The Role of CDN in Enhancing Website Performance and Reliability.

Joshua - Oct 9 - - Dev Community

In a fast-growing internet society, where we have users all around the world but don’t have enough servers all around the world, the experience that users have due to this dynamic is different for everyone due to which location is nearest to the server and this affects the speed of the website or the website performance, but with the help of CDN, we can have a better website performance.

In this article, we will have an understanding of CDN and the role it plays in enhancing website performance.

What is a CDN
Types of CDN
Choosing the right CDN
The Role of CDN in Improving Website Performance

What is a CDN

CDN, which is known as “Content Delivery Network” which was introduced in the late 90’s, accelerates internet content delivery. For example, you have a website and its server is hosted in Washington, and you have users all around the world who make requests to your website every day, the amount of time it will take for the request and response to occur which is measured in milliseconds will be different for each cities or countries. The closer the city is to the server, the quicker the response and the farther the city is from the server, the longer the response which means the website will be slower for certain persons in farther locations from Washington.

That is where CDN comes into play, by increasing the speed of a website, which is by reducing the distance between the user and the server providing the response or content. These CDN endpoints are placed in as many locations around the world as possible where our users are located. So, when a user outside of Washington tries to access your website, its content is first retrieved by the content delivery network (CDN) and then distributed glocally, resulting in faster delivery which leads to better website performance.

At a fundamental level, CDN brings content to the user and this improves the performance of a website.

Types of CDN

There are two main types of CDN:

  • CDN Push: This type requires the website owner to push content to a CDN server. For example, a video or image uploaded to a CDN server for quick distribution to users.

  • CDN Fetch: In this approach, the CDN server fetches the content from the original server when the user requests it. This is useful when content is updated frequently because the CDN server will have the latest version.

Other CDN types include traditional CDN, Cloud-based CDN, peer-to-peer CDN and Hybrid CDN.

Choosing the right CDN

Choosing the right CDN is important for any business owner who wants to improve their Website performance. Factors to consider in choosing the right CDN for your website include:

  1. Knowing Your Needs.
  • Traffic Size: This is how much traffic your website generates. This is a key aspect to consider because the CDN will help to manage spikes in website traffic.

  • Geographic Regions: Be aware of where your visitors are. A CDN with worldwide servers can reach more international users at greater speeds.

  1. Security.
  • DDoS Mitigation: Choose a CDN with strong DDoS (Distributed denial of service) protection that will effectively block cyber attacks.

  • SSL Support: The CDN should be able to provide secure delivery of content with support for SSL certificates.

  1. Integration and Compatibility.
  • Platform Compatibility: Ensure the CDN is compatible with your existing CMS (content management system) among other technologies.

  • Ease of Setup: It would be nice if the CDN was easy to set up, and the processes were documented.

  1. Cost Considerations.
  • Pricing Model: Ascertain the pricing methodology, which could be pay-as-you-go, or flat rate amongst others, and align it to your budget.

  • Hidden Costs: Be prepared to incur additional costs that will emerge from bandwidth, storage, and other value-added services.

  1. Support and Reliability.
  • Customer Support: Evaluate the level of customer support, such as its reachability and response time.

  • Uptime Guarantee: Look out for a CDN offering a good uptime guarantee (preferably above 99.9%) to rely on the service.

The Role of CDN in Improving Website Performance

CDN helps to improve website performance in the following ways:

  1. Reduced latency: Since CDN hosts content on multiple servers distributed across different geographical locations when a user calls for a web page, the CDN will serve it from the user's geographical location or close to the user's geographical location. This reduces the travel time for data.

  2. Load Balancing: CDN facilitates the distribution of load traffic between different servers. This handles heavy volumes without slowing down the network and keeps it responsive because no server is overwhelmed with incoming requests or traffic.

  3. Improved security: Many of the CDNs provide DDoS protection and securely deliver content. This would prevent any attacks from slowing down or minimizing your website. A CDN manages malicious traffic to maintain performance.

  4. Caching: The CDN stores content that is static (images, stylesheet, scripts) on their servers, which means subsequent requests for the same content can be served more quickly from the cache rather than from the originating server which reduces its load.

  5. Dynamic Content Acceleration: While static content gets frequently cached, several other optimization techniques such as route optimization and dynamic site acceleration have also been enabled in CDNs for performance acceleration of dynamic content. Ensuring that each content loads quicker as well.

  6. Increased Reliability: With multiple servers, when one server goes down, the other can keep sending content. This improves the reliability and uptime of the website.


In a modern world like ours which keeps developing every day, the User experience and speed of a website mean a lot to everyone, and the role CDN played in ensuring a great website experience cannot be downplayed. As your business continues to grow and expands its reach, choosing the right CDN becomes an important component toward ensuring a fast, secure and seamless web experience.

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