Implement React v18 from Scratch Using WASM and Rust - [5] Implementation of Complete Work Phase of Render Process

ayou - Apr 19 - - Dev Community

Based on big-react,I am going to implement React v18 core features from scratch using WASM and Rust.

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The tag related to this article:v5

The previous article implemented the "begin work" phase in the Render process, and this article will cover the implementation of the "complete work" phase.

For more information about the Render process, you can refer to React 技术揭秘 or React 源码解读之首次渲染流程(含例子)。.

Since this is an imitation, the code will not be repeated. You can see the comparison between the two versions here. Below, we'll explain some specific details.

  • completeWork

CompleteWork is still defined as a struct that contains the host_config property:

pub struct CompleteWork {
    pub host_config: Rc<dyn HostConfig>,
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And it also serves as a property of WorkLoop, being initialized along with the WorkLoop instance during initialization:

pub struct WorkLoop {
    work_in_progress: Option<Rc<RefCell<FiberNode>>>,
    complete_work: CompleteWork,
impl WorkLoop {
    pub fn new(host_config: Rc<dyn HostConfig>) -> Self {
        Self {
            work_in_progress: None,
            complete_work: CompleteWork::new(host_config),
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  • Modify the implementation of HostConfig in react-dom

The original create_text_instance and create_instance functions return Text and Element respectively (although they are ultimately returned as dyn Any). However, it becomes cumbersome when trying to downcast them back in append_initial_child because child can be either Text or Element, requiring two attempts. Therefore, for convenience, they are unified to return Node.

fn create_text_instance(&self, content: String) -> Rc<dyn Any> {

fn create_instance(&self, _type: String) -> Rc<dyn Any> {
  match document.create_element(_type.as_ref()) {
      Ok(element) => {
      Err(_) => todo!(),

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This way, in append_initial_child, we only need to downcast it to Node:

fn append_initial_child(&self, parent: Rc<dyn Any>, child: Rc<dyn Any>) {
  let p = parent.clone().downcast::<Node>().unwrap();
  let c = child.clone().downcast::<Node>().unwrap();
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  • There are some seemingly redundant {} code blocks in the code to address certain ownership restrictions in Rust. This is because Rust enforces the rule that "we cannot have both an active mutable borrow and an active immutable borrow in the same scope." For example, the following example would result in a already borrowed: BorrowMutError error:
use std::cell::RefCell;

fn main() {
    let data = RefCell::new(5);

    let b1 = data.borrow();
    let b2 = data.borrow_mut();

    println!("{}", b1);
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Making the following changes resolves the issue:

use std::cell::RefCell;

fn main() {
    let data = RefCell::new(5);
      let b1 = data.borrow();
      let b2 = data.borrow_mut();
    println!("{}", data.borrow());
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The reason is that now the borrowing scope of b1 and b2 is limited to the {} block.

For those who are not familiar with the latest versions of React, they may wonder why the Render phase does not generate an Effect List. The reason is that, in order to support Suspense, React removed the Effect List in version v16.14.0 and replaced it with subtreeFlags to mark whether there are side effects in the subtree. For more information, you can refer to this article.

To validate the correctness of the code in the complete work phase, we add some debugging information about flags in the fmt method of FiberRootNode.

WorkTag::HostRoot => {
    write!(f, "{:?}(subtreeFlags:{:?})", WorkTag::HostRoot, current_ref.subtree_flags);
WorkTag::HostComponent => {
    let current_borrowed = current.borrow();
        "{:?}(flags:{:?}, subtreeFlags:{:?})",
WorkTag::HostText => {
    let current_borrowed = current.borrow();

        "{:?}(state_node:{:?}, flags:{:?})",
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Rebuild and install the dependencies, then run the hello world project.

import {createRoot} from 'react-dom'

const comp = (
      <span>Hello World</span>
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'))
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You can see the following results:

Image description

The rendering process concludes here for now, and the content will be modified when other functionalities are added. In the next article, we will implement the commit process.

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