Dart CookBook: Keywords and their usage.

Odinachi David - Apr 12 - - Dev Community
  1. abstract: Used to declare abstract classes. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly.

    abstract class SubClass {}
    class MainClass extends SubClass{}
  2. as: Used for typecasting to a type.

    dynamic dynamicInt = 0;
    int realInt = (dynamicInt as int);
  3. assert: Used for validation purposes to check the truthfulness of a boolean expression. If the expression is false, an AssertionError is thrown.

    int x = 10;
    // Asserts that the value of x is greater than 0.
    assert(x > 0);
  4. async: Used to define asynchronous functions. An asynchronous function returns a Future or Stream object and can use the await keyword inside it.

  5. await: Used inside asynchronous functions to pause execution until a Future completes.

      //function of future
      Future<void> delayFunc() async {
        //this future will be awaited
        await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
        return null;
  6. break: Used to exit the innermost loop or switch statement.

      List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
      // Iterating through the list of numbers
      for (int number in numbers) {
        print('Current number: $number');
        // If the number is greater than 5, exit the loop
        if (number > 5) {
          print('Number is greater than 5. Exiting loop.');
          break; // Exiting the loop
        // This line will be executed for numbers less than or equal to 5
        print('Number is less than or equal to 5.');
  7. case: Used in switch statements to specify different cases for comparison.

     String fruit = 'apple';
      switch (fruit) {
        case 'apple':
        case 'banana':
          print('Selected fruit is not in the list.');
  8. catch: Used to catch exceptions in try-catch blocks.

    try {
    //perform your actions here
    } catch (error){
    //do anything with the error here
  9. class: Used to declare a class.

    class ClassName {}
  10. const: Used to define compile-time constant values.

    const int value = 0;
  11. continue: Used to skip the rest of the loop body and continue to the next iteration of the loop.

    List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
      // Iterating through the list of numbers
      for (int number in numbers) {
        // If the number is even, skip it and continue with the next iteration
        if (number % 2 == 0) {
          continue; // Skip to the next iteration
        // This line will be executed only for odd numbers
        print('Processing odd number: $number');
  12. covariant: Used to declare that a subclass can override a method with a parameter of a different type.

  13. default: Used in switch statements to specify the default case.

    Example can be seen in item 7 (case).

  14. deferred: this is used in combination with the import statement to lazily load a library when it's first accessed. This can be useful for optimizing performance by deferring the loading of large libraries until they are needed.

    import 'dart:async';
    import 'dart:math' deferred as math;
    Future<void> loadMathLibrary() async {
      await math.loadLibrary();
      print('Math library loaded.');
      double squareRoot = math.sqrt(25);
      print('Square root of 25: $squareRoot');
    void main() {
      print('Before loading math library.');
      print('After loading math library.');
  15. do: Used to start a do-while loop.

     int count = 0;
      //This loop will continue until count is 5
      do {
      } while (count < 5);
  16. dynamic: Used to declare variables with dynamic type, where the type is determined at runtime.

    //dynamic represents any datatype including null
    dynamic value = "Odinachi";
  17. else: Used in if-else statements to specify the block of code to execute if the condition is false.

    bool value = false;
    //else block will be executed because value is equal to false
    if (value){
      print("value is true");
    } else {
       print("value is is false");
  18. enum: Used to declare enumerated types.

    enum Weekday {
    Weekday today = Weekday.Tuesday;
  19. extends: Used to create a subclass that inherits from a superclass.

