second person

Fran Tufro - May 1 - - Dev Community

There is a maxim when one starts writing: do not use the second person.

I have heard this many times, and it is clear that there is a literary tradition that favors the first and third person.

However, interactive narrative as we know it today has as its great-grandmother the collective narrative of tabletop role-playing games, where the second person is mainly used.

You are in this situation; what do you do about it?

I’m not saying that all narrative games have to be in the second person.

But it is an immersion tool that the traditional writer often ignores.

You have a new tool,

What are you going to do with it?

PS: It’s the first of May, Labor Day, so I sat down to write a bit. In recent months, my ADHD has gotten the best of me, and I committed to many very big things. Now I’m trying to distribute my efforts a little better. Hope I can handle it 🐌. I created anow pageon my blog and a reminder to update it to make sure I follow through.

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