React Code Review Essentials: A Detailed Checklist for Developers

padmajothi Athimoolam - Sep 9 - - Dev Community

1. Overview

-README: Ensure the project has a Readme file with instructions on how to run locally and other useful information.

-Error-Free code: Verify that the code runs without errors.
-Functionality: Confirm that the application looks good on mobile devices.
-Responsiveness: Check if the application looks good on mobile devices
-Linting: Verify if the codebase uses eslint.
-.gitignore: Ensure no dist files, editor/IDE files are checked in.

Tip: The Toptal Gitignore generator helps you create customized .gitignore files to exclude unnecessary or sensitive files from being tracked by Git based on your project's technology stack.

2. Testing

  • Unit tests: Confirm there are unit tests for crucial parts of the codebase.

3. Naming:

  • Consistency: Ensure filenames, variables, functions, and modules have consistent casing and descriptive names.

4. Code quality:

  • Code duplication: Look for blocks of code that can refactored to reduce duplication.
  • Simplify code: Simplify overly complex code.
  • Unused code: Remove unused or unreachable code.
  • Commented-out code: Delete commented-out code
  • Console Logs: Remove console.log statements unless necessary.
  • Comments: Remove unnecessary comments that describe "how" and add comments where needed that describe "why".

5. ES6+ features

  • Spread operator: Utilize the spread operator where applicable. -** Destructuring**: use destructuring for arrays and objects.
  • Var or Let/Const: Replace var with let or const
  • Arrow functions: Use arrow functions consistently.
  • Lodash/ES6: Ensure consistency in using lodash, ES6 or older Javascript for data transformation.

6. React Best practices:

  • Minimize Render logic: Move logic out of render method into helper methods, container components, or Redux actions.
  • Side effects: Move code with side effects( eg. ajax calls) out of render methods.
  • Components size: split up larger components to reduce duplication and adhere to the single responsibility principle.
  • Destructuring Props: Destructure props in Es6 components.
  • Functional components: Use functional components for stateless components
  • Immutable Props: Ensure props are not modified within components.

7. Redux:

  • State Mutations: Verify the reducers do not mutate the state.

8. Component Design:

  • Component size: Keep components small and break them down into child components if necessary.
  • JSX size: Ensure JSX markup is no more than 50 lines,
  • Function comments - Add comments describing what each function does.
  • Linter errors: Ensure code id free of linter errors.
  • React warnings: Resolve any react warnings, such and missing key props in array.
  • DRY principle: Avoid repeating code, ensure code is reusable.
  • Code Pattens: Adhere to existing code patterns and naming conventions
  • Usused props: Remove any unused props
  • Styling: Prefer using common styling files over inline styles.
  • Constants and Enums: Avoid hardcoded values. Use constants and group similar values under Enum.
  • Interfaces and Types: Ensure proper use of interfaces and types, Extending them where required.

9. API and Async Handling"

  • Service Layer: create a service layer for API calls.
  • promises/Async/Await: Use Promises or async/await for asynchronous operations and handle API rejections.
  • Avoid infinite call inside loops.
  • Exception Handling: Implement proper exception handling and resource cleanup.
  • Timers: Unregister timers in clean-up effects if registered during mounting.

10. Additional considerations:

  • Image Alt Text: Ensure all images have appropriate alt attributes.
  • Git commit messages: Use small and understandable commit messages.
  • NPM package: Check for new npm packages and avoid functionality duplicates.
  • Imports: Ensure imports to avoid bundling unused library parts.
  • Translations: Verify that new text areas are translated if translations are used.
  • Typescript: Fix any missing or invalid types, avoid any types unless necessary.
  • Boolean naming: Use prefixes like is/are/should for boolean variables.
  • Function names: Ensure functions declare their purpose clearly and name them according to their action.
  • Hardcoded values: Avoid hardcoded names, paths and values.
  • Backward compatibility: Ensure backward compatibility in props and method parameters.
  • Form Validation: Check for form validation and proper handling of errors.
  • Async Methods: Optimize async methods for parallel execution where possible.

Use this checklist as a guide to review and improve React code ensuring high-quality, maintainable, and performant applications.

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