    // Define a superclass called 'Animal'
    class Animal {
      String name;
      // Constructor
      // Method to make sound
      void makeSound() {
        print('Animal $name makes a sound');
    // Define a subclass called 'Dog' that extends 'Animal'
    class Dog extends Animal {
        we can get what parameters we need for the Dog class and also
        pass the required parameters for Animal class as well inside the super 
      Dog(String name) : super(name);
      // We want to chnage what sound dog makes
      void makeSound() {
        print('Dog $name barks');
      // Method specific to Dog class
      void wagTail() {
        print('Dog $name wags its tail');
  20. extension: Used to add new functionality to existing classes without modifying their source code.

    extension StringExtensions on String {
      // Method to convert a string to title case
      String toTitleCase() {
        return this.split(' ')
            .map((word) => word.isEmpty
                ? '' // Handle empty strings
                : word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substring(1).toLowerCase())
            .join(' ');
    String message = 'hello world';
    String titleCaseMessage = message.toTitleCase();
  21. factory: constructor is a special type of constructor used to create objects. Unlike a regular constructor, a factory constructor does not always create a new instance of its class. It may return an existing instance, a subclass instance, or even an instance of a different class altogether. This flexibility makes factory constructors useful for implementing object creation logic that cannot be achieved with regular constructors alone.

    //Example one
    class Point {
      final int x;
      final int y;
      // Private constructor
      Point._(this.x, this.y);
      // Factory constructor to create Point objects
      factory Point(int x, int y) {
        // Check if the coordinates are valid
        if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) {
          // If valid, return a new Point object
          return Point._(x, y);
        } else {
          // If invalid, return a default Point object
          return Point._(0, 0);
      String toString() {
        return 'Point(x: $x, y: $y)';
    //Example two 
    class Point {
      final int x;
      final int y;
      Point(this.x, this.y);
      factory Point.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        return Point(
          json['x'] as int ?? 0, // If 'x' is not present or not an integer, default to 0
          json['y'] as int ?? 0, // If 'y' is not present or not an integer, default to 0
      String toString() {
        return 'Point(x: $x, y: $y)';
  22. false: Boolean literal representing the false value.

  23. final: Used to declare variables whose values cannot be changed once initialized.

    final int value = 10;
  24. finally: Used in try-catch-finally blocks to specify code that should always be executed, regardless of whether an exception is thrown.

    try {
        // Perform some operation that may throw an exception
      } catch (e) {
        // Handle the exception
      } finally {
        // This will always be executed
  25. for: Used to start a for loop.

     for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        print('Iteration $i');
  26. Function: Used as a type annotation for function types.

    //int here represents the return type
    int functionName(){
       return 0;
  27. get: Used to define getter methods for retrieving the value of a class property. Getters are used to access the value of a property without directly accessing the underlying data member.

    class Rectangle {
      double _width; 
      double _height;
      // Constructor
      Rectangle(this._width, this._height);
      // Getter for the width property
      double get width => _width;
      // Getter for the height property
      double get height => _height;
      // Getter for the area property
      double get area => _width * _height;
  28. hide: Used in combination with the import directive to specify that certain members of a library should not be made available to the importing code.

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide MaterialApp;
  29. if: Used to start an if statement.

    Example can be seen in item 17 (else).

  30. implements: Used to declare that a class implements a set of methods specified by an abstract class.

    // Define an abstract calss called 'Shape'
    abstract class Shape {
      double area(); // Abstract method
    // Define a class called 'Rectangle' that implements the 'Shape' interface
    class Rectangle implements Shape {
      double width;
      double height;
      // Constructor
      Rectangle(this.width, this.height);
      // Implement the 'area' method required by the 'Shape' interface
      double area() {
        return width * height;
  31. import: Used to import libraries into the current Dart file.

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
  32. in: Used within collection literals (such as lists, sets, and maps) to check if an element exists in the collection. This is often used in conjunction with the for loop to iterate over the elements of a collection.

