Datetime.js - Syntax sugar and not only...

Serhii Pimenov - Dec 5 '20 - - Dev Community

Hi All! I would like to present to you my own view on the organization of syntactic sugar for working with date and time in javascript - Datetime.js.

Datetime.js is a minimalist JavaScript library that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays dates and times for modern browsers with comfortable modern API.

  • 🕒 Quick and accurate
  • 💪 Immutable/mutable modes
  • 🔥 Chainable
  • 🌐 I18n support
  • 📦 4kb mini library
  • 👫 All browsers supported


It's easy to use Datetime APIs to parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times.


datetime("2020-12-31 23:59");
datetime(2020, 12, 31, 23, 59);
datetime([2020, 12, 31, 23, 59]);
Datetime.fromString("16 November 1961 15:24", "dd mm %y h:i", "en")
Datetime.fromString("16 Ноября 1961 15:24", "dd mm %y h:i", "ru")
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By default, datetime object is mutable. But, You can create immutable variable with method immutable:

var immutableDate = datetime('2020-12-21').immutable();
console.log(immutableDate); // 2020-12-21
console.log(immutableDate.add(1, 'month')); // 2021-01-21 this is a new object
console.log(immutableDate); // 2020-12-21
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datetime().format('{YYYY} MM-DDTHH:mm:ss sss Z A');
datetime().strftime('{%Y} %n-%dT%H:%M:%S %Q %z %p');
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Get & set

You can set and get: millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year, time (timestamp), ...

datetime().set('month', 3).month();
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You can set: millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year.

datetime().add(3, 'day').add(1, 'hour');
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Align (Start From)

You can align date to: millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year, quarter, week, isoWeek.

datetime().align("year"); // Will alignment to 1st Jan of year
datetime().align("month"); // Will alignment to 1st day of month
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datetime("2020").older("2021"); // return true
datetime("2020").younger("1972"); // return true
datetime("2020").between("2019", "2021"); // return true
datetime("2020-21-12").diff("1972-21-12"); // return {day: 17532, hour: 420768, millisecond: 1514764800000, minute: 25246080, month: 576, second: 1514764800, year: 48}
datetime("2020-21-12").distance("1972-21-12", "year"); // return 48
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You can get different additional information about your date: count days in month, count days in year, number of quarter, year is leap, ...

datetime("2020-12-21").dayOfYear(); // return 356
datetime("2020-02-01").daysInMonth(); // return 29
datetime("2020-02-01").quarter(); // return 1
datetime("2020").isLeapYear(); // return true
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Datetime has great support for internationalization. By default, Datetime includes only english locale.
You can include many others:


<script src="datetime.js"></script>
<script src="i18n/ru.js"></script>
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For NodeJS or use with Webpack or modern JS

import "@olton/datetime";
import "@olton/i18n/ru";
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With locales:

Datetime.fromString("16 Ноября 1961 15:24", "dd mm %y h:i", "ru");
datetime().useLocale('ru').format("DD MMM YYYY"); // 03 Дек 2020
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You can create plugin and register it with functions Datetime.use() and Datetime.useStatic():

Create plugin

(function(global) {
    'use strict';

        prototypeTest: function(val){
            return 0 === val || val ? val : "test";

        staticTest: function(val){
            return 0 === val || val ? val : "static test";
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Include a plugin into page after datetime.js:

<script sec="datetime.js"></script>
<script sec="plugin.js"></script>
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And now use plugin:

<!-- Prototype methods -->

<!-- static methods  -->
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Datetime is licensed under an MIT license.

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