Understanding Pointers in Go

Oyedele Temitope - Jan 21 - - Dev Community

Pointers are a fundamental concept in programming languages. They play a vital role in memory management and data manipulation. In Go pointers can be crucial for writing efficient and performant code. In this article, we’ll take a look at pointers in Go, covering all that you need to know about them.

What are pointers?

In simple terms, a pointer is a variable that holds the memory address of another variable. Instead of storing the actual value, a pointer allows indirect access to the data by referencing its memory location. In Go, the syntax for declaring a pointer involves using the * symbol, and the & symbol is employed to obtain the memory address of a variable.

Let's start with a basic code example to help illustrate them perfectly:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var x int = 42
    var ptr *int  // Declare a pointer to an integer

    ptr = &x      // Assign the address of x to the pointer

    fmt.Println("Value of x:", x)
    fmt.Println("Address of x:", &x)
    fmt.Println("Value stored at the pointer:", *ptr) // Dereference the pointer to get the value
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In the code above, ptr is declared as a pointer to an integer (*int). The & operator retrieves the memory address of the variable x, which is then assigned to the pointer ptr. The * operator is used to dereference the pointer, allowing access to the value stored at the referenced memory address.

Our result:


Pointers and Function Arguments

One of the primary use cases for pointers in Go is passing data by reference to functions. When a variable is passed to a function, a copy of the variable is created. However, for large data structures, this can result in performance overhead. Pointers enable functions to work directly with the original data, avoiding unnecessary duplication.

For example:

package main

import "fmt"

func modifyValue(ptr *int) {
    *ptr = 100

func main() {
    var x int = 42

    fmt.Println("Before modification:", x)
    fmt.Println("After modification:", x)
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In the code above, the modifyValue function takes a pointer to an integer as its argument. By passing the address of the variable x using &x, the function can directly update the original value. This approach is particularly beneficial when working with functions that need to modify the state of variables outside their scope.

Pointers and Data Structures

The real power of pointers in Go becomes evident when dealing with complex data structures, such as structs. Let's explore how pointers can be employed with a Person struct:

package main

import "fmt"

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

func main() {
    p := Person{Name: "John", Age: 30}
    fmt.Println("Before modification:", p)


    fmt.Println("After modification:", p)

func modifyPerson(ptr *Person) {
    ptr.Age = 31
    ptr.Name = "John Doe"
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In the code above, the modifyPerson function takes a pointer to a Person struct. By using a pointer, the function can directly update the fields of the original Person variable. This is particularly useful when dealing with large and complex data structures, as it eliminates the need to pass around copies of the entire structure.

Types of Pointers in Go

In Go, pointers can be categorized based on the type of data they point to. Let's delve into the various types of pointers in Go and how they are utilized.

1. Pointer to Basic Types

The most straightforward type of pointer is a pointer to a basic data type, such as an integer or a float. In the earlier examples, we've seen a pointer to an integer (*int). This type of pointer allows for direct manipulation of basic data types in memory.

   package main

   import "fmt"

   func main() {
       var x int = 42
       var ptr *int  // Pointer to an integer

       ptr = &x      // Assign the address of x to the pointer

       fmt.Println("Value of x:", x)
       fmt.Println("Address of x:", &x)
       fmt.Println("Value stored at the pointer:", *ptr) // Dereference the pointer to get the value
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2. Pointer to Structs

Pointers become especially powerful when working with complex data structures like structs. A pointer to a struct allows efficient modification of the fields within the struct.

   package main

   import "fmt"

   type Person struct {
       Name string
       Age  int

   func main() {
       p := Person{Name: "John", Age: 30}
       fmt.Println("Before modification:", p)


       fmt.Println("After modification:", p)

   func modifyPerson(ptr *Person) {
       ptr.Age = 31
       ptr.Name = "John Doe"
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In the code above, the modifyPerson function takes a pointer to a Person struct, allowing it to directly modify the fields of the original Person variable.

3. Pointer to Arrays

Pointers can also be used with arrays, enabling efficient traversal and modification of array elements.

   package main

   import "fmt"

   func main() {
       numbers := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
       var ptr *[3]int  // Pointer to an array of integers

       ptr = &numbers   // Assign the address of the array to the pointer

       fmt.Println("Original array:", numbers)
       fmt.Println("Modified array through pointer:", modifyArray(ptr))

   func modifyArray(ptr *[3]int) [3]int {
       // Modify the array through the pointer
       ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2] = 10, 20, 30
       return *ptr
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Here, the modifyArray function takes a pointer to an array of integers and modifies the values in the array directly through the pointer.

