carry out the given specific tasks more effectively. This article examines this fascinating phenomenon, highlighting the benefits and the theoretical foundations that contribute to the effectiveness of role-playing in LLMs and shows you how to role-play with powerful models through Novita AI.

What Is Role-Play with LLM: An Overview

Role-playing with Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, is an emerging field that explores the interaction between AI and creative, narrative-driven experiences. It leverages the advanced capabilities of LLMs to simulate human-like dialogue and human behavior within a role-playing context. This process enables the AI to engage in dynamic conversations, mimic various characters, and respond to user inputs in a manner that aligns with the character's predefined traits and narrative context, making use of powerful computation of large corpus of text data. In this way, this role-playing technique enhances its efficiency in tasks that require specific skills or knowledge, such as acting like a historian or providing historical facts and analyses.

Examples of Role-Play with LLM

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1 Historical Figures

An LLM can embody a historical figure like William Shakespeare, engaging in conversations that reflect the Bard's poetic eloquence and Elizabethan wordplay based on historical facts.

2 Fictional Characters

In a fantasy setting, an LLM might take on the specific role of a wizard, using language and knowledge consistent with the magical world it inhabits, offering advice on ancient spells or mythical lore.

3 Professional Roles

LLMs can simulate the dialogue of professionals such as doctors, lawyers, or detectives, providing information and advice within the scope of their professional expertise.

4 Interactive Storytelling

Users can engage with an LLM that plays the role of a non-player character (NPC) in a video game, offering quests, sharing stories, and reacting to player actions in real-time.

5 Educational Scenarios

LLMs can role-play as teachers or guides, facilitating learning experiences by answering questions in the context of a specific historical era or scientific field.

6 Therapeutic Simulation

Although ethical considerations must be taken into account, LLMs could role-play as therapists or counselors, offering support and guidance in a simulated environment.

7 Customer Service

In a commercial setting, LLMs can role-play as customer service agents, providing assistance and answering queries while maintaining a professional and helpful demeanor.

8 Cultural Ambassadors

LLMs can represent characters from different cultures, allowing users to explore and learn about various traditions, customs, and languages.

These examples demonstrate the versatility of LLMs in role-playing scenarios, where they can adapt their responses to match the nuances of the characters they portray, enriching the user's interaction and providing a tailored experience based on the role being played.

How Does Role-Play with LLM Work?

Role-play with LLMs operates on a sophisticated framework that integrates natural language processing, machine learning, and narrative generation. two academic papers concerning Role-Play with LLM (Shanahan, McDonell, & Reynolds, 2023; Wang et al., 2024), here's a professional breakdown of the mechanisms involved:

1. Prompt Engineering Technique

This is the cornerstone, where prompts are crafted to guide the AI into embodying a specific character, complete with traits and backstory.

2. Character Schema Creation

Detailed character profiles are developed, providing a blueprint for the AI's responses and behavior, ensuring consistency and depth in role-play.

3. Dialogue Management Systems

These systems manage conversation flow, ensuring that the AI's responses are coherent and contextually appropriate, maintaining the narrative thread.

4. Contextual Embedding

LLMs use the conversation's history to generate responses that evolve naturally, reflecting the ongoing interaction and retaining narrative continuity.

5. Action Resolution Algorithms

Especially in interactive scenarios, these algorithms determine the outcomes of actions, simulating success or failure based on the character's abilities and the situation.

6. Narrative Consistency Maintenance

Techniques like summarization help in preserving the storyline, despite the AI's limitations in long-term memory, ensuring the story doesn't lose its thread.

7. Multimodal Integration

Integrating visuals, audio, or other sensory inputs can significantly enhance the role-play experience, making it more engaging and lifelike.

These mechanisms together form a robust framework that allows LLMs to participate in role-play scenarios, simulating human-like interactions and providing immersive experiences.

What Can I Gain From Role-Play with LLM?

Quality Company

An AI chatbot can provide companionship that is both stimulating and non-judgmental. It can engage in conversations on a wide array of topics, making it an ideal companion for those seeking intellectual or emotional exchange without the pressures of social expectations. This benefit is particularly significant for individuals who may feel isolated or who desire a consistent and reliable form of interaction with a GPT-powered chatbot.

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Enhanced Creativity

LLMs can simulate a wide range of characters and scenarios, allowing users to engage in creative storytelling and explore imaginative narratives that are limited only by their creativity.