    //Checking if an element exist
    List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
      // Check if an element exists in the list
      if (3 in numbers) {
        print('3 is present in the list');
      } else {
        print('3 is not present in the list');
    //Control flow
    List<String> fruits = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange'];
      // Iterate over the elements of the list using for-in loop
    for (String fruit in fruits) {
       print('Fruit: $fruit');
  33. is: to check whether an object is an instance of a particular class or implements a particular abstract class.

    dynamic value = 0;
    //we're check if value is an integer
    if(value is int){
    //can also be used for error handling
    } catch (error) { 
    //you can check what type of error it is.
    if(error is TypeError){
    //perform some operations
  34. late: Used to declare variables that are initialized at a later point, allowing you to defer initialization until it's needed. This is particularly useful for non-nullable variables that can't be assigned null initially but are initialized before being accessed

    class className {
      late final String value;
      void getVal() {
        //value must be assisgned before being referenced
        value = "Odinachi";
  35. mixin: Used to define mixins, which are a way to reuse a class's code in multiple class hierarchies.

    mixin MixinName {
    class ClassName with MixinName {}
  36. null: Represents the null object.

    int? value = null;
  37. on: Used in catch clauses to specify the types of exceptions to catch in a try-catch block.

    try {
      } on IntegerDivisionByZeroException {
        //IntegerDivisionByZeroException can be any exception type
      } catch (e) {
        // Catching any other type of exception
  38. part: to split a library into multiple files. This allows you to organize and manage large codebases more effectively by dividing them into smaller, more manageable parts.

     part 'file_name.dart';
    // NB: the corresponding file must have:
    part of "filename_above.dart";
    /* part must come after the import statement and the "part of" file
    doesn't contain any imports as all the imports are done on the 
    part file */
  39. rethrow: Used in catch blocks to rethrow the caught exception.

    try {
        // operations
      } catch (e) {
        // Catching any exception thrown during the division operation
        // Rethrowing the caught exception
  40. return: Used to return a value from a function/method.

    int value(int a, int b){
       return a + b;
  41. set: Used to define setter methods.

    class ClassName {
      String _name; // Private instance variable
      // Setter for the 'name' property
      set name(String value) {
       _name = value; // Assign value to '_name' if it's not null or empty
      // Getter for the 'name' property
      String get name => _name;
  42. show: Used in import statements to only import specific members of a library.

    This is the opposite of hide in item 28 (hide)

  43. static: Used to declare static variables or methods in a class.

    class ClassName {
       static int value = 0;
       void call(){}
    int number = ClassName.value;
    //NB: classed do not have to be instantiated to access their static variables
  44. super: Used to refer to the superclass of the current class.

    Example can be seen on item 19 (extends)

  45. switch: Used to start a switch statement.

    Example can be seen on item 7 (case)

  46. this: Used to refer to the current instance of a class from within its methods or constructors. It is commonly used to access instance variables, invoke other methods, or pass the current instance to other functions.

    class ClassName {
        final value = 0;
        int getVal(){
    //0 will be returned because the value of value on this instance of class name is 0
            return this.value;
  47. throw: Used to throw exceptions.

    void validateAge(int age) {
      if (age < 0) {
        throw ArgumentError('Age cannot be negative');
  48. true: Boolean literal representing the true value.

  49. try: Used to start a try block for exception handling.

    Example can be seen on item 8 (catch)

  50. typedef: Used to define function type aliases.

    // Define a typedef for a function that takes two integers and returns an integer
    typedef MathOperation = int Function(int a, int b);
    // Function to perform addition
    int add(int a, int b) {
      return a + b;
    // Declare a variable of type MathOperation and assign the 'add' function
    MathOperation operation = add;
    // Use the variable to perform addition
    int result = operation(5, 3);
    print('Result of addition: $result'); // Output: Result of addition: 8
  51. var: Used to declare variables without specifying their type explicitly.

    var value = "Odinachi";
  52. void: Used to specify that a function does not return any value.

    void doSomething{
        //perform some operations
        return null;
  53. while: Used to start a while loop.

     int count = 0;
      // While loop to print numbers from 1 to 5
      while (count < 5) {
        print('Number: $count');
    //NB: the loop won't break for as long as the condition is true
  54. with: Used to specify mixins that a class uses.

    Example can be seen on item 35 (mixins)

  55. yield: Used inside generator functions to produce a value for each iteration.

    Iterable<int> generateNumbers(int n) sync* {
      for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        yield i; // Yielding values from 1 to n
     var numbers = generateNumbers(5);
. . . . . . .
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