Understanding the JavaScript Event Loop: A Beginner’s Guide

Nur Muhammadd - Sep 23 - - Dev Community

The Event Loop is a core component of the JavaScript runtime environment, crucial for executing asynchronous tasks. It continuously monitors two main structures: the call stack and the event queues.

The Call Stack

The call stack is a Last In, First Out (LIFO) data structure that stores the functions currently being executed. When a function is called, it’s added to the top of the stack. Once the function completes, it’s removed from the stack.

Web APIs

Web APIs handle asynchronous operations like setTimeout, fetch requests, and promises. These operations are offloaded to the Web APIs environment, allowing the main thread to continue running other code.

The Job Queue (Microtasks)

The job queue, also known as the microtask queue, is a First In, First Out (FIFO) structure. It holds the callbacks of async/await, promises, and process.nextTick() that are ready to be executed. Microtasks are given higher priority and are processed before macrotasks.

The Task Queue (Macrotasks)

The task queue, or macrotask queue, is also a FIFO structure. It holds the callbacks of asynchronous operations like setInterval and setTimeout that are ready to be executed. Macrotasks are processed after microtasks.

How the Event Loop Works

The event loop continuously checks the call stack to see if it’s empty. If the call stack is empty, the event loop looks into the job queue first. If there are any callbacks in the job queue, they are dequeued and pushed onto the call stack for execution. Once the job queue is empty, the event loop then checks the task queue and processes any callbacks there.

Visualizing the Event Loop

Here’s a simple visualization to help you understand the process:

  1. Call Stack: Functions are pushed and popped here.
  2. Web APIs: Asynchronous operations are handled here.
  3. Job Queue (Microtasks): High-priority callbacks are queued here.
  4. Task Queue (Macrotasks): Lower-priority callbacks are queued here.
  5. Event Loop: Monitors the call stack and queues, ensuring smooth execution.
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