Therapeutic Applications

Role-play can be used therapeutically to help individuals explore different perspectives, work through personal issues, or develop social skills in a controlled and supportive environment.

Language Practice

Engaging with LLMs in role-play can help users practice language skills in a low-stakes environment, receiving real-time feedback and correction in a conversational context.

Recreating Experiments

AI can be used to simulate and recreate various experiments in a virtual environment. This capability is beneficial for educational purposes, allowing students and researchers to conduct experiments that may be dangerous, costly, or unethical in the real world. By recreating experiments, AI contributes to a safer and more accessible learning experience.

How Can I Role-Play with LLM API?

Step 1: Create an Account

Visit Novita AI. Click the "Log In" button in the top navigation bar. After logging in via Google login and Github login authentication, you can earn $0.5 in Credits for free!

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Step 2: Create an API key

Currently authentication to the API is performed via Bearer Token in the request header (e.g. -H "Authorization: Bearer ***"). We'll provision a new API key.

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You can create your own key with the Add new key.

Step 3: Choose your LLM

Evaluate each model's cost and capabilities to choose the LLM that best caters to your role-play needs. Novita AI offers 5 uncensored LLMs for free interactions: microsoft/wizardlm-2–8x22b, sophosympatheia/midnight-rose-70b, gryphe/mythomax-l2–13b, Nous-Hermes-2-Mixtral-8x7B-DPO and sao10k/l3–70b-euryale-v2.1.

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Step 4: Make your API Call

After choosing your model, e.g. Mythomax 13B, you can now make your API call.

from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(
    api_key="<YOUR Novita AI API Key>",  # Replace with your actual API key
model = "gryphe/mythomax-l2-13b"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

P.S. Mythomax 13B is leading the LLM role-play board. You can try it for free on Novita AI Playground.

Before making an API call, define the role-play scenario, including the characters, setting, and context. Prepare the prompts that will guide the AI's responses.

Step 6: Craft Your Prompt

Construct a prompt that clearly outlines the role-play scenario and the AI's role within it. Include details about the character's personality, background, and any specific instructions for the interaction.

Step 7: Send a Request to the API

Use the client you've set up to send a request to the API with your crafted prompt. Here's an example of how you might format the request in Python:

prompt = "You are an experienced wizard in the realm of Eldoria. Speak in a wise and ancient tone. User: 'What is the oldest spell you remember?'"
response = client.create_completion(model=model, prompt=prompt)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 8: Receive and Analyze the Response

The API will return a response based on the LLM's interpretation of the prompt. Analyze the response to ensure it aligns with your role-play scenario.

Step 9: Iterate and Refine

Role-play is an iterative process. Refine your prompts based on the AI's responses to achieve a more immersive and coherent role-play experience.

Step 10: Engage in Continuous Interaction

Continue the role-play by sending follow-up prompts that build upon the AI's previous responses, creating a dynamic and evolving narrative.

Step 11: Monitor Usage and Costs

Keep track of your API usage and associated costs, especially if you're using a large model like Mythomax 13B, to avoid unexpected charges.

Step 12: Ensure Ethical and Responsible Use

Always ensure that your role-play scenarios are ethical and do not promote harmful or inappropriate content.

If you want any help when troubleshooting, you can contact Novita AI support team:

What Are the Common Problems and Solutions in AI Role-Play?

1 Lack of Memory

  • Problem: AI models do not retain information from previous interactions, leading to inconsistencies in character behavior and narrative continuity.
  • Solution: Implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to include relevant conversation history or world details in the prompt, and use guided summarization to refresh the context periodically.

2 Breaking Character

  • Problem: AI models might not maintain the established persona of a character, diverging from predefined traits or story.
  • Solution: Use collaborative dialog writing and include clear instructions within the prompts to maintain character consistency.

3 Hallucination

  • Problem: AI models can introduce inaccuracies or invented details, causing confusion in the narrative.
  • Solution: Curate information in prompts carefully and employ guided summarization to reinforce accurate narrative elements.

4 User Interface Challenges

  • Problem: Text-based inputs can be daunting, leading to difficulties in deciding the next action in open-ended scenarios.
  • Solution: Introduce multiple choice options with an "Other" category for free text input, or implement voice input to ease the composition burden.