4. Pointer to Slices and Maps

While slices and maps are reference types in Go, pointers can still be utilized to share and modify underlying data structures efficiently.

   package main

   import "fmt"

   func main() {
       // Using a pointer to a slice
       numbers := []int{1, 2, 3}
       var slicePtr *[]int = &numbers

       // Using a pointer to a map
       person := map[string]string{"name": "Alice", "age": "25"}
       var mapPtr *map[string]string = &person

       fmt.Println("Original slice:", numbers)
       fmt.Println("Modified slice through pointer:", modifySlice(slicePtr))
       fmt.Println("Original map:", person)
       fmt.Println("Modified map through pointer:", modifyMap(mapPtr))

     func modifySlice(ptr *[]int) []int {
       // Modify the slice through the pointer
       (*ptr)[0], (*ptr)[1], (*ptr)[2] = 10, 20, 30
       return *ptr

   func modifyMap(ptr *map[string]string) map[string]string {
       // Modify the map through the pointer
       (*ptr)["name"] = "Bob"
       (*ptr)["age"] = "30"
       return *ptr
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In this example, pointers to slices and maps are utilized to modify the underlying data structures efficiently.

5. Pointer to Functions

Go supports pointers to functions, allowing for dynamic function invocation. This feature is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to change the behavior of a function at runtime.

   package main

   import "fmt"

   func main() {
       add := func(a, b int) int {
           return a + b

       subtract := func(a, b int) int {
           return a - b

       var operation func(int, int) int
       operation = add

       fmt.Println("Result of addition:", performOperation(operation, 5, 3))

       operation = subtract

       fmt.Println("Result of subtraction:", performOperation(operation, 5, 3))

   func performOperation(op func(int, int) int, a, b int) int {
       return op(a, b)
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In this example, a pointer to a function (operation) is assigned dynamically to different functions, allowing for flexible behavior at runtime.

Types of Pointers and Memory Management

Effective memory management is a critical aspect of programming, and pointers in Go play a key role in this process. Go relies on its garbage collector to automatically manage memory, simplifying memory management for developers. However, developers can still employ strategies and best practices to ensure memory efficienccy and avoid common pitfalls. Some of which are:

Memory Allocation with new and make

In Go, memory can be allocated using the new and make built-in functions. The new function allocates memory for a given type and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. On the other hand, the make function is used for memory allocation of slices, maps, and channels, initializing them with appropriate defaults.

Let's examine how new is used to allocate memory for an integer:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Allocate memory for an integer using new
    ptr := new(int)

    // Assign a value to the allocated memory
    *ptr = 42

    fmt.Println("Value stored at the pointer:", *ptr)
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In this example, ptr is a pointer to an integer, and the new function allocates memory for an integer and returns the pointer to that memory.

Memory Deallocation with Garbage Collection

Unlike languages like C or C++, Go does not have an explicit free function to deallocate memory. Instead, Go relies on its garbage collector to automatically manage memory. The garbage collector identifies and reclaims memory that is no longer in use, preventing memory leaks and simplifying memory management for developers.

Developers are encouraged to let Go's garbage collector handle memory cleanup, and explicit deallocation is rarely necessary. This approach simplifies code and reduces the risk of memory-related bugs.

Best Practices for Using Pointers in Go

While pointers in Go offer flexibility and power, they also introduce certain complexities that developers need to manage. Below are some best practices to ensure effective and safe use of pointers in your Go programs:

1. Avoid Unnecessary Pointers

Only use pointers when necessary. If a variable doesn't need to be passed by reference or if you don't require direct manipulation of its memory address, consider using the variable itself rather than a pointer.

2. Check for Nil Pointers

Before dereferencing a pointer, check if it is nil to avoid runtime errors. Attempting to access the value at a nil pointer can lead to a panic in Go, which should be avoided through proper nil-checking.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var ptr *int

    if ptr != nil {
        fmt.Println("Value stored at the pointer:", *ptr)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Pointer is nil, not pointing to any memory address.")
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Utilizing nil pointers helps to avoid unintended behavior and adds a layer of safety to Go programs.

3. Use Pointers with Data Structures Carefully

When using pointers with data structures, be mindful of ownership and lifetime. If a pointer to a struct or array is used outside its intended scope, it can lead to unexpected behavior and bugs.

4. Leverage Pointers for Performance Optimization

Pointers can be powerful tools for performance optimization, especially when dealing with large data structures. By using pointers, you can avoid unnecessary copying of data and achieve more efficient memory utilization.

5. Be Wary of Pointer Arithmetic (or Lack Thereof)

Go intentionally does not support pointer arithmetic, unlike some other languages such as C or C++. This design decision enhances safety and reduces the chances of bugs related to memory manipulation. While pointer arithmetic can provide fine-grained control over memory, it also poses a higher risk of errors and security vulnerabilities.


Understanding pointers in Go is crucial for writing efficient and maintainable code. Pointers allow for direct manipulation of memory addresses, which can significantly improve performance when dealing with large data structures. However, they also introduce complexities that need to be managed carefully to avoid common pitfalls related to memory management. As always, happy coding!

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