5 Lack of Structure

  • Problem: Without clear goals or narrative structure, players may lack a sense of purpose or direction.
  • Solution: Define clear goals and a structured narrative, or use a "goalmaster" role to guide meaningful actions and plot development.

6 Action Resolution

  • Problem: Balancing the granularity of actions with meaningful outcomes can be difficult without clear definitions.
  • Solution: Develop an action resolution system with skill assessment, difficulty analysis, and dice rolls to determine success or failure.

7 Ensuring Consequential Actions

  • Problem: Player actions need to have meaningful consequences to keep the player engaged and feeling impactful.
  • Solution: Introduce escalating costs for repeated failures or create a system where actions have lasting effects on the game world.

8 Text-Heavy Interaction

  • Problem: Relying heavily on text can become monotonous and less engaging.
  • Solution: Incorporate voice output for a more dynamic interface or use image generation to add visual richness.

9 Consistency Across Interactions

  • Problem: Maintaining consistency in the game world and character behavior across multiple interactions is essential for a believable experience.
  • Solution: Use pre-defined settings, character attributes, and situational responses consistently applied in LLM prompts.

10 Creating a Rich and Dynamic World

  • Problem: The world needs to feel alive and responsive to player actions, which is challenging with only text descriptions.
  • Solution: Use procedural generation techniques where LLMs provide parameters for algorithms to create persistent game elements.

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These common problems and solutions are from Ian Bicking's blog 'Roleplaying driven by an LLM: observations & open questions'. You can later check this blog for more info about experiences related with Role-Play with LLM.

What Are the Future Directions of Role-Play with LLM?

The future of role-play with Large Language Models (LLMs) is poised for significant advancements that will transform user experiences. The development of more personalized interactions is on the horizon, where LLMs will adapt to individual preferences, offering unique educational, entertainment, and therapeutic applications.

Enhancements in narrative coherence will lead to more immersive and continuous role-play scenarios, while the integration of multimodal interactions will add layers of realism through visual, auditory, and haptic feedback. Ethical considerations will remain at the forefront, ensuring user safety, data privacy, and the responsible generation of content.

Advancements in understanding LLMs' language processing capabilities will pave the way for more accurate and contextually appropriate responses, enriching the role-play experience. The convergence of LLMs with new technologies like AR, VR, and blockchain could revolutionize role-play by creating decentralized and immersive virtual environments. Additionally, fostering community-driven content and collaborative scenarios will make role-play more dynamic and inclusive. As these technologies evolve, compliance with regulatory standards will be crucial to maintain legal and ethical integrity. The accessibility of role-play experiences will expand, ensuring a wider audience can engage with these interactive applications, highlighting the importance of inclusivity in technological progress.


As role-play continues to evolve with advancements in LLM capabilities, the potential for transformative applications in education, entertainment, therapy, and beyond becomes increasingly apparent. Embracing ethical guidelines and leveraging cutting-edge technologies will be pivotal in harnessing the full potential of LLMs for enriching and diverse role-playing experiences in the realm of ai.


1. What are the 4 types of role play?

Besides genre, roleplays fall into different categories: fandom, original, group, and one-on-one. You should choose one that appeals the most to you.

2. What can I do if my LLM keeps making mistakes when role-playing?

If you are using smaller models with 7 to 13 billion parameters, you can consider switching to larger models like those with 34 to 70 billion parameters (make sure you have a compatible GPU). Or, you can adjust sampler settings and prompt templates for the current model, which may be tedious and have little effect.


Shanahan, M., McDonell, K., & Reynolds, L. (2023). Role-Play with Large Language Models. arXiv:2305.16367v1 [cs.CL]. Retrieved from

Wang, Z. M., Peng, Z., Que, H., Liu, J., Zhou, W., Wu, Y., Guo, H., Gan, R., Ni, Z., Yang, J., Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., Ouyang, W., Xu, K., Huang, S. W., Fu, J., & Peng, J. (2024). RoleLLM: Benchmarking, Eliciting, and Enhancing Role-Playing Abilities of Large Language Models. arXiv:2310.00746v3 [cs.CL]. Retrieved from

Originally published at Novita AI

Novita AI is the all-in-one cloud platform that empowers your AI ambitions. With seamlessly integrated APIs, serverless computing, and GPU acceleration, we provide the cost-effective tools you need to rapidly build and scale your AI-driven business. Eliminate infrastructure headaches and get started for free - Novita AI makes your AI dreams a reality.

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